Sniffles parses HTML pages and searches for common patterns suggesting a page is using a popular CMS or advertising platform as well as CSS and JS libraries.
The master branch is continuously tested against Rubies 1.9.3, 2.0.0, 2.1.0 thanks to the fantastic Travis-CI.
Current CI status:
What is a sniffer?
This library uses the term sniffer to refer to a pattern that determines where a page is using a particular platform or library. A sniffer may also include methods to extract other metadata once a platform or library has been identified.
Work in progress!
Sniffles should be considered a work in progress. Many of the matching patterns are little more than regular expressions matching commonly found "Powered by" text.
If you find a bug or want to add a feature to a sniffer, open an issue! The URL of an example page that Sniffles misidentifies is help. Pull requests are, of course, greatly appreciated.
gem install sniffles
gem 'sniffles'
require 'sniffles'
require 'typhoeus'
response = Typhoeus::Request.get("")
You can pass in a single sniffer:
Sniffles.sniff(response.body, :google_analytics)
Or multiple sniffers:
Sniffles.sniff(response.body, :google_analytics, :kissmetrics)
Or an entire group of sniffers:
Sniffles.sniff(response.body, :analytics)
Sniffers (HEAD)
Here are a list of currently implemented sniffers, grouped by category. You can see a list of unimplemented sniffers by filtering issues by "sniffer".
- AdSense
- BuySellAds
- Casale
- Kontera
- TheDeck
- TribalFusion
- ChartBeat
- Clicky
- Google Analytics
- Facebook Insights
- KISSMetrics
- MixPanel
- Piwik
- Quantcast
- BigCommerce
- Blogger
- CS-Cart
- Drupal
- FlatPress
- Invision
- Joomla
- Magento
- MovableType
- MyBB
- osCommerce
- phpBB
- Posterous
- PrestaShop
- Shopify
- Sitefinity
- Tumblr
- TypePad
- Vanilla
- vBulletin
- WordPress
- Xcart
- XenForo
- ZenCart
For a complete list see github.
Special Thanks