h1. About
Disclaimer: This library is still work in progress.
(It is coming together though)
SockJS is WebSocket emulation library. It means that you use the WebSocket API,
only instead of @WebSocket@ class you instantiate @SockJS@ class. I highly
recommend to read "SockJS: WebSocket
on the RabbitMQ blog for more info.
h2. Prerequisites
Even though this library uses Rack interface, Thin is required as "it
supports asynchronous
For Websockets, we use
h2. The Client-Side Part
For the client-side part you have to use JS library
"sockjs-client":http://sockjs.github.com/sockjs-client which provides
WebSocket-like API. Here's an example:
h2. The Server-Side Part
Now in order to have someone to talk to, we need to run a server. That's exactly what is sockjs-ruby good for:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
require "rack"
require "rack/sockjs"
require "eventmachine"
# Your custom app.
class MyHelloWorld
def call(env)
body = "This is the app, not SockJS."
headers = {
"Content-Type" => "text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
"Content-Length" => body.bytesize.to_s
[200, headers, [body]]
app = Rack::Builder.new do
# Run one SockJS app on /echo.
use SockJS, "/echo" do |connection|
connection.subscribe do |session, message|
# ... and the other one on /close.
use SockJS, "/close" do |connection|
connection.session_open do |session|
session.close(3000, "Go away!")
# This app will run on other URLs than /echo and /close,
# as these has already been assigned to SockJS.
run MyHelloWorld.new
EM.run do
thin = Rack::Handler.get("thin")
thin.run(app.to_app, Port: 8081)
For more complex example check "examples/sockjs_apps_for_sockjs_protocol_tests.rb":https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-ruby/blob/master/examples/sockjs_apps_for_sockjs_protocol_tests.rb
h2. SockJS Family
h1. Development
Get "sockjs-protocol":https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-protocol (installation information are in its README) and run @rake protocol_test@. Now you can run the tests against it, for instance:
# Run all the tests.
./venv/bin/python sockjs-protocol-0.2.1.py
# Run all the tests defined in XhrStreaming.
./venv/bin/python sockjs-protocol-0.2.1.py XhrStreaming
# Run only XhrStreaming.test_transport test.
./venv/bin/python sockjs-protocol-0.2.1.py XhrStreaming.test_transport
h1. Links
h1. Contributors
- Judson Lester ( @nyarly )
- Kacper Kawecki ( @kacperk )