SpeakerText Gem
A gem to automate transcription of audio and video media using the SpeakerText service
and SpeakerText API.
Audio and video media hosted on the Internet are not well indexed by search engines and thus not easily
searchable. For a fee, the SpeakerText.com service produces text transcripts of audio and video content that
is available on the Internet (on a private website or a media hosting service such as YouTube). These text
transcripts can be used to augment media, thus making them searchable and indexed by search engines. Using
the SpeakerText video player, the trascripts can also be used as subtitles increasing access of audio and
video media to hearing impared individuals.
Usage Examples
gem install speaker_text_api
Initialize the API with a key
require 'speaker_text_api'
st = SpeakerTextApi.new(your_api_key)
Submit a media file URL for transcription
success, transcript_id = st.transcribe(url: public_url_of_media_file)
Submit a media file hosted on a platform (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud)
success, transcript_id = st.transcribe(platform: 'youtube', id: youtube_video_id)
Check the status of the transcription process
success, status = st.transcript_status(id: transcript_id)
Request the completed transcripts
success, content = st.transcript(id: transcript_id)