This is a layout gem intended as a backdrop for developing rails applications quickly. Its intention is to speed initial development, removing the need for (hopefully) any intensive front-end development until the app is functional (i.e. near completion). It provides the common tools CrankApps typically uses for front-end development.
This gem is designed with both web-sites and web-apps in mind. A few minor changes can convert one into the other. See the bottom of styles.scss for code to uncomment, as well as home.coffee.
There is a link in the footer ("How") to a page that contains many examples of the implementation of the various tools and plugins.
This project uses MIT-LICENSE.
In your Gemfile:
gem 'speedo'
Then run:
bundle install
rails generate speedo:install
This will generate:
- app/views/layouts/application.html.haml
- app/assets/stylesheets/speedo/speedo.css.scss and it's siblings
- app/assets/javascripts/swim.js.coffee
- config/locales/speedo.en.yml
It will also add Speedo to your application.css and application.js files.
Inventory of plugins and gems:
- Haml
- Haml-rails
- Bootstrap-sass (and compass)
- Formtastic
jQuery Plugins
- jQuery-UI
- jQuery.autogrow
- jQuery.autoSuggest
- jQuery.dataTables
- jQuery.easing
- jQuery.fancybox
- jQuery.livequery
- jQuery.mousewheel
- jQuery.placeholder
- jQuery.uniform
Other Plugins