= Ruby library for NISO STS and ISOSTS
== Purpose
The sts
Ruby gem allows you to work with NISO STS (0.2+) and ISOSTS documents.
NOTE: This is a work-in-progress.
This library now parses the reference
https://www.iso.org/schema/nisosts/v0.2/doc/tbx/examples/tbx-examples.html[TBX-ISO-TML version 1.1 sample file]
in the NISO STS format (tbx-nisosts-0.2.xml
== Library
=== Usage
The following code parses a NISO STS XML document.
require 'sts'
doc = IO.read('spec/fixtures/tbx-nisosts-0.2.xml')
sts = Sts::NisoSts::Standard.from_xml(doc)
puts sts.to_xml(pretty: true)
=> STS file round-tripped
== Credits
This gem is developed, maintained and funded by
https://www.ribose.com[Ribose Inc.]
== License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the
https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause[2-Clause BSD License].