== This is a TelVue Corp fork of the rsolr gem
}[https://travis-ci.org/rsolr/rsolr] {
A simple, extensible Ruby client for Apache Solr.
The code docs http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/rsolr
== Installation:
gem install telvue-rsolr
== Example:
require 'rsolr'
Direct connection
solr = RSolr.connect :url => 'http://solrserver.com'
Connecting over a proxy server
solr = RSolr.connect :url => 'http://solrserver.com', :proxy=>'http://user:pass@proxy.example.com:8080'
Using an alternate Faraday adapter
solr = RSolr.connect :url => 'http://solrserver.com', :adapter => :em_http
Using a custom Faraday connection
conn = Faraday.new do |faraday|
faraday.response :logger # log requests to STDOUT
faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter # make requests with Net::HTTP
solr = RSolr.connect conn, :url => 'http://solrserver.com'
send a request to /select
response = solr.get 'select', :params => {:q => ':'}
send a request to /catalog
response = solr.get 'catalog', :params => {:q => ':'}
When the Solr +:wt+ is +:ruby+, then the response will be a Hash. This Hash is the same object returned by Solr, but evaluated as Ruby. If the +:wt+ is not +:ruby+, then the response will be a String.
The response also exposes 2 attribute readers (for any +:wt+ value), +:request+ and +:response+. Both are Hash objects with symbolized keys.
The +:request+ attribute contains the original request context. You can use this for debugging or logging. Some of the keys this object contains are +:uri+, +:query+, +:method+ etc..
The +:response+ attribute contains the original response. This object contains the +:status+, +:body+ and +:headers+ keys.
== Request formats
By default, RSolr uses the Solr JSON command format for all requests.
RSolr.connect :url => 'http://solrserver.com', update_format: :json # the default
RSolr.connect :url => 'http://solrserver.com', update_format: :xml
== Timeouts
The read and connect timeout settings can be set when creating a new instance of RSolr:
solr = RSolr.connect(:read_timeout => 120, :open_timeout => 120)
== Retry 503s
A 503 is usually a temporary error which RSolr may retry if requested. You may specify the number of retry attempts with the +:retry_503+ option.
Only requests which specify a Retry-After header will be retried, after waiting the indicated retry interval, otherwise RSolr will treat the request as a 500. You may specify a maximum Retry-After interval to wait with the +:retry_after_limit+ option (default: one second).
solr = RSolr.connect(:retry_503 => 1, :retry_after_limit => 1)
For additional control, consider using a custom Faraday connection (see above) using its retry
== Querying
Use the #get / #post method to send search requests to the /select handler:
response = solr.get 'select', :params => {
response["response"]["docs"].each{|doc| puts doc["id"] }
The +:params+ sent into the method are sent to Solr as-is, which is to say they are converted to Solr url style, but no special mapping is used.
When an array is used, multiple parameters with the same name are generated for the Solr query. Example:
solr.get 'select', :params => {:q=>'roses', :fq=>['red', 'violet']}
The above statement generates this Solr query:
To paginate through a set of Solr documents, use the paginate method:
solr.paginate 1, 10, "select", :params => {:q => "test"}
The first argument is the current page, the second is how many documents to return for each page. In other words, "page" is the "start" Solr param and "per-page" is the "rows" Solr param.
The paginate method returns WillPaginate ready "docs" objects, so for example in a Rails application, paginating is as simple as:
<%= will_paginate @solr_response["response"]["docs"] %>
===Method Missing
The +RSolr::Client+ class also uses +method_missing+ for setting the request handler/path:
solr.paintings :params => {:q=>'roses', :fq=>['red', 'violet']}
This is sent to Solr as:
This works with pagination as well:
solr.paginate_paintings 1, 10, {:q=>'roses', :fq=>['red', 'violet']}
===Using POST for Search Queries
There may be cases where the query string is too long for a GET request. RSolr solves this issue by converting hash objects into form-encoded strings:
response = solr.music :data => {:q => ":"}
The +:data+ hash is serialized as a form-encoded query string, and the correct content-type headers are sent along to Solr.
===Sending HEAD Requests
There may be cases where you'd like to send a HEAD request to Solr:
solr.head("admin/ping").response[:status] == 200
==Sending HTTP Headers
Solr responds to the request headers listed here: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrAndHTTPCaches
To send header information to Solr using RSolr, just use the +:headers+ option:
response = solr.head "admin/ping", :headers => {"Cache-Control" => "If-None-Match"}
===Building a Request
+RSolr::Client+ provides a method for building a request context, which can be useful for debugging or logging etc.:
request_context = solr.build_request "select", :data => {:q => ":"}, :method => :post, :headers => {}
To build a paginated request use build_paginated_request:
request_context = solr.build_paginated_request 1, 10, "select", ...
== Updating Solr
Updating is done using native Ruby objects. Hashes are used for single documents and arrays are used for a collection of documents (hashes). These objects get turned into simple XML "messages". Raw XML strings can also be used.
Single document via #add
solr.add :id=>1, :price=>1.00
Multiple documents via #add
documents = [{:id=>1, :price=>1.00}, {:id=>2, :price=>10.50}]
solr.add documents
The optional +:add_attributes+ hash can also be used to set Solr "add" document attributes:
solr.add documents, :add_attributes => {:commitWithin => 10}
Raw commands via #update
solr.update data: '', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml' }
solr.update data: { optimize: true }.to_json, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }
When adding, you can also supply "add" xml element attributes and/or a block for manipulating other "add" related elements (docs and fields) by calling the +xml+ method directly:
doc = {:id=>1, :price=>1.00}
add_attributes = {:allowDups=>false, :commitWithin=>10}
add_xml = solr.xml.add(doc, add_attributes) do |doc|
# boost each document
doc.attrs[:boost] = 1.5
# boost the price field:
doc.field_by_name(:price).attrs[:boost] = 2.0
Now the "add_xml" object can be sent to Solr like:
solr.update :data => add_xml
Delete by id
solr.delete_by_id 1
or an array of ids
solr.delete_by_id [1, 2, 3, 4]
Delete by query:
solr.delete_by_query 'price:1.00'
Delete by array of queries
solr.delete_by_query ['price:1.00', 'price:10.00']
===Commit / Optimize
solr.commit, :commit_attributes => {}
solr.optimize, :optimize_attributes => {}
== Response Formats
The default response format is Ruby. When the +:wt+ param is set to +:ruby+, the response is eval'd resulting in a Hash. You can get a raw response by setting the +:wt+ to +"ruby"+ - notice, the string -- not a symbol. RSolr will eval the Ruby string ONLY if the :wt value is :ruby. All other response formats are available as expected, +:wt=>'xml'+ etc..
===Evaluated Ruby:
solr.get 'select', :params => {:wt => :ruby} # notice :ruby is a Symbol
===Raw Ruby:
solr.get 'select', :params => {:wt => 'ruby'} # notice 'ruby' is a String
solr.get 'select', :params => {:wt => :xml}
===JSON (default):
solr.get 'select', :params => {:wt => :json}
==Related Resources & Projects
== Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history
(if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
- Nathan Witmer
- Magnus Bergmark
- shima
- Randy Souza
- Mat Brown
- Jeremy Hinegardner
- Denis Goeury
- shairon toledo
- Rob Di Marco
- Peter Kieltyka
- Mike Perham
- Lucas Souza
- Dmitry Lihachev
- Antoine Latter
- Naomi Dushay
Matt Mitchell mailto:goodieboy@gmail.com
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Matt Mitchell. See LICENSE for details.