h1. Test Rig
Test Rig provides two separate modules that work together.
Dynamic assertions are flexible xUnit style matchers called dynamically.
Smarter message supplements test failure messages with a several-line context
of the test failure.
This library works well with something like "Context":http://github.com/jeremymcanally/context or Shoulda.
h2. Installation
If necessary, install "Gemcutter":http://gemcutter.org.
sudo gem install gemcutter && sudo gem tumble
Install test-rig
sudo gem install test-rig
Add @require 'test_rig'@ to test_helper.rb, and @include TestRig@ into @Test::Unit:TestCase@.
If you only want dynamic assertions or smarter messages, @include TestRig::DynamicAssertions@
or @include TestRig::SmarterMessage@ instead of @TestRig@.
h2. Dynamic assertions
h3. Background & Philosophy
Rspec has never sat well for me. Object.method.should be_true style testing reads neat and is
really nicely like english. Here's the problem: What we are strictly saying in rspec is that
testing is the object's responsibility. It's like "hey, you! test yourself."
Testing is definitionally an external act. It is manipulating a system by its control points
(public api) and confirming that the behavior is as expected. Passing a "modal verb":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modal_verb
like "should" to the object in question does not describe this behavior.
From a more practical perspective, defining rspec behaviors is way too much of
a pain when we already have an easy way to define methods in ruby.
@Test::Unit@, particularly when combined with Context or Shoulda, is good
enough for most things. The only real issue is that you find yourself defining
a whole lot of helper methods, like @assert_new_record@, @assert_valid@, @assert_red@
Dynamic assertions fixes this. With the fantastic power of method missing,
assertions are generated on the fly.
One of the really nice things about Rspec is that every matcher automatically
gets an inverse (logical not) matcher. Dynamic assertions provides this as well.
h3. Example
Let's say we have class named @Entry@ that has a boolean @published?@ and a
boolean @saved?@ and a record @@foo@ that should be saved but not published.
Oh, and it should have a user, which we'll represent as the string @"joe"@
h4. Positive assertions
In Rspec: @@foo.should be_saved@
In Test::Unit: @assert @foo.saved?@
With Dynamic assertions: @assert_saved @foo@
h4. Negative assertions
In Rspec: @@foo.should_not be_published@
In Test::Unit: assert !@foo.published?
or, if you've defined @assert_false@, assert_false @foo.published
With Dynamic assertions: assert_not_published @foo
h4. Nil assertions
In Rspec: @@foo.something.should be_nil@
In Test::Unit: @assert_nil @foo.something@
With Dynamic assertions: @assert_no_something @foo@
h4. Positive equality assertions
In Rspec: @foo.user.should == "joe"
In Test::Unit: assert_equal "joe", @foo.user
With Dynamic assertions: assert_user "joe", @foo
h4. Negative equality assertions
In Rspec: @foo.user.should == "joe"
In Test::Unit: assert_not_equal "joe", @foo.user
With Dynamic assertions: assert_not_user "joe", @foo
h4. Everything else
assert @foo.user.include?('j')
assert_not @foo.user.include?('z')
h2. Smarter Message
My bane: "false did not equal true" -- What you really want to know is what
the variable names were or the method calls.
If we have the stack trace, we should be able to show you the exact test that
failed immediately. Smarter Message does exactly that.
h3. Example
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "test_helper")
require 'smarter_message'
class DemoTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include TestRig::SmarterMessage
test "demonstration" do
a = 'foo'
b = 'bar'
assert_equal a, b
1) Failure:
test demonstration(DemoTest) [./test/demo_test.rb:11]:
<"foo"> expected but was
./test/smarter_message_test.rb:11:in `test demonstration'
9: a = 'foo'
10: b = 'bar'
--> 11: assert_equal a, b
12: end
h3. Settings
@TestRig::SmarterMessage.context_lines = 2 #the default@
This defaults to two (yielding five lines; two context on each side + the actual line).
Set this in your test_helper.
If context_lines is zero, it will just print your failure line.