
Welcome to TookeUtils!
In this version, this toolkit allows the generation, validation and formating of CPF's and CNPJ's. For now, the use is exclusive to Brazil.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'tooke_utils'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install tooke_utils
Generate a valid CPF:
$ cpf = TookeUtils::CPF.generate # Generates a valid CPF like "267.573.018-14"
Check if 'cpf' is valid:
$ cpf = "267.573.018-14"
$ TookeUtils::CPF.is_valid? cpf # True
Apply a valid mask to cpf:
$ cpf = "26757301814"
$ TookeUtils::CPF.mask cpf # Results in "267.573.018-14"
Generate a valid CNPJ:
$ cnpj = TookeUtils::CNPJ.generate # Generates a valid CNPJ like "41.737.186/0001-43"
Check if 'cnpj' is valid:
$ cnpj = "41737186000143"
$ TookeUtils::CNPJ.is_valid? cnpj # True
Apply a valid mask to cnpj:
$ cnpj = "41737186000143"
$ TookeUtils::CNPJ.mask cnpj # Results in "41.737.186/0001-43"
Future Implementations
- ZipCode validation (Brazil)
- Get 'Address', 'City' and 'State' using ZipCode (WebService)
- GoogleMaps Integration (API)
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.