Toxtree README
(last revision - 22 Mar 2015)
This is the README file for the Toxtree installer distribution. If you're
reading this, you've probably just run our installer and installed the
Toxtree application on your system.
The present README file could be also accessed at "Start -> All Programs ->
Ideaconsult -> Toxtree-vX.YZ -> README").
* Introduction
* System Requirements & Installation
* Release Notes
* Bug Reports and Feedback
* Toxtree Documentation
* Redistribution
* Change Log
* To Do
Toxtree is a full-featured and flexible user-friendly open source
application, which is able to estimate toxic hazard by applying a decision
tree approach. Currently it includes the following plugins:
- Cramer rules (Cramer G. M., R. A. Ford, R. L. Hall, Estimation of Toxic
Hazard - A Decision Tree Approach, J. Cosmet. Toxicol., Vol.16, pp. 255
-276, Pergamon Press, 1978);
- Verhaar scheme for predicting toxicity mode of actions (Verhaar HJM, van
Leeuwen CJ and Hermens JLM (1992) Classifying environmental pollutants. 1.
Structure-activity relationships for prediction of aquatic toxicity.
Chemosphere 25, 471-491);
- A decision tree for estimating skin irritation and corrosion potential,
based on rules published in �The Skin Irritation Corrosion Rules Estimation
Tool (SICRET), John D. Walker, Ingrid Gerner, Etje Hulzebos, Kerstin
Schlegel, QSAR Comb. Sci. 2005, 24, pp. 378-384�;
- A decision tree for estimating eye irritation and corrosion potential,
based on rules published in �Assessment of the eye irritating properties of
chemicals by applying alternatives to the Draize rabbit eye test: the use
of QSARs and in vitro tests for the classification of eye irritation,
Ingrid Gerner, Manfred Liebsch & Horst Spielmann, Alternatives to
Laboratory Animals, 2005, 33, pp. 215-237�;
- A decision tree for estimating carcinogenicity and mutagenicity, based on
the rules published in the document: �The Benigni / Bossa rulebase for
mutagenicity and carcinogenicity � a module of Toxtree�, by R. Benigni, C.
Bossa, N. Jeliazkova, T. Netzeva, and A. Worth. European Commission report
EUR 23241 EN;
- START (Structural Alerts for Reactivity in Toxtree) biodegradation and
persistence plug-in is based on a compilation of structural alerts for
environmental persistence and biodegradability. These structural alerts are
molecular functional groups or substructures that are known to be linked to
the environmental persistence or biodegradability of chemicals. The
rulebase utilizes the structural alerts in logical decision trees. If one
or more the structural alerts embedded in the molecular structure of the
chemical are recognized, the system flags the potential persistence or
biodegradability of the chemical. Installation and user manuals available;
- Structure Alerts for the in vivo micronucleus assay in rodents, based on
the rules, published in the document �Development of structural alerts for
the in vivo micronucleus assay in rodents�, by Romualdo Benigni, Cecilia
Bossa, Olga Tcheremenskaia and Andrew Worth, European Commission report EUR
23844 EN;
- Cramer rules with extensions: This plug-in is a copy of the original
plug-in, plus minor extensions. Like the Cramer plug-in, this plug-in works
by assigning compounds to Class I, II, or III, according to the rules from
Cramer, and some extra ones. Several compounds were classified by Munro in
1996 as Class I or Class II compounds according to the Cramer rules, even
though Munro reported low NOEL values upon oral administration (indicating
relatively high toxicity). To overcome such misclassifications, five rules
have been introduced to capture the possible toxicity of these compounds;
- Structure Alerts for identification of Michael Acceptors: This plug-in
contains structural alerts, able to identify Michael Acceptors, as defined
in T. Wayne Schultz, Jason W. Yarbrough, Robert S. Hunter, Aynur O. Aptula
(2007) Verification of the Structural Alerts for Michael Acceptors. Chem.
Res. Toxicol. 20, 1359�1363;
- Skin sensitization alerts, as per Enoch SJ, Madden JC, Cronin MT,
Identification of mechanisms of toxic action for skin sensitisation using a
SMARTS pattern based approach, SAR QSAR Environ Res. 2008; 19(5-6):555-78;
- SMARTCyp - Cytochrome P450 - Mediated Metabolism, implementation of
Patrik Rydberg, David E. Gloriam, Jed Zaretzki, Curt Breneman, Lars Olsen,
SMARTCyp: A 2D Method for Prediction of Cytochrome P450-Mediated Drug
Metabolism, ACS Med. Chem. Lett., 2010, 1 (3), pp 96�100;
- Kroes TTC decision tree - Kroes, R., Renwick, A.G., Cheeseman, M.,
Kleiner, J., Mangelsdorf, I., Piersma, A., Schilter, B., Schlatter, J., van
Schothorst, F., Vos, J.G., Wurtzen, G. (2004). Structure based thresholds
of toxicological concern (TTC): guidance for application to substances
present at low levels in the diet. Food Chem. Toxicol. 42, 65�83;
- Modified Verhaar scheme for predicting toxicity mode of actions - rules
reordered, according to S.J. Enoch, M. Hewitt, M.T.D. Cronin, S. Azam, J.C.
Madden, Classification of chemicals according to mechanism of aquatic
toxicity: An evaluation of the implementation of the Verhaar scheme in
Toxtree, Chemosphere 73 (2008) 243-248;
- Structural Alerts for Functional Group Identification ISSFUNC (DOI:
10.2788/33281, Catalogue Number: LB-NA-24871-EN-N), Benigni R., O.
Tcheremenskaia, and A. Worth, Computational Characterisation of Chemicals
and Datasets in Terms of Organic Functional Groups - a New Toxtree
- Protein binding - S. J. Enoch, C. M. Ellison, T. W. Schultz & M. T. D.
Cronin, A review of the electrophilic reaction chemistry involved in
covalent protein binding relevant to toxicity, Critical Reviews in
Toxicology, 2011, 1-20;
- Structural alerts associated with covalent DNA binding. - S. J. Enoch and
M. T. D. Cronin, A review of the electrophilic reaction chemistry involved
in covalent DNA binding, Critical Reviews in Toxicology,2010;40(8):728-748;
- A decision tree for estimating in vitro mutagenicity (Ames test).
Benigni, R., Bossa C., Tcheremenskaia O. (2013) In vitro cell
transformation assays for an integrated, alternative assessment of
carcinogenicity: a data-based analysis. Mutagenesis 2013;28(1):107-16.
Toxtree could be applied to datasets from various compatible file types.
User-defined molecular structures are also supported - they could be
entered by SMILES, or by using the built-in 2D structure diagram editor.
The Toxtree application is suitable for a standalone PC. It has been
designed with flexible capabilities for future extensions in mind (e.g.
other classification schemes that could be developed at a future date). New
decision trees with arbitrary rules can be built with the help of graphical
user interface or by developing new plug-ins.
Toxtree requires Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition 1.7 or
newer on the target system and it is platform-independent. It runs under
any host operating system, which supports Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment,
Standard Edition.
The Toxtree application is distributed with a fully automated offline
installer (Toxtree-vX.Y.Z-setup.exe), compatible with recent versions of
the Microsoft Windows (NT, 2000, XP, 2003, 7, 2008) operating system. In
order to install Toxtree just run the installer and follow its
instructions. It contains all the required packages, including the Java(TM)
2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition 1.7 setup.
If the installer does not detect Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard
Edition 1.7 or newer on the target system, it will attempt to install it
before proceeding with the Toxtree setup. In this case, the user running
the installer SHOULD HAVE ADMINISTRATIVE PRIVILEGES on the target system
(otherwise the Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition setup would
be aborted and Toxtree would not be installed).
If the installer detects Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
1.7 or newer already installed on the target system, it will proceed
directly with the Toxtree setup. In this case, ADMINISTRATIVE PRIVILEGES
When the installer is launched by a user with administrative privileges, it
will create Toxtree start menu shortcuts for all the users registered in
the target system. Otherwise, start menu shortcuts will be created only for
the unprivileged user, who launched the installation.
After a successful installation, Toxtree could be launched from the Start
Menu ("Start -> All Programs -> Ideaconsult -> Toxtree-vX.Y.Z -> Toxtree
Each version of Toxtree could be uninstalled either by using the "Control
Panel -> Add or Remove Programs" or by clicking the "Uninstall" link
located in "Start -> All Programs -> Ideaconsult -> Toxtree-vX.Y.Z ->
Uninstall-Toxtree-vX.Y.Z". Any application files which may happen to be
locked during the uninstall procedure would be deleted after the next
reboot of the system. Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
would not be uninstalled by the Toxtree uninstaller. If needed, it could be
uninstalled via its own entry in "Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs".
Toxtree-v2.6.13 is a stable release with new features and bug fixes.
You should send any comments, inquiries, bug reports, feature requests and
other suggestions to Nina Jeliazkova <>
The complete Toxtree documentation is located in the "doc" application
Toxtree is distributed under the GNU General Public License (see
LICENSE.txt). It is freely distributable.
* Toxtree-v2.6.13 (build date 22 Mar 2015):
- updated to ambit-2.7.3;
- updated to Open Parser for Systematic IUPAC Nomenclature (OPSIN) 1.6.0;
- fixed remote query issue;
- added command line options for running Toxtree headless;
- included jre-7u75-windows-i586.exe in Windows installer;
- fixed Java version detection issue in the installer;
- updated manuals and README;
* Toxtree-v2.6.6 (build date 15 Jun 2014):
- updated to Open Parser for Systematic IUPAC Nomenclature (OPSIN) 1.5.0;
- updated to ambit-2.5.6;
- fixed plugin loading issue (was manifested only on Linux platforms);
- included jre-7u60-windows-i586.exe in Windows installer;
- updated README;
* Toxtree-v2.6.0 (build date 10 Jul 2013):
- updated to cdk 1.4.11;
- updated to Open Parser for Systematic IUPAC Nomenclature (OPSIN) 1.4.0;
- updated to ambit-2.4.12;
- renamed the Skin sensitisation alerts plugin to Skin sensitisation
reactivity domains;
- added In vitro mutagenicity (Ames test) alerts plugin (developed by
- added Structural alerts associated with covalent DNA binding plugin;
- fixed bug causing instability under Java 7;
- fixed bug in the Decision rules editor;
- fixed bug affecting substituents recognition in Carcinogenicity plugin;
- included jre-7u25-windows-i586.exe in Windows installer;
- updated manuals and README;
* Toxtree-v2.5.4 (build date 02 Apr 2012):
- added new plugin "Protein binding", which implements S. J. Enoch, C. M.
Ellison, T. W. Schultz & M. T. D. Cronin, A review of the electrophilic
reaction chemistry involved in covalent protein binding relevant to
toxicity, Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 2011, 1-20.
- updated CDK to v1.4.8;
- updated JChemPaint to v3.3.0;
- updated to jre-6u31-windows-i586;
- fixed bug 3493804 (Different results between 2.5.0 and earlier versions);
- fixed bug 3493431 (Cramer Rule 20 behaviour);
- fixed bug 3492853 (Some compounds not found in bodymol.sdf);
- fixed bug 3491753 (Non serializable exception in CYP450 module);
- fixed bug 3488950 (Cramer2 Q42 rule);
- fixed bug 3472325 (Micronucleus plugin SA34 rule);
- fixed bug 3431053 (Incorrect structure of protoheme in bodymol.sdf);
- fixed bug 3396489 (Name of the "skin sensitization alerts" plugin changed);
- fixed bug 3089700 (Cramer2 rule 4);
- fixed bug 3089699 (Cramer2 rule 40);
- updated installation and user manual;
- updated README.
* Toxtree-v2.5.1 (build date 03 Feb 2012):
- corrected Schiff base SMARTS;
- fixed ionic bonds matching;
- fixed explanation for RuleAliphaticWithSomeFuncGroups in Cramer rules and
Extended Cramer rules;
- fixed recognition of carbonyl in amide group, affecting Q18 and Q20 of
Cramer rules;
- included jre-6u30-windows-i586.exe in Windows installer;
- updated manuals and README;
* Toxtree-v2.5.0 (build date 05 Aug 2011):
- updated to cdk 1.3.8;
- updated to ambit-2.4.2;
- OpenBabel is no longer included in the distribution; in order to use
OpenBabel (optionally) from within Toxtree, install OpenBabel separately
and set the OBABEL_HOME environment variable to point to the folder where
OpenBabel is installed;
- added metadata for all plugins (explanation, references, vendor, links to
- improved display of decision tree details;
- improved help menus (About / Files info / Help);
- enabled CAS & EINECS lookup in remote OpenTox service; this new
functionality is disabled by default -- check "Method/Decision tree
option/Remote Query" menu to enable it;
- added two new plug-ins: Modified Verhaar scheme, and Structural Alerts
for Functional Group Identification (ISSFUNC);
- fixed Cramer rules Q2 (NC#N recognised as functional group associated
with enhanced toxicity);
- fixed Cramer rules Q2 (secondary amine highlight);
- fixed Benigni / Bossa rulebase SA31b (biphenyls recognition);
- fixed Benigni / Bossa rulebase SA30 (coumarins recognition);
- fixed Benigni / Bossa rulebase rule (QSAR6,8 applicability domain);
- improved implementation of Verhaar scheme plugin; validated against a
published dataset;
- SMARTCyp plug-in - added metabolite generation, based on Site of
Metabolism, calculated by SMARTCyp and ambit-SMIRKS package.
- included jre-6u26-windows-i586.exe in Windows installer;
- updated manuals and README;
* Toxtree-v2.2.0 (build date 25 Oct 2010):
- updated to cdk 1.3.67 (= cdk 1.3.6 + jni-inchi 0.7 );
- updated to jchempaint-3.1.3;
- fixed not working Edit/Preferences;
- removed valency labels that were appearing in JChemPaint by default;
- fixed rendering of disconnected structures (e.g. salts);
- fixed Cramer rule Q3 - S in aromatic ring is now recognized as divalent;
- included jre-6u22-windows-i586.exe in Windows installer;
- updated manuals and README.
* Toxtree-v2.1.1 (build date 07 Oct 2010):
- upgraded to Java 1.6;
- included jre-6u21-windows-i586.exe in Windows installer;
- upgraded to OpenBabel v2.2.3;
- fixed SMILES parsing (OpenBabel v2.2.3);
- enabled InChI-to-structure conversion based on jni-inchi-0.7-std;
- enabled name-to-structure conversion based on OPSIN v0.8.0;
- fixed outcome from QSAR8;
- values "true" and "false" in input file will be parsed into 1 or 0;
- fixed batch processing "Non serializable exception" for micronucleus and
skin sensitiation plugins;
- added check for phosphates in Q4 of Cramer Extended rules;
- updated manuals and README.
* Toxtree-v2.1.0 (build date 30 Jun 2010):
- added highlighting of structural alerts;
- upgraded Toxtree to JChemPaint 3.0.1 and CDK 1.3.3;
- added 3 new plug-ins (Skin sensitization alerts, SMARTCyp - Cytochrome
P450 - Mediated Metabolism & Kroes TTC decision tree);
- implemented several bug fixes;
- updated manuals and README.
* Toxtree-v1.60 (build date 15 Jul 2009):
- added Cramer rules with extensions plugin and updated bodymol.sdf;
- added Structure Alerts for the in vivo micronucleus assay in rodents
- added START biodegradation and persistence plugin;
- added tructural Alerts for identification of Michael Acceptors plugin;
- Skin irritation plugin: fixed bugs in rules Q52 and Q53;
- Cramer rules plugin: fixed bugs in Q8 and Q21;
- Begnini/Bossa rulebase plugin: fixed issue when results for structural
alerts (e.g. SA10) are not displayed if the outcome is YES;
- Begnini/Bossa rulebase plugin: QSAR8 question rephrased, to avoid
- fixed issue when editing an example in the decision tree editor was not
- introduced TOXTREE environment variable, which should be set to point to
the Toxtree-<version>.jar and helps locating SDF files and plugins when
Toxtree is used by third party software;
- fixed issue when after creating a new tree it could not be saved;
OpenBabel updated to v2.2.1 (build March 2, 2009);
updated documentation;
updated README;
Toxtree-v1.51 (build date 26 Jun 2008):
fixed property checking rules bug;
updated README;
Toxtree-v1.50 (build date 30 May 2008):
added support for eye irritation/corrosion prediction;
updated user manual;
updated README;
Toxtree-v1.40 (build date 24 Mar 2008):
improved descriptor calculations (I(An),I(BiBr));
updated QSAR6, QSAR8, QSAR13;
new decision tree layout based on prefuse library - can be exported as
.png, .bmp, .jpg or .gif;
new decision tree export options - .html, .pdf or .txt;
user preference options (persistent accross application instances);
updated user manual;
updated README;
Toxtree-v1.36 (build date 17 Feb 2008):
improved partial molar refractivity, Sterimol and Idist descriptor
updated README;
Toxtree-v1.35 (build date 3 Feb 2008):
updated the structural alerts for predicting carcinogenicity and
updated descriptor computations;
updated README;
Toxtree-v1.34 (build date 20 Jan 2008):
updated CDK library;
updated the structural alerts for predicting carcinogenicity and
updated descriptor computations;
updated README;
Toxtree-v1.33 (build date 6 Jan 2008):
updated to CDK 1.1 release;
updated the structural alerts for predicting carcinogenicity and
mutagenicity to take into account overlaps;
updated README;
Toxtree-v1.32 (build date 26 Sep 2007):
support for assigning multiple labels;
improved implementation of structural alerts for the decision tree for
predicting carcinogenicity and mutagenicity;
MOPAC call bug fix;
updated README;
Toxtree-v1.31 (build date 21 Aug 2007):
initial implementation of a decision tree for predicting carcinogenicity
and mutagenicity - 35 structural alerts and 3 linear discriminant rules,
making use of 11 descriptors;
new descriptors implemented:
+Partial Molar Refractivity of substituents, according to a lookup
+Sterimol L & B5 descriptors, according to a lookup table
+Molar Refractivity (uses Joelib implementation of "S. A. Wildman and
G. M. Crippen, Prediction of Physicochemical Parameters by Atomic
Contributions, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 39, 868-873, 1999")"
+Descriptors for structure presence of aniline, NO2 & bridged biphenyls
+EHOMO, ELUMO and other electronic descriptors calculated by launching
MOPAC 7.1 ( with fixed options (AM1)
added complete application documentation, including installation manual,
user manual, updated README, documentation of the source code;
improvements of the decision tree editor.
Toxtree-v0.05 (build date 14 Oct 2005):
user defined decision tree concept introduced;
decision trees can be saved to and loaded from a file (a custom ".tree"
file type is used);
added graphical user interface for building decision trees;
the structure diagram editor (JChemPaint) is now launched as a nonmodal
dialog. This resolves the issue of some JChemPaint windows being
inaccessible if the editor is launched as a modal dialog;
after structure is edited in JChemPaint, SMILES is created and other
properties are retained;
new command line options are introduced:
java -jar Toxtree.jar -f
java -jar Toxtree.jar -b
improved recognition of carbohydrates;
several nucleotides added to bodymol.sdf according to an expert advice;
better recognition of some ionic groups (note that [Ca++] is recognised
only as [Ca+]. For correct representation use [Ca+2] in SMILES);
batch processing can not be started anymore when input and output files
are the same;
Q11: when a heterocyclic ring substituents are analysed, only heteroatoms
in the ring analysed are disregarded (as specified in the Cramer et all,
but not the heteroatoms in other rings. This behaviour is the one of
v0.03. In the v0.04 release the behaviour was changed to disregard all
heteroatoms, which doesn't follow the specification of Q11 to analyze each
ring separately, with the remainder of the structure as substituents of
that heteroring;
added the application source code in the installers;
Toxtree-v0.04 (build date 04 Oct 2005):
Q5: better heuristics for carbohydrates;
Q6: return "yes" only if the a)- and b)-substituents are present
Q9: if it is a lactone from this point on treat the structure as if it
were the hydroxy acid;
Q11: ketone changed to R-C(=O)-R where R is not (O or H);
checked the search path for bodymol.sdf and foodmol.sdf, when the
application is run from the installer;
checked that compounds are assigned always the highest (most hazardous)
class of their constituents/hydrolysis products;
optimized searching in foodmol.sdf and bodymol.sdf;
updated foodmol.sdf and bodymol.sdf according to an expert advice;
added Back/Forward buttons for easier navigation in the history of the
SMILES drop down list;
made the SMILES entry panel inaccessible for user input, when there is an
open file. The name of the file is displayed instead of the SMILES entry
panel. If changes are made in the file contents in memory, an asterisk (*)
is displayed after the file name. The asterisk is removed after saving the
file. Access to the SMILES entry panel is restored after File/New.
added keyboard shortcut (hotkey CTRL+SHIFT+T) for application launching;
added Start Menu tool tips;
minor enhancements of the installers;
updated README.
Toxtree-v0.03 (build date 30 Sep 2005):
included a 2D molecular structure editor based on JChemPaint. It could
be accessed via the Compound/Edit menu;
processes correctly SDF, CSV and TXT files with empty molecules;
fixed incorrect perception of a specific functional groups configuration;
bodymol.sdf and foodmol.sdf updated according to an expert advice;
minor enhancements of the user interface;
updated README.
Toxtree-v0.02 (build date 25 Sep 2005):
Q1 and Q22: implemented to look up for "normal constituent of the body"
and "common component of food" in bodymol.sdf and foodmol.sdf respectively.
Only a very limited number of molecules are listed currently in these
files. The user can replace these files with his own files, provided the
names are the same. The files are expected to be in the same directory as
Toxtree.jar (the executable file of the Toxtree application). If the files
are not found there, the corresponding rules behave as "NOT IMPLEMENTED"
and answer "NO" for every compound;
Q4: treat the compound as free acid, amine, unsulphonated or unsulphated
compound except for the purposes of Q24 and Q33 (as specified in Q4 of
Cramer rules);
Q15, Q17, Q29, Q30, Q31: hydrolysis products (if any) are processed
separately, as required by these rules. If the products are assigned
different classes, the entire compound will be assigned the most hazardous
class (i.e. - if one product is of class I and another of class III, the
entire compound is considered of class III);
ionic representation of compounds is processed correctly now (please,
report any exceptions);
checked that the following input file types are processed correctly
CSV - comma delimited, has a header;
SMI - each line starts with a SMILES, optional name delimited by single
space, no header);
TXT - tab delimited;
input/output of CSV and TXT: a column with "SMILES" heading is mandatory
in order the structure to be read. All other fields are optional, will be
read as molecule properties and displayed as such;
all the properties from SDF files are read;
output (File/Save): molecules can be written to SDF, CSV or TXT files,
together with their Cramer classification data (class & path);
decision tree results are written as SDF properties or CSV/TXT columns.
The class assignment is stored in a property
"toxTree.tree.cramer.CramerRules". The tree path is stored in a property
added a batch processing facility. It allows faster processing without
loading simultaneously all the compounds into memory. Please, use batch
processing if the file has more than thousand compounds. A batch could be
paused, continued after pause or cancelled. Batch configuration (i.e.
input/output file and processed records) could be saved in a file, loaded
and continued in a later moment, even after the application has been closed
and started again later. Batch configuration is saved in a temporary file
by default. This file is deleted if the batch completes successfully. If
the batch configuration is saved into a user defined file, it will persist
even after the batch completes;
moved the SMILES entry panel from the left to the top of the
application window;
history of entered SMILES' is kept in a drop down list;
the left panel now displays all the properties defined for a molecule
(not only CAS, SMILES and NAME as in the previous version). The properties
are read from a file (e.g. CSV columns, SDF fields) or set when decision
tree estimation is performed. When the compound is created from SMILES
(using the SMILES entry panel at the top) the property SMILES is set as
well as a remark "Created from SMILES";
compounds, consisting of more than one disconnected moiety, are now
removed the "Explain" button on the right panel, since the result is
automatically explained on estimation. A check box "Verbose explanation" is
added instead. It affects the way results are explained;
since there can be more than one hydrolysis product, the results for each
product are displayed in brackets ();
the application can be configured to output a lot of information on its
behaviour. This could be useful for debugging as well as for detailed study
of decision tree results. In order to start the application and output
debugging messages to the console, type on a command line the following
first public beta-release of the Toxtree application.
* this section is empty.
Developed (2013) by Ideaconsult Ltd., 4 Angel Kanchev St., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
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We found that toxtree demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago.It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
Package last updated on 23 Aug 2017
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