= Ucert Ruby API README
== What's this program for?
This program is designed for the enterprise wide user certification / recertification / audit purpose.
== Credits
The software architect and main developer is CMBNY ISO Yang Li starting in July 2015. Chris Gui is contributing to this software since September 2015.
== Program Version
The latest release is Beta version 0.2.x as of Sprint 2016. Please refer to the CHANGELOG.md for the program's history information.
== Author Contact
This program is designed and developed by CMBNY ISO Yang Li. You can reach him by Email. yangli@ny.cmbchina.com or Phone <646.843.6761>
== Installation
The easiest way to install ruby-prof is by using Ruby Gems. To install from the local gem file:
gem install ucert
== Requirements?
You need the Ruby 1.9.3 or above in order to use this program. In addition, I developed and tested the code in cygwin with Ruby 2.2.2.
You need to setup Ruby 1.9.x environment. In my test environment, I was able to set it up with RVM. Please refer to this page for more installation information:
In addition, the following dependency are needed by different components of this software:
a. "adfind"windows executable program by Joe Richards: www.joeware.net/freetools/tools/adfind/index.htm
(depreciated as of Dec 2015, due to the close-source and only support Windows environment)
b. OpenLdap (http://www.openldap.org/), replacemnt of "adfind"
== Active directory Discovery and Tracking
$ ad_update? (TBD)
== More Usage Cases:
There are more examples under the 'demos' folder of this package. The examples show how to use the 'ucert' API to get your job done easily. Please check out the code - they should be easy and straightforward to be understood.
== More document(s):
The software comes with the Ruby doc during your installation as shown above. For your convenience,
the Ruby doc is also distributed in a separate package 'ucert-x.x.x-rdoc.tar.gz'. You can unzip the package, navigate to the 'doc' folder, and click the 'index.html' to open the start page in your favorite browser.
If you need additional documentation / information other than this README file and the Ruby document package, please be patient - as I'm still working on it :)
== How do I report the bugs, or maybe require some new features?
Contact the author Yang Li directly at email 'yangli@ny.cmbchina.computer', or phone me directly on my extension x6761.
== Internal Distribution Only
Currently the code base is indented to be distributed internally. It's not available from the Internet. Please contact me directly if you need the latest version of the gem.
== Legal Disclaimer:
This software is provided strictly 'as-if' without any implied warranty. You're free to copy or modify the codes anyway you want - a reference back to this software will be appreciated. Please refer to the 'LICENSE.txt' file for more information.