set_room_name(room_name) | Sets the room name for communicating with the device. | room_name : Room name (string) |
set_box_size(size) | Sets the size of the voxel (default: 1.0). | size : Size (float) |
set_build_interval(interval) | Sets the placement interval of the voxels (default: 0.01 seconds). | interval : Interval (float) |
change_shape(shape) | Changes the shape of the voxel. | shape : Shape ("box", "square", "plane") |
change_material(is_metallic, roughness) | Changes the material of the voxel. | is_metallic : Whether to make it metallic (boolean), roughness : Roughness (float) |
create_box(x, y, z, r, g, b, alpha) | Places a voxel. | x , y , z : Position (float), r , g , b , alpha : Color (float, 0-1) |
create_box(x, y, z, texture) | Places a voxel with texture. | x , y , z : Position (float), texture : Texture name (string) |
remove_box(x, y, z) | Removes a voxel. | x , y , z : Position (float) |
write_sentence(sentence, x, y, z, r, g, b, alpha) | Draws a string with voxels. | sentence : String (string), x , y , z : Position (float), r , g , b , alpha : Color (float, 0-1) |
set_light(x, y, z, r, g, b, alpha, intensity, interval, light_type) | Places a light. | x , y , z : Position (float), r , g , b , alpha : Color (float, 0-1), intensity : Intensity (float), interval : Blinking interval (float), light_type : Type of light ("point", "spot", "directional") |
set_command(command) | Executes a command. | command : Command ("axis", "japaneseCastle", "float", "liteRender") |
draw_line(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, r, g, b, alpha) | Draws a line between two points. | x1 , y1 , z1 : Starting point (float), x2 , y2 , z2 : Ending point (float), r , g , b , alpha : Color (float, 0-1) |
send_data(name) | Sends voxel data to the device; if the name argument is set, the voxel data can be stored and reproduced as history. | |
clear_data() | Initializes voxel data. | |
translate(x, y, z, pitch, yaw, roll) | Moves and rotates the coordinate system of the voxel. | x , y , z : Translation amount (float), pitch , yaw , roll : Rotation amount (float) |
animate(x, y, z, pitch, yaw, roll, scale, interval) | Animates a voxel. | x , y , z : Translation amount (float), pitch , yaw , roll : Rotation amount (float), scale : Scale (float), interval : Interval (float) |
animate_global(x, y, z, pitch, yaw, roll, scale, interval) | Animates all voxels. | x , y , z : Translation amount (float), pitch , yaw , roll : Rotation amount (float), scale : Scale (float), interval : Interval (float) |
push_matrix() | Saves the current coordinate system to the stack. | |
pop_matrix() | Restores the coordinate system from the stack. | |
frame_in() | Starts recording a frame. | |
frame_out() | Ends recording a frame. | |
set_frame_fps(fps) | Sets the frame rate (default: 2). | fps : Frame rate (int) |
set_frame_repeats(repeats) | Sets the number of frame repetitions (default: 10). | repeats : Number of repetitions (int) |