cron-style methods for timers in EventMachine
Once per hour, starting now. Note the :now symbol must be passed for your block to be called immediately.
EM.do_hourly(:starting => :now) { puts "drink a beer" }
Once per day, starting in 1 day.
EM.do_daily { puts "take a shower" }
Once per week, starting in 10 hours
EM.do_weekly(:starting => 10.hours.from_now) { puts "take out the garbage" }
Once per month, starting at this time tomorrow.
EM.do_monthly(:starting => 1.day.from_now) { puts "pay the bills" }
Or you can simply pass a number of seconds til starting
EM.do_monthly(:starting => 2592000) { puts "pay the bills, in seconds!" }
Leveraging the Chronic time parsing library. em-cron knows if you have required
Chronic and uses it to parse strings if you have. Otherwise, it uses Time.parse.
Every 2 hours, starting next Tuesday at 9AM.
require 'chronic'
EM.do(:every => 2.hours, :starting => 'next tuesday at 9am') { puts "go pee" }
You can add up units of time as well
EM.do(:every => 1.minutes + 3.seconds) { puts "hi!" }
Maintain a list of task signatures and their associated timer signatures so cron tasks can be canceled.
yakischloba on Freenode #eventmachine