YARD-Heuristics heuristically determines types of parameters and return
values for YARD documentation that doesn’t explicitly document it. This
allows you to write documentation that isn’t adorned with “obvious” types,
but still get that information into the output. It also lets you
nice-looking references to parameters and have them be marked up
appropriately in HTML output.
§ Heuristics
The following sections list the various heuristics that YARD-Heuristics
apply for determining types of parameters and return values.
Note that for all heuristics, a type will only be added if none already
§ Parameter Named “other”
A parameter named “other” has the same type as the receiver. This turns
class Point
def ==(other)
class Point
# @param [Point] other
def ==(other)
§ Parameter Types Derived by Parameter Name
Parameters to a method with names in the following table has the type
listed on the same row.
| Name | Type |
| index | [Integer] |
| object | [Object] |
| range | [Range] |
| string | [String] |
class Point
def x_inside?(range)
class Point
# @param [Range] range
def x_inside?(range)
§ Block Parameters
If the last parameter to a method’s name begins with ‘&’ it has the type
class Method
def initialize(&block)
class Method
# @param [Block] block
def initialize(&block)
§ Return Types by Method Name
For the return type of a method with less than two ‹@return› tags, the
method name is lookup up in the following table and has the type listed on
the same row. For the “type” “self or type”, if a ‹@param› tag exists with
the name “other”, the type of the receiver is used, otherwise “self” is
used. For the “type” “type”, the type of the receiver is used.
| Name | Type |
| ‹<<› | self or type |
| ‹>>› | self or type |
| ‹==› | [Boolean] |
| ‹===› | [Boolean] |
| ‹=~› | [Boolean] |
| ‹<=>› | [Integer, nil] |
| ‹+› | type |
| ‹-› | type |
| ‹*› | type |
| ‹/› | type |
| each | [self] |
| each_with_index | [self] |
| hash | [Integer] |
| inspect | [String] |
| length | [Integer] |
| size | [Integer] |
| to_s | [String] |
| to_str | [String] |
class Point
def <<(other)
class Point
# @return [Point]
def <<(other)
class List
def <<(item)
class List
# @return [self]
def <<(item)
§ Emphasizing Parameter Names
When producing HTML output, any words in all uppercase, with a possible
“th” suffix, that is also the name of a parameter, an ‹@option›, or a
‹@yieldparam›, will be downcased and emphasized with a class of
In the following example, “OTHER” will be turned into
‹<em class="parameter">other</em>›:
class Point
# @return True if the receiver’s class and {#x} and {#y} `#==` those of
def ==(other)
§ Usage
Add ‹--plugin yard-heuristics-1.0› to your YARD command line. If you’re
using Inventory-Rake-Tasks-YARD¹, add the following to your Rakefile:
Inventory::Rake::Tasks::YARD.new do |t|
t.options += %w'--plugin yard-heuristics-1.0'
¹ See http://disu.se/software/inventory-rake-tasks-yard/
There’s really not very much to the YARD-Heuristics API. What you can do
is add (or modify) the types of parameters and return types of methods by
adding (or modifying) entries in the Hash tables
‹YARDHeuristics::ParamTypes› and ‹YARDHeuristics::ReturnTypes›
respectively. That’s about it.
§ Financing
Currently, most of my time is spent at my day job and in my rather busy
private life. Please motivate me to spend time on this piece of software
by donating some of your money to this project. Yeah, I realize that
requesting money to develop software is a bit, well, capitalistic of me.
But please realize that I live in a capitalistic society and I need money
to have other people give me the things that I need to continue living
under the rules of said society. So, if you feel that this piece of
software has helped you out enough to warrant a reward, please PayPal a
donation to now@disu.se¹. Thanks! Your support won’t go unnoticed!
¹ Send a donation:
§ Reporting Bugs
Please report any bugs that you encounter to the {issue tracker}¹.
¹ See https://github.com/now/yard-heuristics/issues
§ Authors
Nikolai Weibull wrote the code, the tests, and this README.
§ Licensing
YARD-Heuristics is free software: you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the {GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3}¹ or
later², as published by the {Free Software Foundation}³.
¹ See http://disu.se/licenses/lgpl-3.0/
² See http://gnu.org/licenses/
³ See http://fsf.org/