= Ruby D-Bus README
Ruby D-Bus provides an implementation of the D-Bus protocol such that the
D-Bus system can be used in the Ruby programming language.
== Requirements
Optionally, for generating the tutorial:
== Installation
Decompress the Ruby D-Bus tarball (ruby-dbus-.tar.gz).
Move to top-level directory and type:
$ ruby setup.rb config
$ ruby setup.rb setup
($ su)
ruby setup.rb install
You can also install files in your favorite directory by
supplying setup.rb some options. Try "ruby setup.rb --help".
== Feature
Ruby D-Bus currently supports the following features:
- Connecting to local buses.
- Accessing remote services, objects and interfaces.
- Invoking methods on remote objects synchronously and asynchronously.
- Catch signals on remote objects and handle them via callbacks.
- Remote object introspection.
- Walking object trees.
- Creating services and registering them on the bus.
- Exporting objects with interfaces on a bus for remote use.
- Rubyish D-Bus object and interface syntax support that automatically
allows for introspection.
- Emitting signals on exported objects.
== Usage
See some of the examples in the examples/ subdirectory of the tarball.
Also, check out the included tutorial (in Webgen format) in doc/tutorial/
or view it online on http://trac.luon.net/data/ruby-dbus/tutorial/.
== License
Ruby D-Bus is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.