Package swagger (2.0) provides a powerful interface to your API Contains an implementation of Swagger 2.0. It knows how to serialize, deserialize and validate swagger specifications. Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on the planet, thousands of developers are supporting Swagger in almost every modern programming language and deployment environment. With a Swagger-enabled API, you get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability. We created Swagger to help fulfill the promise of APIs. Swagger helps companies like Apigee, Getty Images, Intuit, LivingSocial, McKesson, Microsoft, Morningstar, and PayPal build the best possible services with RESTful APIs.Now in version 2.0, Swagger is more enabling than ever. And it's 100% open source software. More detailed documentation is available at Install: The implementation also provides a number of command line tools to help working with swagger. Currently there is a spec validator tool: To generate a server for a swagger spec document: To generate a client for a swagger spec document: To generate a swagger spec document for a go application: There are several other sub commands available for the generate command You're free to add files to the directories the generated code lands in, but the files generated by the generator itself will be regenerated on following generation runs so any changes to those files will be lost. However extra files you create won't be lost so they are safe to use for customizing the application to your needs. To generate a server for a swagger spec document:
Package gatt provides a Bluetooth Low Energy gatt implementation. Gatt (Generic Attribute Profile) is the protocol used to write BLE peripherals (servers) and centrals (clients). This package is a work in progress. The API will change. As a peripheral, you can create services, characteristics, and descriptors, advertise, accept connections, and handle requests. As a central, you can scan, connect, discover services, and make requests. gatt supports both Linux and OS X. On Linux: To gain complete and exclusive control of the HCI device, gatt uses HCI_CHANNEL_USER (introduced in Linux v3.14) instead of HCI_CHANNEL_RAW. Those who must use an older kernel may patch in these relevant commits from Marcel Holtmann: Note that because gatt uses HCI_CHANNEL_USER, once gatt has opened the device no other program may access it. Before starting a gatt program, make sure that your BLE device is down: If you have BlueZ 5.14+ (or aren't sure), stop the built-in bluetooth server, which interferes with gatt, e.g.: Because gatt programs administer network devices, they must either be run as root, or be granted appropriate capabilities: USAGE See the server.go, discoverer.go, and explorer.go in the examples/ directory for writing server or client programs that run on Linux and OS X. Users, especially on Linux platforms, seeking finer-grained control over the devices can see the examples/server_lnx.go for the usage of Option, which are platform specific. See the rest of the docs for other options and finer-grained control. Note that some BLE central devices, particularly iOS, may aggressively cache results from previous connections. If you change your services or characteristics, you may need to reboot the other device to pick up the changes. This is a common source of confusion and apparent bugs. For an OS X central, see gatt started life as a port of bleno, to which it is indebted: If you are having problems with gatt, particularly around installation, issues filed with bleno might also be helpful references. To try out your GATT server, it is useful to experiment with a generic BLE client. LightBlue is a good choice. It is available free for both iOS and OS X.
Package paypal provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypal contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypal will assign all responses to go structures.
Package paypal provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypal contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypal will assign all responses to go structures.
Package paypal provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypal contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypal will assign all responses to go structures.
Package paypal provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypal contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypal will assign all responses to go structures.
Package realis provides the ability to use Thrift API to communicate with Apache Aurora.
Package swagger (2.0) provides a powerful interface to your API Contains an implementation of Swagger 2.0. It knows how to serialize, deserialize and validate swagger specifications. Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on the planet, thousands of developers are supporting Swagger in almost every modern programming language and deployment environment. With a Swagger-enabled API, you get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability. We created Swagger to help fulfill the promise of APIs. Swagger helps companies like Apigee, Getty Images, Intuit, LivingSocial, McKesson, Microsoft, Morningstar, and PayPal build the best possible services with RESTful APIs.Now in version 2.0, Swagger is more enabling than ever. And it's 100% open source software. More detailed documentation is available at Install: The implementation also provides a number of command line tools to help working with swagger. Currently there is a spec validator tool: To generate a server for a swagger spec document: To generate a client for a swagger spec document: To generate a swagger spec document for a go application: There are several other sub commands available for the generate command You're free to add files to the directories the generated code lands in, but the files generated by the generator itself will be regenerated on following generation runs so any changes to those files will be lost. However extra files you create won't be lost so they are safe to use for customizing the application to your needs. To generate a server for a swagger spec document:
Package swagger (2.0) provides a powerful interface to your API Contains an implementation of Swagger 2.0. It knows how to serialize, deserialize and validate swagger specifications. Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on the planet, thousands of developers are supporting Swagger in almost every modern programming language and deployment environment. With a Swagger-enabled API, you get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability. We created Swagger to help fulfill the promise of APIs. Swagger helps companies like Apigee, Getty Images, Intuit, LivingSocial, McKesson, Microsoft, Morningstar, and PayPal build the best possible services with RESTful APIs.Now in version 2.0, Swagger is more enabling than ever. And it's 100% open source software. More detailed documentation is available at Install: The implementation also provides a number of command line tools to help working with swagger. Currently there is a spec validator tool: To generate a server for a swagger spec document: To generate a client for a swagger spec document: To generate a swagger spec document for a go application: There are several other sub commands available for the generate command You're free to add files to the directories the generated code lands in, but the files generated by the generator itself will be regenerated on following generation runs so any changes to those files will be lost. However extra files you create won't be lost so they are safe to use for customizing the application to your needs. To generate a server for a swagger spec document:
Package swagger (2.0) provides a powerful interface to your API Contains an implementation of Swagger 2.0. It knows how to serialize, deserialize and validate swagger specifications. Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on the planet, thousands of developers are supporting Swagger in almost every modern programming language and deployment environment. With a Swagger-enabled API, you get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability. We created Swagger to help fulfill the promise of APIs. Swagger helps companies like Apigee, Getty Images, Intuit, LivingSocial, McKesson, Microsoft, Morningstar, and PayPal build the best possible services with RESTful APIs.Now in version 2.0, Swagger is more enabling than ever. And it's 100% open source software. More detailed documentation is available at Install: The implementation also provides a number of command line tools to help working with swagger. Currently there is a spec validator tool: To generate a server for a swagger spec document: To generate a client for a swagger spec document: To generate a swagger spec document for a go application: There are several other sub commands available for the generate command You're free to add files to the directories the generated code lands in, but the files generated by the generator itself will be regenerated on following generation runs so any changes to those files will be lost. However extra files you create won't be lost so they are safe to use for customizing the application to your needs. To generate a server for a swagger spec document:
Collection of monitors to create synchronicity Package realis provides the ability to use Thrift API to communicate with Apache Aurora.
Package paypal provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypal contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypal will assign all responses to go structures.
Package paypal provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypal contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypal will assign all responses to go structures.
Collection of monitors to create synchronicity Package realis provides the ability to use Thrift API to communicate with Apache Aurora.
Collection of monitors to create synchronicity Package realis provides the ability to use Thrift API to communicate with Apache Aurora.
Package paypalsdk provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypalsdk contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypalsdk will assign all responses to go structures.
Package swagger (2.0) provides a powerful interface to your API Contains an implementation of Swagger 2.0. It knows how to serialize, deserialize and validate swagger specifications. Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on the planet, thousands of developers are supporting Swagger in almost every modern programming language and deployment environment. With a Swagger-enabled API, you get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability. We created Swagger to help fulfill the promise of APIs. Swagger helps companies like Apigee, Getty Images, Intuit, LivingSocial, McKesson, Microsoft, Morningstar, and PayPal build the best possible services with RESTful APIs.Now in version 2.0, Swagger is more enabling than ever. And it's 100% open source software. More detailed documentation is available at Install: The implementation also provides a number of command line tools to help working with swagger. Currently there is a spec validator tool: To generate a server for a swagger spec document: To generate a client for a swagger spec document: To generate a swagger spec document for a go application: There are several other sub commands available for the generate command You're free to add files to the directories the generated code lands in, but the files generated by the generator itself will be regenerated on following generation runs so any changes to those files will be lost. However extra files you create won't be lost so they are safe to use for customizing the application to your needs. To generate a server for a swagger spec document:
Package tk9.0 is a CGo-free, cross platform GUI toolkit for Go. It is similar to Tkinter for Python. Also available in _examples/hello.go To execute the above program on any supported target issue something like The CGO_ENABLED=0 is optional and here it only demonstrates the program can be built without CGo. Do I need to install the Tcl/Tk libraries on my system to use this package or programs that import it? No. You still have to have a desktop environment installed on systems where that is not necessarily the case by default. That means some of the unix-like systems. Usually installing any desktop environment, like Gnome, Xfce etc. provides all the required library (.so) files. The minimum is the X Window System and this package was tested to work there, although with all the limitations one can expect in this case. Windows: How to build an executable that doesn't open a console window when run? From the documentation for cmd/link: On Windows, -H windowsgui writes a "GUI binary" instead of a "console binary.". To pass the flag to the Go build system use 'go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui somefile.go', for example. What does CGo-free really mean? cgo is a tool used by the Go build system when Go code uses the pseudo-import "C". For technical details please see the link. For us it is important that using CGo ends up invoking a C compiler during building of a Go program/package. The C compiler is used to determine exact, possibly locally dependent, values of C preprocessor constants and other defines, as well as the exact layout of C structs. This enables the Go compiler to correctly handle things like, schematically `C.someStruct.someField` appearing in Go code. At runtime a Go program using CGo must switch stacks when calling into C. Additionally the runtime scheduler is made aware of such calls into C. The former is necessary, the later is not, but it is good to have as it improves performance and provides better resource management. There is an evironment variable defined, `CGO_ENABLED`. When the Go build system compiles Go code, it checks for the value of this env var. If it is not set or its value is "1", then CGo is enabled and used when 'import "C"' is encountered. If the env var contains "0", CGo is disabled and programs using 'import "C"' will not compile. After this longish intro we can finally get to the short answer: CGo-free means this package can be compiled with CGO_ENABLED=0. In other words, there's no 'import "C"' clause anywhere. The consequences of being CGo-free follows from the above. The Go build system does not need to invoke a C compiler when compiling this package. Hence users doesn't have to have a C compiler installed in their machines. There are advantages when a C compiler is not invoked during compilation/build of Go code. Programs can be installed on all targets supported by this package the easy way: '$ go install' and programs for all supported targets can be cross-compiled on all Go-supported targets just by setting the respective env vars, like performing '$ GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 go build' on a Windows/AMD64 machine, for example. How does this package achieve being CGo-free? The answer depends on the particular target in question. Targets supported by purego call into the Tcl/Tk C libraries without using CGo. See the source code at the link for how it is done. On other targets CGo is avoided by transpiling all the C libraries and their transitive dependencies to Go. In both cases the advantages are the same: CGo-free programs are go-installable and CGo-free programs can be cross-compiled without having a C compiler or a cross-C compiler tool chain installed. Does being CGo-free remove the overhead of crossing the Go-C boundary? For the purego targets, no. Only the C compiler is not involved anymore. For other supported targets the boundary for calling Tcl/Tk C API from Go is gone. No free lunches though, the transpilled code has to care about additional things the C code does not need to - with the respective performance penalties, now just in different places. Consider this program in _examples/debugging.go: Execute the program using the tags as indicated, then close the window or click the Hello button. With the tk.dmesg tag the package initialization prints the debug messages path. So we can view it, for example, like this: 18876 was the process PID in this particular run. Using the tags allows to inspect the Tcl/Tk code executed during the lifetime of the process. These combinations of GOOS and GOARCH are currently supported Specific to FreeBSD: When building with cross-compiling or CGO_ENABLED=0, add the following argument to `go` so that these symbols are defined by making fakecgo the Cgo. Builder results available at At the moment the package is a MVP allowing to build at least some simple, yet useful programs. The full Tk API is not yet usable. Please report needed, but non-exposed Tk features at the issue tracker, thanks. Providing feedback about the missing building blocks, bugs and your user experience is invaluable in helping this package to eventually reach version 1. See also RERO. The ErrorMode variable selects the behaviour on errors for certain functions that do not return error. When ErrorMode is PanicOnError, the default, errors will panic, providing a stack trace. When ErrorMode is CollectErrors, errors will be recorded using errors.Join in the Error variable. Even if a function does not return error, it is still possible to handle errors in the usual way when needed, except that Error is now a static variable. That's a problem in the general case, but less so in this package that must be used from a single goroutine only, as documented elsewhere. This is obviously a compromise enabling to have a way to check for errors and, at the same time, the ability to write concise code like: There are altogether four different places where the call to the Button function can produce errors as additionally to the call itself, every of its three arguments can independently fail as well. Checking each and one of them separately is not always necessary in GUI code. But the explicit option in the first example is still available when needed. There is a centralized theme register in Themes. Theme providers can opt in to call RegisterTheme at package initialization to make themes discoverable at run-time. Clients can use ActivateTheme to apply a theme by name. Example in _examples/azure.go. There is a VNC over wbesockets functionality available for X11 backed hosts. See the tk9.0/vnc package for details. Package initialization is done lazily. This saves noticeable additional startup time and avoids screen flicker in hybrid programs that use the GUI only on demand. Early package initialization can be enforced by Initialize. Initialization will fail if a Unix process starts on a machine with no X server or the process is started in a way that it has no access to the X server. On the other hand, this package may work on Unix machines with no X server if the process is started remotely using '$ ssh -X foo@bar' and the X forwarding is enabled/supported. Darwin port uses the macOS GUI API and does not use X11. Zero or more options can be specified when creating a widget. For example or Tcl/Tk uses widget pathnames, image and font names explicitly set by user code. This package generates those names automatically and they are not directly needed in code that uses this package. There is, for a example, a Tcl/tk 'text' widget and a '-text' option. This package exports the widget as type 'TextWidget', its constructor as function 'Text' and the option as function 'Txt'. The complete list is: This package should be used from the same goroutine that initialized the package. Package initialization performs a runtime.LockOSThread, meaning func main() will start execuing locked on the same OS thread. The Command() and similar options expect an argument that must be one of: - An EventHandler or a function literal of the same signature. - A func(). This can be used when the handler does not need the associated Event instance. When passing an argument of type time.Durarion to a function accepting 'any', the duration is converted to an integer number of milliseconds. When passing an argument of type []byte to a function accepting 'any', the byte slice is converted to a encoding/base64 encoded string. When passing an argument of type []FileType to a function accepting 'any', the slice is converted to the representation the Tcl/Tk -filetypes option expects. At least some minimal knowledge of reading Tcl/Tk code is probably required for using this package and/or using the related documentation. However you will not need to write any Tcl code and you do not need to care about the grammar of Tcl words/string literals and how it differs from Go. There are several Tcl/Tk tutorials available, for example at tutorialspoint. Merge requests for known issues are always welcome. Please send merge requests for new features/APIs after filling and discussing the additions/changes at the issue tracker first. Most of the documentation is generated directly from the Tcl/Tk documentation and may not be entirely correct for the Go package. Those parts hopefully still serve as a quick/offline Tcl/Tk reference. Parts of the documentation are copied and/or modified from the site, see the LICENSE-TCLTK file for details. Parts of the documentation are copied and/or modified from the tkinter.ttk site which is You can support the maintenance and further development of this package at jnml's LiberaPay (using PayPal). "Checkbutton.indicator" style element options: "Combobox.downarrow" style element options: "Menubutton.indicator" style element options: "Radiobutton.indicator" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "Treeitem.indicator" style element options: "arrow" style element options: "border" style element options: "downarrow" style element options: "field" style element options: "leftarrow" style element options: "rightarrow" style element options: "slider" style element options: "thumb" style element options: "uparrow" style element options: "alt" theme style list Style map: -foreground {disabled #a3a3a3} -background {disabled #d9d9d9 active #ececec} -embossed {disabled 1} Layout: ComboboxPopdownFrame.border -sticky nswe Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.border -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -sticky we}} Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Button.border -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Button.focus -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -highlightcolor {alternate black} -relief { {pressed !disabled} sunken {active !disabled} raised } Layout: Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.focus -side left -sticky w -children {Checkbutton.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -indicatorcolor {pressed #d9d9d9 alternate #aaaaaa disabled #d9d9d9} Layout: Combobox.field -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.downarrow -side right -sticky ns Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #d9d9d9 disabled #d9d9d9} -arrowcolor {disabled #a3a3a3} Layout: Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #d9d9d9 disabled #d9d9d9} Layout: Labelframe.border -sticky nswe Layout: Menubutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.indicator -side right -sticky {} Menubutton.padding -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -side left -sticky {}}}} Layout: Notebook.client -sticky nswe Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Style map: -expand {selected {1.5p 1.5p 0.75p 0}} -background {selected #d9d9d9} - Layout: Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Radiobutton.focus -side left -sticky {} -children {Radiobutton.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -indicatorcolor {pressed #d9d9d9 alternate #aaaaaa disabled #d9d9d9} - - Layout: Spinbox.field -side top -sticky we -children {null -side right -sticky {} -children {Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky e Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky e} Spinbox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #d9d9d9 disabled #d9d9d9} -arrowcolor {disabled #a3a3a3} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -relief {disabled flat selected sunken pressed sunken active raised} -background {pressed #c3c3c3 active #ececec} Layout: Treeview.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground {disabled #a3a3a3 selected #ffffff} -background {disabled #d9d9d9 selected #4a6984} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe "Button.button" style element options: "Checkbutton.button" style element options: "Combobox.button" style element options: "DisclosureButton.button" style element options: "Entry.field" style element options: "GradientButton.button" style element options: "HelpButton.button" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.leftarrow" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.rightarrow" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough" style element options: "InlineButton.button" style element options: "Labelframe.border" style element options: "Menubutton.button" style element options: "Notebook.client" style element options: "" style element options: "Progressbar.track" style element options: "Radiobutton.button" style element options: "RecessedButton.button" style element options: "RoundedRectButton.button" style element options: "Scale.slider" style element options: "Scale.trough" style element options: "Searchbox.field" style element options: "SidebarButton.button" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.field" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "Toolbar.background" style element options: "Toolbutton.border" style element options: "Treeheading.cell" style element options: "Treeitem.indicator" style element options: "Treeview.treearea" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.downarrow" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.trough" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.uparrow" style element options: "background" style element options: "field" style element options: "fill" style element options: "hseparator" style element options: "separator" style element options: "sizegrip" style element options: "vseparator" style element options: "aqua" theme style list Style map: -selectforeground { background systemSelectedTextColor !focus systemSelectedTextColor} -foreground { disabled systemDisabledControlTextColor background systemLabelColor} -selectbackground { background systemSelectedTextBackgroundColor !focus systemSelectedTextBackgroundColor} Layout: DisclosureButton.button -sticky nswe Layout: GradientButton.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}} Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -side top -sticky {} Layout: HelpButton.button -sticky nswe Layout: Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough -sticky we -children {Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb -sticky nswe Horizontal.Scrollbar.rightarrow -side right -sticky {} Horizontal.Scrollbar.leftarrow -side right -sticky {}} Layout: Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe} Style map: -foreground { pressed systemLabelColor !pressed systemSecondaryLabelColor } Layout: InlineButton.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground { disabled systemWindowBackgroundColor } Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -side left -sticky {}} Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: RecessedButton.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -font { selected RecessedFont active RecessedFont pressed RecessedFont } -foreground { {disabled selected} systemWindowBackgroundColor3 {disabled !selected} systemDisabledControlTextColor selected systemTextBackgroundColor active white pressed white } Layout: RoundedRectButton.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}} Layout: Searchbox.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}} Layout: SidebarButton.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground { {disabled selected} systemWindowBackgroundColor3 {disabled !selected} systemDisabledControlTextColor selected systemTextColor active systemTextColor pressed systemTextColor } Layout: Button.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground { pressed white {alternate !pressed !background} white disabled systemDisabledControlTextColor} Layout: Checkbutton.button -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.label -side left -sticky {}}} Layout: Combobox.button -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground { disabled systemDisabledControlTextColor } -selectbackground { !focus systemUnemphasizedSelectedTextBackgroundColor } Layout: Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground { disabled systemDisabledControlTextColor } -selectbackground { !focus systemUnemphasizedSelectedTextBackgroundColor } Layout: Labelframe.border -sticky nswe Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Menubutton.button -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.label -side left -sticky {}}} Layout: Notebook.client -sticky nswe Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground { {background !selected} systemControlTextColor {background selected} black {!background selected} systemSelectedTabTextColor disabled systemDisabledControlTextColor} Layout: Progressbar.track -sticky nswe Layout: Radiobutton.button -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.label -side left -sticky {}}} - Layout: Spinbox.buttons -side right -sticky {} -children {Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky e Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky e} Spinbox.field -sticky we -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky we} Style map: -foreground { disabled systemDisabledControlTextColor } -selectbackground { !focus systemUnemphasizedSelectedTextBackgroundColor } Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -sticky nswe}} Layout: Toolbar.background -sticky nswe Layout: Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Layout: Treeview.field -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -background { selected systemSelectedTextBackgroundColor } Layout: Vertical.Scrollbar.trough -sticky ns -children {Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb -sticky nswe Vertical.Scrollbar.downarrow -side bottom -sticky {} Vertical.Scrollbar.uparrow -side bottom -sticky {}} "Checkbutton.indicator" style element options: "Combobox.field" style element options: "Radiobutton.indicator" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "arrow" style element options: "bar" style element options: "border" style element options: "client" style element options: "downarrow" style element options: "field" style element options: "hgrip" style element options: "leftarrow" style element options: "pbar" style element options: "rightarrow" style element options: "slider" style element options: "tab" style element options: "thumb" style element options: "trough" style element options: "uparrow" style element options: "vgrip" style element options: "clam" theme style list Style map: -selectforeground {!focus white} -foreground {disabled #999999} -selectbackground {!focus #9e9a91} -background {disabled #dcdad5 active #eeebe7} Layout: ComboboxPopdownFrame.border -sticky nswe Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.border -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -sticky we}} Layout: Sash.hsash -sticky nswe -children {Sash.hgrip -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} - Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Button.border -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Button.focus -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -lightcolor {pressed #bab5ab} -background {disabled #dcdad5 pressed #bab5ab active #eeebe7} -bordercolor {alternate #000000} -darkcolor {pressed #bab5ab} Layout: Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.focus -side left -sticky w -children {Checkbutton.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -indicatorbackground {pressed #dcdad5 {!disabled alternate} #5895bc {disabled alternate} #a0a0a0 disabled #dcdad5} Layout: Combobox.downarrow -side right -sticky ns Combobox.field -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground {{readonly focus} #ffffff} -fieldbackground {{readonly focus} #4a6984 readonly #dcdad5} -background {active #eeebe7 pressed #eeebe7} -bordercolor {focus #4a6984} -arrowcolor {disabled #999999} Layout: Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -lightcolor {focus #6f9dc6} -background {readonly #dcdad5} -bordercolor {focus #4a6984} Layout: Labelframe.border -sticky nswe Layout: Menubutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.indicator -side right -sticky {} Menubutton.padding -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -side left -sticky {}}}} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Style map: -lightcolor {selected #eeebe7 {} #cfcdc8} -padding {selected {4.5p 3p 4.5p 1.5p}} -background {selected #dcdad5 {} #bab5ab} - Layout: Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Radiobutton.focus -side left -sticky {} -children {Radiobutton.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -indicatorbackground {pressed #dcdad5 {!disabled alternate} #5895bc {disabled alternate} #a0a0a0 disabled #dcdad5} - - Layout: Spinbox.field -side top -sticky we -children {null -side right -sticky {} -children {Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky e Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky e} Spinbox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -background {readonly #dcdad5} -bordercolor {focus #4a6984} -arrowcolor {disabled #999999} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -lightcolor {pressed #bab5ab} -relief {disabled flat selected sunken pressed sunken active raised} -background {disabled #dcdad5 pressed #bab5ab active #eeebe7} -darkcolor {pressed #bab5ab} Layout: Treeview.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground {disabled #999999 selected #ffffff} -background {disabled #dcdad5 selected #4a6984} -bordercolor {focus #4a6984} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Sash.vsash -sticky nswe -children {Sash.vgrip -sticky nswe} "Button.border" style element options: "Checkbutton.indicator" style element options: "Combobox.downarrow" style element options: "Menubutton.indicator" style element options: "Radiobutton.indicator" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "arrow" style element options: "downarrow" style element options: "highlight" style element options: "hsash" style element options: "leftarrow" style element options: "rightarrow" style element options: "slider" style element options: "uparrow" style element options: "vsash" style element options: "classic" theme style list Style map: -highlightcolor {focus black} -foreground {disabled #a3a3a3} -background {disabled #d9d9d9 active #ececec} Layout: ComboboxPopdownFrame.border -sticky nswe Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.border -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -sticky we}} Layout: Horizontal.Scale.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.slider -side left -sticky {}}} Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} - Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Button.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Button.border -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -relief {{!disabled pressed} sunken} Layout: Checkbutton.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.label -side left -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -indicatorrelief {alternate raised selected sunken pressed sunken} -indicatorcolor {pressed #d9d9d9 alternate #b05e5e selected #b03060} Layout: Combobox.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.field -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.downarrow -side right -sticky ns Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #d9d9d9 disabled #d9d9d9} Layout: Entry.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #d9d9d9 disabled #d9d9d9} Layout: Labelframe.border -sticky nswe Layout: Menubutton.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.indicator -side right -sticky {} Menubutton.padding -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -sticky {}}}} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Style map: -background {selected #d9d9d9} - Layout: Radiobutton.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Radiobutton.label -side left -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -indicatorrelief {alternate raised selected sunken pressed sunken} -indicatorcolor {pressed #d9d9d9 alternate #b05e5e selected #b03060} Style map: -sliderrelief {{pressed !disabled} sunken} Style map: -relief {{pressed !disabled} sunken} Layout: Spinbox.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.field -sticky nswe -children {null -side right -sticky {} -children {Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky e Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky e} Spinbox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #d9d9d9 disabled #d9d9d9} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -relief {disabled flat selected sunken pressed sunken active raised} -background {pressed #b3b3b3 active #ececec} Layout: Treeview.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -foreground {disabled #a3a3a3 selected #000000} -background {disabled #d9d9d9 selected #c3c3c3} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Vertical.Scale.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.slider -side top -sticky {}}} "" style element options: "Checkbutton.indicator" style element options: "Combobox.downarrow" style element options: "Menubutton.indicator" style element options: "Radiobutton.indicator" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "Treeheading.cell" style element options: "Treeitem.indicator" style element options: "Treeitem.row" style element options: "Treeitem.separator" style element options: "arrow" style element options: "background" style element options: "border" style element options: "client" style element options: "ctext" style element options: "downarrow" style element options: "field" style element options: "fill" style element options: "focus" style element options: "hsash" style element options: "hseparator" style element options: "image" style element options: "indicator" style element options: "label" style element options: "leftarrow" style element options: "padding" style element options: "pbar" style element options: "rightarrow" style element options: "separator" style element options: "sizegrip" style element options: "slider" style element options: "tab" style element options: "text" style element options: "textarea" style element options: "thumb" style element options: "treearea" style element options: "trough" style element options: "uparrow" style element options: "vsash" style element options: "vseparator" style element options: "default" theme style list Style map: -foreground {disabled #a3a3a3} -background {disabled #edeceb active #ececec} Layout: Treedata.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} Layout: ComboboxPopdownFrame.border -sticky nswe Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.border -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -sticky we}} Layout: Sash.hsash -sticky we Layout: Horizontal.Progressbar.trough -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar -side left -sticky ns Horizontal.Progressbar.ctext -side left -sticky {}} Layout: Horizontal.Scale.focus -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.padding -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.slider -side left -sticky {}}}} Layout: Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough -sticky we -children {Horizontal.Scrollbar.leftarrow -side left -sticky {} Horizontal.Scrollbar.rightarrow -side right -sticky {} Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeitem.row -sticky nswe - Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Button.border -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Button.focus -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -relief {{!disabled pressed} sunken} Layout: Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.focus -side left -sticky w -children {Checkbutton.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -indicatorbackground {{alternate disabled} #a3a3a3 {alternate pressed} #5895bc alternate #4a6984 {selected disabled} #a3a3a3 {selected pressed} #5895bc selected #4a6984 disabled #edeceb pressed #c3c3c3} Layout: Combobox.field -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.downarrow -side right -sticky ns Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #edeceb disabled #edeceb} -arrowcolor {disabled #a3a3a3} Layout: Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #edeceb disabled #edeceb} Layout: Frame.border -sticky nswe Layout: Label.border -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Label.padding -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Label.label -sticky nswe}} Layout: Labelframe.border -sticky nswe Layout: Menubutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.indicator -side right -sticky {} Menubutton.padding -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -side left -sticky {}}}} Style map: -arrowcolor {disabled #a3a3a3} Layout: Notebook.client -sticky nswe Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Style map: -highlightcolor {selected #4a6984} -highlight {selected 1} -background {selected #edeceb} Layout: Panedwindow.background -sticky {} - Layout: Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Radiobutton.focus -side left -sticky {} -children {Radiobutton.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -indicatorbackground {{alternate disabled} #a3a3a3 {alternate pressed} #5895bc alternate #4a6984 {selected disabled} #a3a3a3 {selected pressed} #5895bc selected #4a6984 disabled #edeceb pressed #c3c3c3} Style map: -outercolor {active #ececec} Style map: -arrowcolor {disabled #a3a3a3} Layout: Separator.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Sizegrip.sizegrip -side bottom -sticky se Layout: Spinbox.field -side top -sticky we -children {null -side right -sticky {} -children {Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky e Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky e} Spinbox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #edeceb disabled #edeceb} -arrowcolor {disabled #a3a3a3} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -relief {disabled flat selected sunken pressed sunken active raised} -background {pressed #c3c3c3 active #ececec} Layout: Treeview.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground {disabled #a3a3a3 selected #ffffff} -background {disabled #edeceb selected #4a6984} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Sash.vsash -sticky ns Layout: Vertical.Progressbar.trough -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Progressbar.pbar -side bottom -sticky we} Layout: Vertical.Scale.focus -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.padding -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.slider -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Vertical.Scrollbar.trough -sticky ns -children {Vertical.Scrollbar.uparrow -side top -sticky {} Vertical.Scrollbar.downarrow -side bottom -sticky {} Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb -sticky nswe}PASS "Combobox.background" style element options: "Combobox.border" style element options: "Combobox.rightdownarrow" style element options: "ComboboxPopdownFrame.background" style element options: "Entry.background" style element options: "Entry.field" style element options: "Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar" style element options: "Horizontal.Scale.slider" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.grip" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.leftarrow" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.rightarrow" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough" style element options: "Menubutton.dropdown" style element options: "Spinbox.background" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.field" style element options: "Spinbox.innerbg" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "Vertical.Progressbar.pbar" style element options: "Vertical.Scale.slider" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.downarrow" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.grip" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.trough" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.uparrow" style element options: "vista" theme style list Style map: -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText} Layout: ComboboxPopdownFrame.background -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {ComboboxPopdownFrame.padding -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.border -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -sticky we}} Layout: Horizontal.Progressbar.trough -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar -side left -sticky ns Horizontal.Progressbar.ctext -sticky nswe} Layout: Scale.focus -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.track -sticky we Horizontal.Scale.slider -side left -sticky {}}} Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Button.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.focus -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}}} Layout: Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.focus -side left -sticky w -children {Checkbutton.label -sticky nswe}} Layout: Combobox.border -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.rightdownarrow -side right -sticky ns Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.background -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.focus -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}}}} Style map: -focusfill {{readonly focus} SystemHighlight} -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText {readonly focus} SystemHighlightText} -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} Layout: Entry.field -sticky nswe -children {Entry.background -sticky nswe -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Menubutton.dropdown -side right -sticky ns Menubutton.button -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.padding -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -sticky {}}} Layout: Notebook.client -sticky nswe Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Style map: -expand {selected {2 2 2 2}} - Layout: Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Radiobutton.focus -side left -sticky {} -children {Radiobutton.label -sticky nswe}} - Layout: Spinbox.field -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.background -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.innerbg -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky nse Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky nse}} Style map: -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Layout: Treeview.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText selected SystemHighlightText} -background {disabled SystemButtonFace selected SystemHighlight} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Vertical.Progressbar.trough -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Progressbar.pbar -side bottom -sticky we} Layout: Scale.focus -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.track -sticky ns Vertical.Scale.slider -side top -sticky {}}} "Button.border" style element options: "Checkbutton.indicator" style element options: "Combobox.focus" style element options: "ComboboxPopdownFrame.border" style element options: "Radiobutton.indicator" style element options: "Scrollbar.trough" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "border" style element options: "client" style element options: "downarrow" style element options: "field" style element options: "focus" style element options: "leftarrow" style element options: "rightarrow" style element options: "sizegrip" style element options: "slider" style element options: "tab" style element options: "thumb" style element options: "uparrow" style element options: "winnative" theme style list Style map: -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText} -embossed {disabled 1} Layout: ComboboxPopdownFrame.border -sticky nswe Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.border -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -sticky we}} Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Button.border -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -relief {{!disabled pressed} sunken} Layout: Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.focus -side left -sticky w -children {Checkbutton.label -sticky nswe}} Layout: Combobox.field -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.downarrow -side right -sticky ns Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.focus -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -focusfill {{readonly focus} SystemHighlight} -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText {readonly focus} SystemHighlightText} -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -fieldbackground {readonly SystemButtonFace disabled SystemButtonFace} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} Layout: Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} -fieldbackground {readonly SystemButtonFace disabled SystemButtonFace} Layout: Labelframe.border -sticky nswe Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Menubutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.indicator -side right -sticky {} Menubutton.padding -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -side left -sticky {}}}} Layout: Notebook.client -sticky nswe Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Style map: -expand {selected {2 2 2 0}} - Layout: Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Radiobutton.focus -side left -sticky {} -children {Radiobutton.label -sticky nswe}} - Layout: Spinbox.field -side top -sticky we -children {null -side right -sticky {} -children {Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky e Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky e} Spinbox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -relief {disabled flat selected sunken pressed sunken active raised} Layout: Treeview.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText selected SystemHighlightText} -background {disabled SystemButtonFace selected SystemHighlight} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe "Button.button" style element options: "Checkbutton.indicator" style element options: "Combobox.downarrow" style element options: "Combobox.field" style element options: "Entry.field" style element options: "Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar" style element options: "Horizontal.Progressbar.trough" style element options: "Horizontal.Scale.slider" style element options: "Horizontal.Scale.track" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.grip" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough" style element options: "Labelframe.border" style element options: "Menubutton.button" style element options: "Menubutton.dropdown" style element options: "NotebookPane.background" style element options: "Radiobutton.indicator" style element options: "Scale.trough" style element options: "Scrollbar.downarrow" style element options: "Scrollbar.leftarrow" style element options: "Scrollbar.rightarrow" style element options: "Scrollbar.uparrow" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.field" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "Toolbutton.border" style element options: "Treeheading.border" style element options: "Treeitem.indicator" style element options: "Treeview.field" style element options: "Vertical.Progressbar.pbar" style element options: "Vertical.Progressbar.trough" style element options: "Vertical.Scale.slider" style element options: "Vertical.Scale.track" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.grip" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.trough" style element options: "client" style element options: "sizegrip" style element options: "tab" style element options: "xpnative" theme style list Style map: -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText} Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.border -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -sticky we}} Layout: Scale.focus -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.track -sticky we Horizontal.Scale.slider -side left -sticky {}}} Layout: Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough -sticky we -children {Horizontal.Scrollbar.leftarrow -side left -sticky {} Horizontal.Scrollbar.rightarrow -side right -sticky {} Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb -sticky nswe -unit 1 -children {Horizontal.Scrollbar.grip -sticky {}}} Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Button.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.focus -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}}} Layout: Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.focus -side left -sticky w -children {Checkbutton.label -sticky nswe}} Layout: Combobox.field -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.downarrow -side right -sticky ns Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.focus -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -focusfill {{readonly focus} SystemHighlight} -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText {readonly focus} SystemHighlightText} -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} Layout: Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Menubutton.dropdown -side right -sticky ns Menubutton.button -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.padding -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -sticky {}}} Layout: Notebook.client -sticky nswe Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Style map: -expand {selected {2 2 2 2}} - Layout: Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Radiobutton.focus -side left -sticky {} -children {Radiobutton.label -sticky nswe}} - - Layout: Spinbox.field -side top -sticky we -children {null -side right -sticky {} -children {Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky e Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky e} Spinbox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Layout: Treeview.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText selected SystemHighlightText} -background {disabled SystemButtonFace selected SystemHighlight} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Scale.focus -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.track -sticky ns Vertical.Scale.slider -side top -sticky {}}} Layout: Vertical.Scrollbar.trough -sticky ns -children {Vertical.Scrollbar.uparrow -side top -sticky {} Vertical.Scrollbar.downarrow -side bottom -sticky {} Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb -sticky nswe -unit 1 -children {Vertical.Scrollbar.grip -sticky {}}}PASS
Package paypal provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypal contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypal will assign all responses to go structures.
Package paypal provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypal contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypal will assign all responses to go structures.
Package paypal provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypal contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypal will assign all responses to go structures.
Package swagger (2.0) provides a powerful interface to your API Contains an implementation of Swagger 2.0. It knows how to serialize, deserialize and validate swagger specifications. Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on the planet, thousands of developers are supporting Swagger in almost every modern programming language and deployment environment. With a Swagger-enabled API, you get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability. We created Swagger to help fulfill the promise of APIs. Swagger helps companies like Apigee, Getty Images, Intuit, LivingSocial, McKesson, Microsoft, Morningstar, and PayPal build the best possible services with RESTful APIs.Now in version 2.0, Swagger is more enabling than ever. And it's 100% open source software. More detailed documentation is available at Install: The implementation also provides a number of command line tools to help working with swagger. Currently there is a spec validator tool: To generate a server for a swagger spec document: To generate a client for a swagger spec document: To generate a swagger spec document for a go application: There are several other sub commands available for the generate command You're free to add files to the directories the generated code lands in, but the files generated by the generator itself will be regenerated on following generation runs so any changes to those files will be lost. However extra files you create won't be lost so they are safe to use for customizing the application to your needs. To generate a server for a swagger spec document:
Package swagger (2.0) provides a powerful interface to your API Contains an implementation of Swagger 2.0. It knows how to serialize, deserialize and validate swagger specifications. Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on the planet, thousands of developers are supporting Swagger in almost every modern programming language and deployment environment. With a Swagger-enabled API, you get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability. We created Swagger to help fulfill the promise of APIs. Swagger helps companies like Apigee, Getty Images, Intuit, LivingSocial, McKesson, Microsoft, Morningstar, and PayPal build the best possible services with RESTful APIs.Now in version 2.0, Swagger is more enabling than ever. And it's 100% open source software. More detailed documentation is available at Install: The implementation also provides a number of command line tools to help working with swagger. Currently there is a spec validator tool: To generate a server for a swagger spec document: To generate a client for a swagger spec document: To generate a swagger spec document for a go application: There are several other sub commands available for the generate command You're free to add files to the directories the generated code lands in, but the files generated by the generator itself will be regenerated on following generation runs so any changes to those files will be lost. However extra files you create won't be lost so they are safe to use for customizing the application to your needs. To generate a server for a swagger spec document:
Package paypalsdk provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypalsdk contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypalsdk will assign all responses to go structures.
Package paypal provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypal contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypal will assign all responses to go structures.
Package swagger (2.0) provides a powerful interface to your API Contains an implementation of Swagger 2.0. It knows how to serialize, deserialize and validate swagger specifications. Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on the planet, thousands of developers are supporting Swagger in almost every modern programming language and deployment environment. With a Swagger-enabled API, you get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability. We created Swagger to help fulfill the promise of APIs. Swagger helps companies like Apigee, Getty Images, Intuit, LivingSocial, McKesson, Microsoft, Morningstar, and PayPal build the best possible services with RESTful APIs.Now in version 2.0, Swagger is more enabling than ever. And it's 100% open source software. More detailed documentation is available at Install: The implementation also provides a number of command line tools to help working with swagger. Currently there is a spec validator tool: To generate a server for a swagger spec document: To generate a client for a swagger spec document: To generate a swagger spec document for a go application: There are several other sub commands available for the generate command You're free to add files to the directories the generated code lands in, but the files generated by the generator itself will be regenerated on following generation runs so any changes to those files will be lost. However extra files you create won't be lost so they are safe to use for customizing the application to your needs. To generate a server for a swagger spec document:
Package swagger (2.0) provides a powerful interface to your API Contains an implementation of Swagger 2.0. It knows how to serialize, deserialize and validate swagger specifications. Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on the planet, thousands of developers are supporting Swagger in almost every modern programming language and deployment environment. With a Swagger-enabled API, you get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability. We created Swagger to help fulfill the promise of APIs. Swagger helps companies like Apigee, Getty Images, Intuit, LivingSocial, McKesson, Microsoft, Morningstar, and PayPal build the best possible services with RESTful APIs.Now in version 2.0, Swagger is more enabling than ever. And it's 100% open source software. Install: The implementation also provides a number of command line tools to help working with swagger. Currently there is a spec validator tool: To generate a server for a swagger spec document: To generate a client for a swagger spec document: To generate a swagger spec document for a go application: There are several other sub commands available for the generate command You're free to add files to the directories the generated code lands in, but the files generated by the generator itself will be regenerated on following generation runs so any changes to those files will be lost. However extra files you create won't be lost so they are safe to use for customizing the application to your needs. To generate a server for a swagger spec document:
Package paypal provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypal contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypal will assign all responses to go structures.
Package paypal provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypal contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypal will assign all responses to go structures.
Package paypalsdk provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypalsdk contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypalsdk will assign all responses to go structures.
Package swagger (2.0) provides a powerful interface to your API Contains an implementation of Swagger 2.0. It knows how to serialize, deserialize and validate swagger specifications. Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on the planet, thousands of developers are supporting Swagger in almost every modern programming language and deployment environment. With a Swagger-enabled API, you get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability. We created Swagger to help fulfill the promise of APIs. Swagger helps companies like Apigee, Getty Images, Intuit, LivingSocial, McKesson, Microsoft, Morningstar, and PayPal build the best possible services with RESTful APIs.Now in version 2.0, Swagger is more enabling than ever. And it's 100% open source software. More detailed documentation is available at Install: The implementation also provides a number of command line tools to help working with swagger. Currently there is a spec validator tool: To generate a server for a swagger spec document: To generate a client for a swagger spec document: To generate a swagger spec document for a go application: There are several other sub commands available for the generate command You're free to add files to the directories the generated code lands in, but the files generated by the generator itself will be regenerated on following generation runs so any changes to those files will be lost. However extra files you create won't be lost so they are safe to use for customizing the application to your needs. To generate a server for a swagger spec document:
Package paypal provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypal contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypal will assign all responses to go structures.
Package swagger (2.0) provides a powerful interface to your API Contains an implementation of Swagger 2.0. It knows how to serialize, deserialize and validate swagger specifications. Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on the planet, thousands of developers are supporting Swagger in almost every modern programming language and deployment environment. With a Swagger-enabled API, you get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability. We created Swagger to help fulfill the promise of APIs. Swagger helps companies like Apigee, Getty Images, Intuit, LivingSocial, McKesson, Microsoft, Morningstar, and PayPal build the best possible services with RESTful APIs.Now in version 2.0, Swagger is more enabling than ever. And it's 100% open source software. More detailed documentation is available at Install: The implementation also provides a number of command line tools to help working with swagger. Currently there is a spec validator tool: To generate a server for a swagger spec document: To generate a client for a swagger spec document: To generate a swagger spec document for a go application: There are several other sub commands available for the generate command You're free to add files to the directories the generated code lands in, but the files generated by the generator itself will be regenerated on following generation runs so any changes to those files will be lost. However extra files you create won't be lost so they are safe to use for customizing the application to your needs. To generate a server for a swagger spec document:
Package paypal provides a wrapper to PayPal API ( The first thing you do is to create a Client (you can select API base URL using paypal contants). Then you can get an access token from PayPal: After you have an access token you can call built-in functions to get data from PayPal. paypal will assign all responses to go structures.
Package swagger (2.0) provides a powerful interface to your API Contains an implementation of Swagger 2.0. It knows how to serialize, deserialize and validate swagger specifications. Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on the planet, thousands of developers are supporting Swagger in almost every modern programming language and deployment environment. With a Swagger-enabled API, you get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability. We created Swagger to help fulfill the promise of APIs. Swagger helps companies like Apigee, Getty Images, Intuit, LivingSocial, McKesson, Microsoft, Morningstar, and PayPal build the best possible services with RESTful APIs.Now in version 2.0, Swagger is more enabling than ever. And it's 100% open source software. Install: The implementation also provides a number of command line tools to help working with swagger. Currently there is a spec validator tool: To generate a server for a swagger spec document: To generate a client for a swagger spec document: To generate a swagger spec document for a go application: There are several other sub commands available for the generate command You're free to add files to the directories the generated code lands in, but the files generated by the generator itself will be regenerated on following generation runs so any changes to those files will be lost. However extra files you create won't be lost so they are safe to use for customizing the application to your needs. To generate a server for a swagger spec document: