Package securityhub provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for AWS SecurityHub. Security Hub provides you with a comprehensive view of your security state in Amazon Web Services and helps you assess your Amazon Web Services environment against security industry standards and best practices. Security Hub collects security data across Amazon Web Services accounts, Amazon Web Services services, and supported third-party products and helps you analyze your security trends and identify the highest priority security issues. To help you manage the security state of your organization, Security Hub supports multiple security standards. These include the Amazon Web Services Foundational Security Best Practices (FSBP) standard developed by Amazon Web Services, and external compliance frameworks such as the Center for Internet Security (CIS), the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Each standard includes several security controls, each of which represents a security best practice. Security Hub runs checks against security controls and generates control findings to help you assess your compliance against security best practices. In addition to generating control findings, Security Hub also receives findings from other Amazon Web Services services, such as Amazon GuardDuty and Amazon Inspector, and supported third-party products. This gives you a single pane of glass into a variety of security-related issues. You can also send Security Hub findings to other Amazon Web Services services and supported third-party products. Security Hub offers automation features that help you triage and remediate security issues. For example, you can use automation rules to automatically update critical findings when a security check fails. You can also leverage the integration with Amazon EventBridge to trigger automatic responses to specific findings. This guide, the Security Hub API Reference, provides information about the Security Hub API. This includes supported resources, HTTP methods, parameters, and schemas. If you're new to Security Hub, you might find it helpful to also review the Security Hub User Guide. The user guide explains key concepts and provides procedures that demonstrate how to use Security Hub features. It also provides information about topics such as integrating Security Hub with other Amazon Web Services services. In addition to interacting with Security Hub by making calls to the Security Hub API, you can use a current version of an Amazon Web Services command line tool or SDK. Amazon Web Services provides tools and SDKs that consist of libraries and sample code for various languages and platforms, such as PowerShell, Java, Go, Python, C++, and .NET. These tools and SDKs provide convenient, programmatic access to Security Hub and other Amazon Web Services services . They also handle tasks such as signing requests, managing errors, and retrying requests automatically. For information about installing and using the Amazon Web Services tools and SDKs, see Tools to Build on Amazon Web Services. With the exception of operations that are related to central configuration, Security Hub API requests are executed only in the Amazon Web Services Region that is currently active or in the specific Amazon Web Services Region that you specify in your request. Any configuration or settings change that results from the operation is applied only to that Region. To make the same change in other Regions, call the same API operation in each Region in which you want to apply the change. When you use central configuration, API requests for enabling Security Hub, standards, and controls are executed in the home Region and all linked Regions. For a list of central configuration operations, see the Central configuration terms and conceptssection of the Security Hub User Guide. The following throttling limits apply to Security Hub API operations. BatchEnableStandards - RateLimit of 1 request per second. BurstLimit of 1 request per second. GetFindings - RateLimit of 3 requests per second. BurstLimit of 6 requests per second. BatchImportFindings - RateLimit of 10 requests per second. BurstLimit of 30 requests per second. BatchUpdateFindings - RateLimit of 10 requests per second. BurstLimit of 30 requests per second. UpdateStandardsControl - RateLimit of 1 request per second. BurstLimit of 5 requests per second. All other operations - RateLimit of 10 requests per second. BurstLimit of 30 requests per second.
Package feegrant provides functionality for authorizing the payment of transaction fees from one account (key) to another account (key). Effectively, this allows for a user to pay fees using the balance of an account different from their own. Example use cases would be allowing a key on a device to pay for fees using a master wallet, or a third party service allowing users to pay for transactions without ever really holding their own coins. This package provides ways for specifying fee allowances such that authorizing fee payment to another account can be done with clear and safe restrictions. A user would authorize granting fee payment to another user using MsgGrantAllowance and revoke that delegation using MsgRevokeAllowance. In both cases, Granter is the one who is authorizing fee payment and Grantee is the one who is receiving the fee payment authorization. So grantee would correspond to the one who is signing a transaction and the granter would be the address that pays the fees. The fee allowance that a grantee receives is specified by an implementation of the FeeAllowance interface. Two FeeAllowance implementations are provided in this package: BasicAllowance and PeriodicAllowance. Package feegrant is a reverse proxy. It translates gRPC into RESTful JSON APIs.
Package cadence and its subdirectories contain the Cadence client side framework. The Cadence service is a task orchestrator for your application’s tasks. Applications using Cadence can execute a logical flow of tasks, especially long-running business logic, asynchronously or synchronously. They can also scale at runtime on distributed systems. A quick example illustrates its use case. Consider Uber Eats where Cadence manages the entire business flow from placing an order, accepting it, handling shopping cart processes (adding, updating, and calculating cart items), entering the order in a pipeline (for preparing food and coordinating delivery), to scheduling delivery as well as handling payments. Cadence consists of a programming framework (or client library) and a managed service (or backend). The framework enables developers to author and coordinate tasks in Go code. The root cadence package contains common data structures. The subpackages are: The Cadence hosted service brokers and persists events generated during workflow execution. Worker nodes owned and operated by customers execute the coordination and task logic. To facilitate the implementation of worker nodes Cadence provides a client-side library for the Go language. In Cadence, you can code the logical flow of events separately as a workflow and code business logic as activities. The workflow identifies the activities and sequences them, while an activity executes the logic. Dynamic workflow execution graphs - Determine the workflow execution graphs at runtime based on the data you are processing. Cadence does not pre-compute the execution graphs at compile time or at workflow start time. Therefore, you have the ability to write workflows that can dynamically adjust to the amount of data they are processing. If you need to trigger 10 instances of an activity to efficiently process all the data in one run, but only 3 for a subsequent run, you can do that. Child Workflows - Orchestrate the execution of a workflow from within another workflow. Cadence will return the results of the child workflow execution to the parent workflow upon completion of the child workflow. No polling is required in the parent workflow to monitor status of the child workflow, making the process efficient and fault tolerant. Durable Timers - Implement delayed execution of tasks in your workflows that are robust to worker failures. Cadence provides two easy to use APIs, **workflow.Sleep** and **workflow.Timer**, for implementing time based events in your workflows. Cadence ensures that the timer settings are persisted and the events are generated even if workers executing the workflow crash. Signals - Modify/influence the execution path of a running workflow by pushing additional data directly to the workflow using a signal. Via the Signal facility, Cadence provides a mechanism to consume external events directly in workflow code. Task routing - Efficiently process large amounts of data using a Cadence workflow, by caching the data locally on a worker and executing all activities meant to process that data on that same worker. Cadence enables you to choose the worker you want to execute a certain activity by scheduling that activity execution in the worker's specific task-list. Unique workflow ID enforcement - Use business entity IDs for your workflows and let Cadence ensure that only one workflow is running for a particular entity at a time. Cadence implements an atomic "uniqueness check" and ensures that no race conditions are possible that would result in multiple workflow executions for the same workflow ID. Therefore, you can implement your code to attempt to start a workflow without checking if the ID is already in use, even in the cases where only one active execution per workflow ID is desired. Perpetual/ContinueAsNew workflows - Run periodic tasks as a single perpetually running workflow. With the "ContinueAsNew" facility, Cadence allows you to leverage the "unique workflow ID enforcement" feature for periodic workflows. Cadence will complete the current execution and start the new execution atomically, ensuring you get to keep your workflow ID. By starting a new execution Cadence also ensures that workflow execution history does not grow indefinitely for perpetual workflows. At-most once activity execution - Execute non-idempotent activities as part of your workflows. Cadence will not automatically retry activities on failure. For every activity execution Cadence will return a success result, a failure result, or a timeout to the workflow code and let the workflow code determine how each one of those result types should be handled. Asynch Activity Completion - Incorporate human input or thrid-party service asynchronous callbacks into your workflows. Cadence allows a workflow to pause execution on an activity and wait for an external actor to resume it with a callback. During this pause the activity does not have any actively executing code, such as a polling loop, and is merely an entry in the Cadence datastore. Therefore, the workflow is unaffected by any worker failures happening over the duration of the pause. Activity Heartbeating - Detect unexpected failures/crashes and track progress in long running activities early. By configuring your activity to report progress periodically to the Cadence server, you can detect a crash that occurs 10 minutes into an hour-long activity execution much sooner, instead of waiting for the 60-minute execution timeout. The recorded progress before the crash gives you sufficient information to determine whether to restart the activity from the beginning or resume it from the point of failure. Timeouts for activities and workflow executions - Protect against stuck and unresponsive activities and workflows with appropriate timeout values. Cadence requires that timeout values are provided for every activity or workflow invocation. There is no upper bound on the timeout values, so you can set timeouts that span days, weeks, or even months. Visibility - Get a list of all your active and/or completed workflow. Explore the execution history of a particular workflow execution. Cadence provides a set of visibility APIs that allow you, the workflow owner, to monitor past and current workflow executions. Debuggability - Replay any workflow execution history locally under a debugger. The Cadence client library provides an API to allow you to capture a stack trace from any failed workflow execution history.
Package temporal and its subdirectories contain the Temporal client side framework. The Temporal service is a task orchestrator for your application’s tasks. Applications using Temporal can execute a logical flow of tasks, especially long-running business logic, asynchronously or synchronously. They can also scale at runtime on distributed systems. A quick example illustrates its use case. Consider Uber Eats where Temporal manages the entire business flow from placing an order, accepting it, handling shopping cart processes (adding, updating, and calculating cart items), entering the order in a pipeline (for preparing food and coordinating delivery), to scheduling delivery as well as handling payments. Temporal consists of a programming framework (or client library) and a managed service (or backend). The framework enables developers to author and coordinate tasks in Go code. The root temporal package contains common data structures. The subpackages are: The Temporal hosted service brokers and persists events generated during workflow execution. Worker nodes owned and operated by customers execute the coordination and task logic. To facilitate the implementation of worker nodes Temporal provides a client-side library for the Go language. In Temporal, you can code the logical flow of events separately as a workflow and code business logic as activities. The workflow identifies the activities and sequences them, while an activity executes the logic. Dynamic workflow execution graphs - Determine the workflow execution graphs at runtime based on the data you are processing. Temporal does not pre-compute the execution graphs at compile time or at workflow start time. Therefore, you have the ability to write workflows that can dynamically adjust to the amount of data they are processing. If you need to trigger 10 instances of an activity to efficiently process all the data in one run, but only 3 for a subsequent run, you can do that. Child Workflows - Orchestrate the execution of a workflow from within another workflow. Temporal will return the results of the child workflow execution to the parent workflow upon completion of the child workflow. No polling is required in the parent workflow to monitor status of the child workflow, making the process efficient and fault tolerant. Durable Timers - Implement delayed execution of tasks in your workflows that are robust to worker failures. Temporal provides two easy to use APIs, **workflow.Sleep** and **workflow.Timer**, for implementing time based events in your workflows. Temporal ensures that the timer settings are persisted and the events are generated even if workers executing the workflow crash. Signals - Modify/influence the execution path of a running workflow by pushing additional data directly to the workflow using a signal. Via the Signal facility, Temporal provides a mechanism to consume external events directly in workflow code. Task routing - Efficiently process large amounts of data using a Temporal workflow, by caching the data locally on a worker and executing all activities meant to process that data on that same worker. Temporal enables you to choose the worker you want to execute a certain activity by scheduling that activity execution in the worker's specific task queue. Unique workflow ID enforcement - Use business entity IDs for your workflows and let Temporal ensure that only one workflow is running for a particular entity at a time. Temporal implements an atomic "uniqueness check" and ensures that no race conditions are possible that would result in multiple workflow executions for the same workflow ID. Therefore, you can implement your code to attempt to start a workflow without checking if the ID is already in use, even in the cases where only one active execution per workflow ID is desired. Perpetual/ContinueAsNew workflows - Run periodic tasks as a single perpetually running workflow. With the "ContinueAsNew" facility, Temporal allows you to leverage the "unique workflow ID enforcement" feature for periodic workflows. Temporal will complete the current execution and start the new execution atomically, ensuring you get to keep your workflow ID. By starting a new execution Temporal also ensures that workflow execution history does not grow indefinitely for perpetual workflows. At-most once activity execution - Execute non-idempotent activities as part of your workflows. Temporal will not automatically retry activities on failure. For every activity execution Temporal will return a success result, a failure result, or a timeout to the workflow code and let the workflow code determine how each one of those result types should be handled. Asynch Activity Completion - Incorporate human input or thrid-party service asynchronous callbacks into your workflows. Temporal allows a workflow to pause execution on an activity and wait for an external actor to resume it with a callback. During this pause the activity does not have any actively executing code, such as a polling loop, and is merely an entry in the Temporal datastore. Therefore, the workflow is unaffected by any worker failures happening over the duration of the pause. Activity Heartbeating - Detect unexpected failures/crashes and track progress in long running activities early. By configuring your activity to report progress periodically to the Temporal server, you can detect a crash that occurs 10 minutes into an hour-long activity execution much sooner, instead of waiting for the 60-minute execution timeout. The recorded progress before the crash gives you sufficient information to determine whether to restart the activity from the beginning or resume it from the point of failure. Timeouts for activities and workflow executions - Protect against stuck and unresponsive activities and workflows with appropriate timeout values. Temporal requires that timeout values are provided for every activity or workflow invocation. There is no upper bound on the timeout values, so you can set timeouts that span days, weeks, or even months. Visibility - Get a list of all your active and/or completed workflow. Explore the execution history of a particular workflow execution. Temporal provides a set of visibility APIs that allow you, the workflow owner, to monitor past and current workflow executions. Debuggability - Replay any workflow execution history locally under a debugger. The Temporal client library provides an API to allow you to capture a stack trace from any failed workflow execution history.
Package feegrant provides functionality for authorizing the payment of transaction fees from one account (key) to another account (key). Effectively, this allows for a user to pay fees using the balance of an account different from their own. Example use cases would be allowing a key on a device to pay for fees using a master wallet, or a third party service allowing users to pay for transactions without ever really holding their own coins. This package provides ways for specifying fee allowances such that authorizing fee payment to another account can be done with clear and safe restrictions. A user would authorize granting fee payment to another user using MsgGrantAllowance and revoke that delegation using MsgRevokeAllowance. In both cases, Granter is the one who is authorizing fee payment and Grantee is the one who is receiving the fee payment authorization. So grantee would correspond to the one who is signing a transaction and the granter would be the address that pays the fees. The fee allowance that a grantee receives is specified by an implementation of the FeeAllowance interface. Two FeeAllowance implementations are provided in this package: BasicAllowance and PeriodicAllowance. Package feegrant is a reverse proxy. It translates gRPC into RESTful JSON APIs.
Package paymentcryptography provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Payment Cryptography Control Plane. Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography Control Plane APIs manage encryption keys for use during payment-related cryptographic operations. You can create, import, export, share, manage, and delete keys. You can also manage Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies for keys. For more information, see Identity and access managementin the Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography User Guide. To use encryption keys for payment-related transaction processing and associated cryptographic operations, you use the Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography Data Plane. You can perform actions like encrypt, decrypt, generate, and verify payment-related data. All Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography API calls must be signed and transmitted using Transport Layer Security (TLS). We recommend you always use the latest supported TLS version for logging API requests. Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography supports CloudTrail for control plane operations, a service that logs Amazon Web Services API calls and related events for your Amazon Web Services account and delivers them to an Amazon S3 bucket you specify. By using the information collected by CloudTrail, you can determine what requests were made to Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography, who made the request, when it was made, and so on. If you don't configure a trail, you can still view the most recent events in the CloudTrail console. For more information, see the CloudTrail User Guide.
Package paymentcryptographydata provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Payment Cryptography Data Plane. You use the Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography Data Plane to manage how encryption keys are used for payment-related transaction processing and associated cryptographic operations. You can encrypt, decrypt, generate, verify, and translate payment-related cryptographic operations in Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography. For more information, see Data operationsin the Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography User Guide. To manage your encryption keys, you use the Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography Control Plane. You can create, import, export, share, manage, and delete keys. You can also manage Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies for keys.
Package cadence and its subdirectories contain the Cadence client side framework. The Cadence service is a task orchestrator for your application’s tasks. Applications using Cadence can execute a logical flow of tasks, especially long-running business logic, asynchronously or synchronously. They can also scale at runtime on distributed systems. A quick example illustrates its use case. Consider Uber Eats where Cadence manages the entire business flow from placing an order, accepting it, handling shopping cart processes (adding, updating, and calculating cart items), entering the order in a pipeline (for preparing food and coordinating delivery), to scheduling delivery as well as handling payments. Cadence consists of a programming framework (or client library) and a managed service (or backend). The framework enables developers to author and coordinate tasks in Go code. The root cadence package contains common data structures. The subpackages are: The Cadence hosted service brokers and persists events generated during workflow execution. Worker nodes owned and operated by customers execute the coordination and task logic. To facilitate the implementation of worker nodes Cadence provides a client-side library for the Go language. In Cadence, you can code the logical flow of events separately as a workflow and code business logic as activities. The workflow identifies the activities and sequences them, while an activity executes the logic. Dynamic workflow execution graphs - Determine the workflow execution graphs at runtime based on the data you are processing. Cadence does not pre-compute the execution graphs at compile time or at workflow start time. Therefore, you have the ability to write workflows that can dynamically adjust to the amount of data they are processing. If you need to trigger 10 instances of an activity to efficiently process all the data in one run, but only 3 for a subsequent run, you can do that. Child Workflows - Orchestrate the execution of a workflow from within another workflow. Cadence will return the results of the child workflow execution to the parent workflow upon completion of the child workflow. No polling is required in the parent workflow to monitor status of the child workflow, making the process efficient and fault tolerant. Durable Timers - Implement delayed execution of tasks in your workflows that are robust to worker failures. Cadence provides two easy to use APIs, **workflow.Sleep** and **workflow.Timer**, for implementing time based events in your workflows. Cadence ensures that the timer settings are persisted and the events are generated even if workers executing the workflow crash. Signals - Modify/influence the execution path of a running workflow by pushing additional data directly to the workflow using a signal. Via the Signal facility, Cadence provides a mechanism to consume external events directly in workflow code. Task routing - Efficiently process large amounts of data using a Cadence workflow, by caching the data locally on a worker and executing all activities meant to process that data on that same worker. Cadence enables you to choose the worker you want to execute a certain activity by scheduling that activity execution in the worker's specific task-list. Unique workflow ID enforcement - Use business entity IDs for your workflows and let Cadence ensure that only one workflow is running for a particular entity at a time. Cadence implements an atomic "uniqueness check" and ensures that no race conditions are possible that would result in multiple workflow executions for the same workflow ID. Therefore, you can implement your code to attempt to start a workflow without checking if the ID is already in use, even in the cases where only one active execution per workflow ID is desired. Perpetual/ContinueAsNew workflows - Run periodic tasks as a single perpetually running workflow. With the "ContinueAsNew" facility, Cadence allows you to leverage the "unique workflow ID enforcement" feature for periodic workflows. Cadence will complete the current execution and start the new execution atomically, ensuring you get to keep your workflow ID. By starting a new execution Cadence also ensures that workflow execution history does not grow indefinitely for perpetual workflows. At-most once activity execution - Execute non-idempotent activities as part of your workflows. Cadence will not automatically retry activities on failure. For every activity execution Cadence will return a success result, a failure result, or a timeout to the workflow code and let the workflow code determine how each one of those result types should be handled. Asynch Activity Completion - Incorporate human input or thrid-party service asynchronous callbacks into your workflows. Cadence allows a workflow to pause execution on an activity and wait for an external actor to resume it with a callback. During this pause the activity does not have any actively executing code, such as a polling loop, and is merely an entry in the Cadence datastore. Therefore, the workflow is unaffected by any worker failures happening over the duration of the pause. Activity Heartbeating - Detect unexpected failures/crashes and track progress in long running activities early. By configuring your activity to report progress periodically to the Cadence server, you can detect a crash that occurs 10 minutes into an hour-long activity execution much sooner, instead of waiting for the 60-minute execution timeout. The recorded progress before the crash gives you sufficient information to determine whether to restart the activity from the beginning or resume it from the point of failure. Timeouts for activities and workflow executions - Protect against stuck and unresponsive activities and workflows with appropriate timeout values. Cadence requires that timeout values are provided for every activity or workflow invocation. There is no upper bound on the timeout values, so you can set timeouts that span days, weeks, or even months. Visibility - Get a list of all your active and/or completed workflow. Explore the execution history of a particular workflow execution. Cadence provides a set of visibility APIs that allow you, the workflow owner, to monitor past and current workflow executions. Debuggability - Replay any workflow execution history locally under a debugger. The Cadence client library provides an API to allow you to capture a stack trace from any failed workflow execution history.
Package payment contains a simplified API of go-perun.