Package bluetooth provides a cross-platform Bluetooth module for Go that can be used on operating systems such as Linux, macOS, and Windows. It can also be used running "bare metal" on microcontrollers such as those produced by Nordic Semiconductor. This package can be use to create Bluetooth Low Energy centrals as well as peripherals. Code generated by bin/gen-characteristic-uuids; DO NOT EDIT. This file was generated on 2022-12-21 19:28:17.221517808 +0100 CET m=+0.001758142 using the list of standard characteristics UUIDs from Code generated by bin/gen-service-uuids; DO NOT EDIT. This file was generated on 2022-12-21 19:21:51.011665984 +0100 CET m=+0.000615122 using the list of standard service UUIDs from
Goserial is a simple go package to allow you to read and write from the serial port as a stream of bytes. It aims to have the same API on all platforms, including windows. As an added bonus, the windows package does not use cgo, so you can cross compile for windows from another platform. Unfortunately goinstall does not currently let you cross compile so you will have to do it manually: Currently there is very little in the way of configurability. You can set the baud rate. Then you can Read(), Write(), or Close() the connection. Read() will block until at least one byte is returned. Write is the same. There is currently no exposed way to set the timeouts, though patches are welcome. Currently all ports are opened with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no hardware flow control, and no software flow control. This works fine for many real devices and many faux serial devices including usb-to-serial converters and bluetooth serial ports. You may Read() and Write() simulantiously on the same connection (from different goroutines). Example usage:
Package gatt provides a Bluetooth Low Energy gatt implementation. Gatt (Generic Attribute Profile) is the protocol used to write BLE peripherals (servers) and centrals (clients). This package is a work in progress. The API will change. As a peripheral, you can create services, characteristics, and descriptors, advertise, accept connections, and handle requests. As a central, you can scan, connect, discover services, and make requests. gatt supports both Linux and OS X. On Linux: To gain complete and exclusive control of the HCI device, gatt uses HCI_CHANNEL_USER (introduced in Linux v3.14) instead of HCI_CHANNEL_RAW. Those who must use an older kernel may patch in these relevant commits from Marcel Holtmann: Note that because gatt uses HCI_CHANNEL_USER, once gatt has opened the device no other program may access it. Before starting a gatt program, make sure that your BLE device is down: If you have BlueZ 5.14+ (or aren't sure), stop the built-in bluetooth server, which interferes with gatt, e.g.: Because gatt programs administer network devices, they must either be run as root, or be granted appropriate capabilities: USAGE See the server.go, discoverer.go, and explorer.go in the examples/ directory for writing server or client programs that run on Linux and OS X. Users, especially on Linux platforms, seeking finer-grained control over the devices can see the examples/server_lnx.go for the usage of Option, which are platform specific. See the rest of the docs for other options and finer-grained control. Note that some BLE central devices, particularly iOS, may aggressively cache results from previous connections. If you change your services or characteristics, you may need to reboot the other device to pick up the changes. This is a common source of confusion and apparent bugs. For an OS X central, see gatt started life as a port of bleno, to which it is indebted: If you are having problems with gatt, particularly around installation, issues filed with bleno might also be helpful references. To try out your GATT server, it is useful to experiment with a generic BLE client. LightBlue is a good choice. It is available free for both iOS and OS X.
Goserial is a simple go package to allow you to read and write from the serial port as a stream of bytes. It aims to have the same API on all platforms, including windows. As an added bonus, the windows package does not use cgo, so you can cross compile for windows from another platform. Unfortunately goinstall does not currently let you cross compile so you will have to do it manually: Currently there is very little in the way of configurability. You can set the baud rate. Then you can Read(), Write(), or Close() the connection. Read() will block until at least one byte is returned. Write is the same. There is currently no exposed way to set the timeouts, though patches are welcome. Currently all ports are opened with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no hardware flow control, and no software flow control. This works fine for many real devices and many faux serial devices including usb-to-serial converters and bluetooth serial ports. You may Read() and Write() simulantiously on the same connection (from different goroutines). Example usage:
Package gatt provides a Bluetooth Low Energy gatt implementation. Gatt (Generic Attribute Profile) is the protocol used to write BLE peripherals (servers) and centrals (clients). This package is a work in progress. The API will change. As a peripheral, you can create services, characteristics, and descriptors, advertise, accept connections, and handle requests. As a central, you can scan, connect, discover services, and make requests. gatt supports both Linux and OS X. On Linux: To gain complete and exclusive control of the HCI device, gatt uses HCI_CHANNEL_USER (introduced in Linux v3.14) instead of HCI_CHANNEL_RAW. Those who must use an older kernel may patch in these relevant commits from Marcel Holtmann: Note that because gatt uses HCI_CHANNEL_USER, once gatt has opened the device no other program may access it. Before starting a gatt program, make sure that your BLE device is down: If you have BlueZ 5.14+ (or aren't sure), stop the built-in bluetooth server, which interferes with gatt, e.g.: Because gatt programs administer network devices, they must either be run as root, or be granted appropriate capabilities: USAGE See the server.go, discoverer.go, and explorer.go in the examples/ directory for writing server or client programs that run on Linux and OS X. Users, especially on Linux platforms, seeking finer-grained control over the devices can see the examples/server_lnx.go for the usage of Option, which are platform specific. See the rest of the docs for other options and finer-grained control. Note that some BLE central devices, particularly iOS, may aggressively cache results from previous connections. If you change your services or characteristics, you may need to reboot the other device to pick up the changes. This is a common source of confusion and apparent bugs. For an OS X central, see gatt started life as a port of bleno, to which it is indebted: If you are having problems with gatt, particularly around installation, issues filed with bleno might also be helpful references. To try out your GATT server, it is useful to experiment with a generic BLE client. LightBlue is a good choice. It is available free for both iOS and OS X.
Goserial is a simple go package to allow you to read and write from the serial port as a stream of bytes. It aims to have the same API on all platforms, including windows. As an added bonus, the windows package does not use cgo, so you can cross compile for windows from another platform. Unfortunately goinstall does not currently let you cross compile so you will have to do it manually: Currently there is very little in the way of configurability. You can set the baud rate. Then you can Read(), Write(), or Close() the connection. Read() will block until at least one byte is returned. Write is the same. There is currently no exposed way to set the timeouts, though patches are welcome. Currently ports are opened with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no hardware flow control, and no software flow control by default. This works fine for many real devices and many faux serial devices including usb-to-serial converters and bluetooth serial ports. You may Read() and Write() simulantiously on the same connection (from different goroutines). Example usage: