Package cap provides all the Linux Capabilities userspace library API bindings in native Go. Capabilities are a feature of the Linux kernel that allow fine grain permissions to perform privileged operations. Privileged operations are required to do irregular system level operations from code. You can read more about how Capabilities are intended to work here: This package supports native Go bindings for all the features described in that paper as well as supporting subsequent changes to the kernel for other styles of inheritable Capability. Some simple things you can do with this package are: The "cap" package operates with POSIX semantics for security state. That is all OS threads are kept in sync at all times. The package "" is used to implement POSIX semantics system calls that manipulate thread state uniformly over the whole Go (and any CGo linked) process runtime. Note, if the Go runtime syscall interface contains the Linux variant syscall.AllThreadsSyscall() API (it debuted in go1.16 see for its history) then the "libcap/psx" package will use that to invoke Capability setting system calls in pure Go binaries. With such an enhanced Go runtime, to force this behavior, use the CGO_ENABLED=0 environment variable. POSIX semantics are more secure than trying to manage privilege at a thread level when those threads share a common memory image as they do under Linux: it is trivial to exploit a vulnerability in one thread of a process to cause execution on any another thread. So, any imbalance in security state, in such cases will readily create an opportunity for a privilege escalation vulnerability. POSIX semantics also work well with Go, which deliberately tries to insulate the user from worrying about the number of OS threads that are actually running in their program. Indeed, Go can efficiently launch and manage tens of thousands of concurrent goroutines without bogging the program or wider system down. It does this by aggressively migrating idle threads to make progress on unblocked goroutines. So, inconsistent security state across OS threads can also lead to program misbehavior. The only exception to this process-wide common security state is the cap.Launcher related functionality. This briefly locks an OS thread to a goroutine in order to launch another executable - the robust implementation of this kind of support is quite subtle, so please read its documentation carefully, if you find that you need it. See for recent updates, some more complete walk-through examples of ways of using 'cap.Set's etc and information on how to file bugs. Copyright (c) 2019-21 Andrew G. Morgan <> The cap and psx packages are licensed with a (you choose) BSD 3-clause or GPL2. See LICENSE file for details.
Package diskfs implements methods for creating and manipulating disks and filesystems methods for creating and manipulating disks and filesystems, whether block devices in /dev or direct disk images. This does **not** mount any disks or filesystems, neither directly locally nor via a VM. Instead, it manipulates the bytes directly. This is not intended as a replacement for operating system filesystem and disk drivers. Instead, it is intended to make it easy to work with partitions, partition tables and filesystems directly without requiring operating system mounts. Some examples: 1. Create a disk image of size 10MB with a FAT32 filesystem spanning the entire disk.
Package nlp provides implementations of selected machine learning algorithms for natural language processing of text corpora. The primary focus is the statistical semantics of plain-text documents supporting semantic analysis and retrieval of semantically similar documents. The package makes use of the Gonum (http://http// library for linear algebra and scientific computing with some inspiration taken from Python's scikit-learn ( and Gensim( The primary intended use case is to support document input as text strings encoded as a matrix of numerical feature vectors called a `term document matrix`. Each column in the matrix corresponds to a document in the corpus and each row corresponds to a unique term occurring in the corpus. The individual elements within the matrix contain the frequency with which each term occurs within each document (referred to as `term frequency`). Whilst textual data from document corpora are the primary intended use case, the algorithms can be used with other types of data from other sources once encoded (vectorised) into a suitable matrix e.g. image data, sound data, users/products, etc. These matrices can be processed and manipulated through the application of additional transformations for weighting features, identifying relationships or optimising the data for analysis, information retrieval and/or predictions. Typically the algorithms in this package implement one of three primary interfaces: One of the implementations of Vectoriser is Pipeline which can be used to wire together pipelines composed of a Vectoriser and one or more Transformers arranged in serial so that the output from each stage forms the input of the next. This can be used to construct a classic LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) pipeline (vectoriser -> TF.IDF weighting -> Truncated SVD): Whilst they take different inputs, both Vectorisers and Transformers have 3 primary methods:
Package qml offers graphical QML application support for the Go language. This package is in an alpha stage, and still in heavy development. APIs may change, and things may break. At this time contributors and developers that are interested in tracking the development closely are encouraged to use it. If you'd prefer a more stable release, please hold on a bit and subscribe to the mailing list for news. It's in a pretty good state, so it shall not take too long. See for details. The qml package enables Go programs to display and manipulate graphical content using Qt's QML framework. QML uses a declarative language to express structure and style, and supports JavaScript for in-place manipulation of the described content. When using the Go qml package, such QML content can also interact with Go values, making use of its exported fields and methods, and even explicitly creating new instances of registered Go types. A simple Go application that integrates with QML may perform the following steps for offering a graphical interface: Some of these topics are covered below, and may also be observed in practice in the following examples: The following logic demonstrates loading a QML file into a window: Any QML object may be manipulated by Go via the Object interface. That interface is implemented both by dynamic QML values obtained from a running engine, and by Go types in the qml package that represent QML values, such as Window, Context, and Engine. For example, the following logic creates a window and prints its width whenever it's made visible: Information about the methods, properties, and signals that are available for QML objects may be obtained in the Qt documentation. As a reference, the "visibleChanged" signal and the "width" property used in the example above are described at: When in doubt about what type is being manipulated, the Object.TypeName method provides the type name of the underlying value. The simplest way of making a Go value available to QML code is setting it as a variable of the engine's root context, as in: This logic would enable the following QML code to successfully run: While registering an individual Go value as described above is a quick way to get started, it is also fairly limited. For more flexibility, a Go type may be registered so that QML code can natively create new instances in an arbitrary position of the structure. This may be achieved via the RegisterType function, as the following example demonstrates: With this logic in place, QML code can create new instances of Person by itself: Independently from the mechanism used to publish a Go value to QML code, its methods and fields are available to QML logic as methods and properties of the respective QML object representing it. As required by QML, though, the Go method and field names are lowercased according to the following scheme when being accesed from QML: While QML code can directly read and write exported fields of Go values, as described above, a Go type can also intercept writes to specific fields by declaring a setter method according to common Go conventions. This is often useful for updating the internal state or the visible content of a Go-defined type. For example: In the example above, whenever QML code attempts to update the Person.Name field via any means (direct assignment, object declarations, etc) the SetName method is invoked with the provided value instead. A setter method may also be used in conjunction with a getter method rather than a real type field. A method is only considered a getter in the presence of the respective setter, and according to common Go conventions it must not have the Get prefix. Inside QML logic, the getter and setter pair is seen as a single object property. Custom types implemented in Go may have displayable content by defining a Paint method such as: A simple example is available at: Resource files (qml code, images, etc) may be packed into the Go qml application binary to simplify its handling and distribution. This is done with the genqrc tool: The following blog post provides more details:
Package mergi implements a image manipulation library mainly focusing on merge. See for more information about mergi. Mergi library supports
Package luar provides a convenient interface between Lua and Go. It uses Alessandro Arzilli's golua ( Most Go values can be passed to Lua: basic types, strings, complex numbers, user-defined types, pointers, composite types, functions, channels, etc. Conversely, most Lua values can be converted to Go values. Composite types are processed recursively. Methods can be called on user-defined types. These methods will be callable using _dot-notation_ rather than colon notation. Arrays, slices, maps and structs can be copied as tables, or alternatively passed over as Lua proxy objects which can be naturally indexed. In the case of structs and string maps, fields have priority over methods. Use 'luar.method(<value>, <method>)(<params>...)' to call shadowed methods. Unexported struct fields are ignored. The "lua" tag is used to match fields in struct conversion. You may pass a Lua table to an imported Go function; if the table is 'array-like' then it is converted to a Go slice; if it is 'map-like' then it is converted to a Go map. Pointer values encode as the value pointed to when unproxified. Usual operators (arithmetic, string concatenation, pairs/ipairs, etc.) work on proxies too. The type of the result depends on the type of the operands. The rules are as follows: - If the operands are of the same type, use this type. - If one type is a Lua number, use the other, user-defined type. - If the types are different and not Lua numbers, convert to a complex proxy, a Lua number, or a Lua string according to the result kind. Channel proxies can be manipulated with the following methods: - close(): Close the channel. - recv() value: Fetch and return a value from the channel. - send(x value): Send a value in the channel. Complex proxies can be manipulated with the following attributes: - real: The real part. - imag: The imaginary part. Slice proxies can be manipulated with the following methods/attributes: - append(x ...value) sliceProxy: Append the elements and return the new slice. The elements must be convertible to the slice element type. - cap: The capacity of the slice. - slice(i, j integer) sliceProxy: Return the sub-slice that ranges from 'i' to 'j' excluded, starting from 1. String proxies can be browsed rune by rune with the pairs/ipairs functions. These runes are encoded as strings in Lua. Indexing a string proxy (starting from 1) will return the corresponding byte as a Lua string. String proxies can be manipulated with the following method: - slice(i, j integer) sliceProxy: Return the sub-string that ranges from 'i' to 'j' excluded, starting from 1. Pointers to structs and structs within pointers are automatically dereferenced. Slices must be looped over with 'ipairs'.
Package luar provides a convenient interface between Lua and Go. It uses Alessandro Arzilli's golua ( Most Go values can be passed to Lua: basic types, strings, complex numbers, user-defined types, pointers, composite types, functions, channels, etc. Conversely, most Lua values can be converted to Go values. Composite types are processed recursively. Methods can be called on user-defined types. These methods will be callable using _dot-notation_ rather than colon notation. Arrays, slices, maps and structs can be copied as tables, or alternatively passed over as Lua proxy objects which can be naturally indexed. In the case of structs and string maps, fields have priority over methods. Use 'luar.method(<value>, <method>)(<params>...)' to call shadowed methods. Unexported struct fields are ignored. The "lua" tag is used to match fields in struct conversion. You may pass a Lua table to an imported Go function; if the table is 'array-like' then it is converted to a Go slice; if it is 'map-like' then it is converted to a Go map. Pointer values encode as the value pointed to when unproxified. Usual operators (arithmetic, string concatenation, pairs/ipairs, etc.) work on proxies too. The type of the result depends on the type of the operands. The rules are as follows: - If the operands are of the same type, use this type. - If one type is a Lua number, use the other, user-defined type. - If the types are different and not Lua numbers, convert to a complex proxy, a Lua number, or a Lua string according to the result kind. Channel proxies can be manipulated with the following methods: - close(): Close the channel. - recv() value: Fetch and return a value from the channel. - send(x value): Send a value in the channel. Complex proxies can be manipulated with the following attributes: - real: The real part. - imag: The imaginary part. Slice proxies can be manipulated with the following methods/attributes: - append(x ...value) sliceProxy: Append the elements and return the new slice. The elements must be convertible to the slice element type. - cap: The capacity of the slice. - slice(i, j integer) sliceProxy: Return the sub-slice that ranges from 'i' to 'j' excluded, starting from 1. String proxies can be browsed rune by rune with the pairs/ipairs functions. These runes are encoded as strings in Lua. Indexing a string proxy (starting from 1) will return the corresponding byte as a Lua string. String proxies can be manipulated with the following method: - slice(i, j integer) sliceProxy: Return the sub-string that ranges from 'i' to 'j' excluded, starting from 1. Pointers to structs and structs within pointers are automatically dereferenced. Slices must be looped over with 'ipairs'.
fittool manipulates Intel Firmware Interface Table (FIT) in an UEFI image. See "Firmware Interface Table BIOS Specification": * Synopsis: An example: Description: For more advanced key manifest and boot policy manifest management see also Converged Security Suite: * *
Package transformimgs provides an easy way to add image transformations into your web applications. Package provides simple API that manipulating images and deliver them using next generation formats, including AVIF and JpegXL. You could use the package to plugin into the existing Go web application using img.Service.GetRouter method or deploy as a standalone web app using docker image.
Package qml offers graphical QML application support for the Go language. This package is in an alpha stage, and still in heavy development. APIs may change, and things may break. At this time contributors and developers that are interested in tracking the development closely are encouraged to use it. If you'd prefer a more stable release, please hold on a bit and subscribe to the mailing list for news. It's in a pretty good state, so it shall not take too long. See for details. The qml package enables Go programs to display and manipulate graphical content using Qt's QML framework. QML uses a declarative language to express structure and style, and supports JavaScript for in-place manipulation of the described content. When using the Go qml package, such QML content can also interact with Go values, making use of its exported fields and methods, and even explicitly creating new instances of registered Go types. A simple Go application that integrates with QML may perform the following steps for offering a graphical interface: Some of these topics are covered below, and may also be observed in practice in the following examples: The following logic demonstrates loading a QML file into a window: Any QML object may be manipulated by Go via the Object interface. That interface is implemented both by dynamic QML values obtained from a running engine, and by Go types in the qml package that represent QML values, such as Window, Context, and Engine. For example, the following logic creates a window and prints its width whenever it's made visible: Information about the methods, properties, and signals that are available for QML objects may be obtained in the Qt documentation. As a reference, the "visibleChanged" signal and the "width" property used in the example above are described at: When in doubt about what type is being manipulated, the Object.TypeName method provides the type name of the underlying value. The simplest way of making a Go value available to QML code is setting it as a variable of the engine's root context, as in: This logic would enable the following QML code to successfully run: While registering an individual Go value as described above is a quick way to get started, it is also fairly limited. For more flexibility, a Go type may be registered so that QML code can natively create new instances in an arbitrary position of the structure. This may be achieved via the RegisterType function, as the following example demonstrates: With this logic in place, QML code can create new instances of Person by itself: Independently from the mechanism used to publish a Go value to QML code, its methods and fields are available to QML logic as methods and properties of the respective QML object representing it. As required by QML, though, the Go method and field names are lowercased according to the following scheme when being accesed from QML: While QML code can directly read and write exported fields of Go values, as described above, a Go type can also intercept writes to specific fields by declaring a setter method according to common Go conventions. This is often useful for updating the internal state or the visible content of a Go-defined type. For example: In the example above, whenever QML code attempts to update the Person.Name field via any means (direct assignment, object declarations, etc) the SetName method is invoked with the provided value instead. A setter method may also be used in conjunction with a getter method rather than a real type field. A method is only considered a getter in the presence of the respective setter, and according to common Go conventions it must not have the Get prefix. Inside QML logic, the getter and setter pair is seen as a single object property. Custom types implemented in Go may have displayable content by defining a Paint method such as: A simple example is available at: Resource files (qml code, images, etc) may be packed into the Go qml application binary to simplify its handling and distribution. This is done with the genqrc tool: The following blog post provides more details:
GoAniGiffy is a utility for converting a set of alphabetically sorted images such as video frames grabbed from VLC or MPlayer into an animated GIF with options to Crop, Resize, Rotate & Flip the images prior to creating the GIF GoAniGiffy performs image operations in the order of cropping, scaling, rotating & flipping before converting the images into an Animated GIF. Image manipulation is done using Grigory Dryapak's imaging package. We use the Lanczos filter in Resizing and the default Floyd-Steinberg dithering used by Go Language's image/gif package to ensure video quality. Arbitrary angle rotations are not supported. The -delay parameter must be an integer specifying delay between frames in hundredths of a second. A value of 3 would give approximately 33 fps theoritically Usage of goanigiffy: Sources:
shortinette is the core framework for managing and automating the process of grading coding bootcamps (Shorts). It provides a comprehensive set of tools for running and testing student submissions across various programming languages. The shortinette package is composed of several sub-packages, each responsible for a specific aspect of the grading pipeline: `logger`: Handles logging for the framework, including general informational messages, error reporting, and trace logging for feedback on individual submissions. This package ensures that all important events and errors are captured for debugging and auditing purposes. `requirements`: Validates the necessary environment variables and dependencies required by the framework. This includes checking for essential configuration values in a `.env` file and ensuring that all necessary tools (e.g., Docker images) are available before grading begins. `testutils`: Provides utility functions for compiling and running code submissions. This includes functions for compiling Rust code, running executables with various options (such as timeouts and real-time output), and manipulating files. The utility functions are designed to handle the intricacies of running untrusted student code safely and efficiently. `git`: Manages interactions with GitHub, including cloning repositories, managing collaborators, and uploading files. This package abstracts the GitHub API to simplify common tasks such as adding collaborators to repositories, creating branches, and pushing code or data to specific locations in a repository. `exercise`: Defines the structure and behavior of individual coding exercises. This includes specifying the files that students are allowed to submit, the expected output, and the functions to be tested. The `exercise` package provides the framework for setting up exercises, running tests, and reporting results. `module`: Organizes exercises into modules, allowing for the grouping of related exercises into a coherent curriculum. The `module` package handles the execution of all exercises within a module, aggregates results, and manages the overall grading process. `webhook`: Enables automatic grading triggered by GitHub webhooks. This allows for a fully automated workflow where student submissions are graded as soon as they are pushed to a specific branch in a GitHub repository. `short`: The central orchestrator of the grading process, integrating all sub-packages into a cohesive system. The `short` package handles the setup and teardown of grading environments, manages the execution of modules and exercises, and ensures that all results are properly recorded and reported.
Package qml offers graphical QML application support for the Go language. This package is in an alpha stage, and still in heavy development. APIs may change, and things may break. At this time contributors and developers that are interested in tracking the development closely are encouraged to use it. If you'd prefer a more stable release, please hold on a bit and subscribe to the mailing list for news. It's in a pretty good state, so it shall not take too long. See for details. The qml package enables Go programs to display and manipulate graphical content using Qt's QML framework. QML uses a declarative language to express structure and style, and supports JavaScript for in-place manipulation of the described content. When using the Go qml package, such QML content can also interact with Go values, making use of its exported fields and methods, and even explicitly creating new instances of registered Go types. A simple Go application that integrates with QML may perform the following steps for offering a graphical interface: Some of these topics are covered below, and may also be observed in practice in the following examples: The following logic demonstrates loading a QML file into a window: Any QML object may be manipulated by Go via the Object interface. That interface is implemented both by dynamic QML values obtained from a running engine, and by Go types in the qml package that represent QML values, such as Window, Context, and Engine. For example, the following logic creates a window and prints its width whenever it's made visible: Information about the methods, properties, and signals that are available for QML objects may be obtained in the Qt documentation. As a reference, the "visibleChanged" signal and the "width" property used in the example above are described at: When in doubt about what type is being manipulated, the Object.TypeName method provides the type name of the underlying value. The simplest way of making a Go value available to QML code is setting it as a variable of the engine's root context, as in: This logic would enable the following QML code to successfully run: While registering an individual Go value as described above is a quick way to get started, it is also fairly limited. For more flexibility, a Go type may be registered so that QML code can natively create new instances in an arbitrary position of the structure. This may be achieved via the RegisterType function, as the following example demonstrates: With this logic in place, QML code can create new instances of Person by itself: Independently from the mechanism used to publish a Go value to QML code, its methods and fields are available to QML logic as methods and properties of the respective QML object representing it. As required by QML, though, the Go method and field names are lowercased according to the following scheme when being accesed from QML: While QML code can directly read and write exported fields of Go values, as described above, a Go type can also intercept writes to specific fields by declaring a setter method according to common Go conventions. This is often useful for updating the internal state or the visible content of a Go-defined type. For example: In the example above, whenever QML code attempts to update the Person.Name field via any means (direct assignment, object declarations, etc) the SetName method is invoked with the provided value instead. A setter method may also be used in conjunction with a getter method rather than a real type field. A method is only considered a getter in the presence of the respective setter, and according to common Go conventions it must not have the Get prefix. Inside QML logic, the getter and setter pair is seen as a single object property. Custom types implemented in Go may have displayable content by defining a Paint method such as: A simple example is available at: Resource files (qml code, images, etc) may be packed into the Go qml application binary to simplify its handling and distribution. This is done with the genqrc tool: The following blog post provides more details:
Package polygon provides functions for manipulation of polygon structures. A polygon is an N straight sided, not self-intersecting, shape, where N is greater than 2. The conventions for this package are x increases to the right, and y increases up the page (reverse of typical image formats). This convention gives meaning to clockwise and counter-clockwise.
Package qml offers graphical QML application support for the Go language. This package is in an alpha stage, and still in heavy development. APIs may change, and things may break. At this time contributors and developers that are interested in tracking the development closely are encouraged to use it. If you'd prefer a more stable release, please hold on a bit and subscribe to the mailing list for news. It's in a pretty good state, so it shall not take too long. See for details. The qml package enables Go programs to display and manipulate graphical content using Qt's QML framework. QML uses a declarative language to express structure and style, and supports JavaScript for in-place manipulation of the described content. When using the Go qml package, such QML content can also interact with Go values, making use of its exported fields and methods, and even explicitly creating new instances of registered Go types. A simple Go application that integrates with QML may perform the following steps for offering a graphical interface: Some of these topics are covered below, and may also be observed in practice in the following examples: The following logic demonstrates loading a QML file into a window: Any QML object may be manipulated by Go via the Object interface. That interface is implemented both by dynamic QML values obtained from a running engine, and by Go types in the qml package that represent QML values, such as Window, Context, and Engine. For example, the following logic creates a window and prints its width whenever it's made visible: Information about the methods, properties, and signals that are available for QML objects may be obtained in the Qt documentation. As a reference, the "visibleChanged" signal and the "width" property used in the example above are described at: When in doubt about what type is being manipulated, the Object.TypeName method provides the type name of the underlying value. The simplest way of making a Go value available to QML code is setting it as a variable of the engine's root context, as in: This logic would enable the following QML code to successfully run: While registering an individual Go value as described above is a quick way to get started, it is also fairly limited. For more flexibility, a Go type may be registered so that QML code can natively create new instances in an arbitrary position of the structure. This may be achieved via the RegisterType function, as the following example demonstrates: With this logic in place, QML code can create new instances of Person by itself: Independently from the mechanism used to publish a Go value to QML code, its methods and fields are available to QML logic as methods and properties of the respective QML object representing it. As required by QML, though, the Go method and field names are lowercased according to the following scheme when being accesed from QML: While QML code can directly read and write exported fields of Go values, as described above, a Go type can also intercept writes to specific fields by declaring a setter method according to common Go conventions. This is often useful for updating the internal state or the visible content of a Go-defined type. For example: In the example above, whenever QML code attempts to update the Person.Name field via any means (direct assignment, object declarations, etc) the SetName method is invoked with the provided value instead. A setter method may also be used in conjunction with a getter method rather than a real type field. A method is only considered a getter in the presence of the respective setter, and according to common Go conventions it must not have the Get prefix. Inside QML logic, the getter and setter pair is seen as a single object property. Custom types implemented in Go may have displayable content by defining a Paint method such as: A simple example is available at: Resource files (qml code, images, etc) may be packed into the Go qml application binary to simplify its handling and distribution. This is done with the genqrc tool: The following blog post provides more details:
Package qml offers graphical QML application support for the Go language. This package is in an alpha stage, and still in heavy development. APIs may change, and things may break. At this time contributors and developers that are interested in tracking the development closely are encouraged to use it. If you'd prefer a more stable release, please hold on a bit and subscribe to the mailing list for news. It's in a pretty good state, so it shall not take too long. See for details. The qml package enables Go programs to display and manipulate graphical content using Qt's QML framework. QML uses a declarative language to express structure and style, and supports JavaScript for in-place manipulation of the described content. When using the Go qml package, such QML content can also interact with Go values, making use of its exported fields and methods, and even explicitly creating new instances of registered Go types. A simple Go application that integrates with QML may perform the following steps for offering a graphical interface: Some of these topics are covered below, and may also be observed in practice in the following examples: The following logic demonstrates loading a QML file into a window: Any QML object may be manipulated by Go via the Object interface. That interface is implemented both by dynamic QML values obtained from a running engine, and by Go types in the qml package that represent QML values, such as Window, Context, and Engine. For example, the following logic creates a window and prints its width whenever it's made visible: Information about the methods, properties, and signals that are available for QML objects may be obtained in the Qt documentation. As a reference, the "visibleChanged" signal and the "width" property used in the example above are described at: When in doubt about what type is being manipulated, the Object.TypeName method provides the type name of the underlying value. The simplest way of making a Go value available to QML code is setting it as a variable of the engine's root context, as in: This logic would enable the following QML code to successfully run: While registering an individual Go value as described above is a quick way to get started, it is also fairly limited. For more flexibility, a Go type may be registered so that QML code can natively create new instances in an arbitrary position of the structure. This may be achieved via the RegisterType function, as the following example demonstrates: With this logic in place, QML code can create new instances of Person by itself: Independently from the mechanism used to publish a Go value to QML code, its methods and fields are available to QML logic as methods and properties of the respective QML object representing it. As required by QML, though, the Go method and field names are lowercased according to the following scheme when being accesed from QML: While QML code can directly read and write exported fields of Go values, as described above, a Go type can also intercept writes to specific fields by declaring a setter method according to common Go conventions. This is often useful for updating the internal state or the visible content of a Go-defined type. For example: In the example above, whenever QML code attempts to update the Person.Name field via any means (direct assignment, object declarations, etc) the SetName method is invoked with the provided value instead. A setter method may also be used in conjunction with a getter method rather than a real type field. A method is only considered a getter in the presence of the respective setter, and according to common Go conventions it must not have the Get prefix. Inside QML logic, the getter and setter pair is seen as a single object property. Custom types implemented in Go may have displayable content by defining a Paint method such as: A simple example is available at: Resource files (qml code, images, etc) may be packed into the Go qml application binary to simplify its handling and distribution. This is done with the genqrc tool: The following blog post provides more details:
Package qml offers graphical QML application support for the Go language. This package is in an alpha stage, and still in heavy development. APIs may change, and things may break. At this time contributors and developers that are interested in tracking the development closely are encouraged to use it. If you'd prefer a more stable release, please hold on a bit and subscribe to the mailing list for news. It's in a pretty good state, so it shall not take too long. See for details. The qml package enables Go programs to display and manipulate graphical content using Qt's QML framework. QML uses a declarative language to express structure and style, and supports JavaScript for in-place manipulation of the described content. When using the Go qml package, such QML content can also interact with Go values, making use of its exported fields and methods, and even explicitly creating new instances of registered Go types. A simple Go application that integrates with QML may perform the following steps for offering a graphical interface: Some of these topics are covered below, and may also be observed in practice in the following examples: The following logic demonstrates loading a QML file into a window: Any QML object may be manipulated by Go via the Object interface. That interface is implemented both by dynamic QML values obtained from a running engine, and by Go types in the qml package that represent QML values, such as Window, Context, and Engine. For example, the following logic creates a window and prints its width whenever it's made visible: Information about the methods, properties, and signals that are available for QML objects may be obtained in the Qt documentation. As a reference, the "visibleChanged" signal and the "width" property used in the example above are described at: When in doubt about what type is being manipulated, the Object.TypeName method provides the type name of the underlying value. The simplest way of making a Go value available to QML code is setting it as a variable of the engine's root context, as in: This logic would enable the following QML code to successfully run: While registering an individual Go value as described above is a quick way to get started, it is also fairly limited. For more flexibility, a Go type may be registered so that QML code can natively create new instances in an arbitrary position of the structure. This may be achieved via the RegisterType function, as the following example demonstrates: With this logic in place, QML code can create new instances of Person by itself: Independently from the mechanism used to publish a Go value to QML code, its methods and fields are available to QML logic as methods and properties of the respective QML object representing it. As required by QML, though, the Go method and field names are lowercased according to the following scheme when being accesed from QML: While QML code can directly read and write exported fields of Go values, as described above, a Go type can also intercept writes to specific fields by declaring a setter method according to common Go conventions. This is often useful for updating the internal state or the visible content of a Go-defined type. For example: In the example above, whenever QML code attempts to update the Person.Name field via any means (direct assignment, object declarations, etc) the SetName method is invoked with the provided value instead. A setter method may also be used in conjunction with a getter method rather than a real type field. A method is only considered a getter in the presence of the respective setter, and according to common Go conventions it must not have the Get prefix. Inside QML logic, the getter and setter pair is seen as a single object property. Custom types implemented in Go may have displayable content by defining a Paint method such as: A simple example is available at: Resource files (qml code, images, etc) may be packed into the Go qml application binary to simplify its handling and distribution. This is done with the genqrc tool: The following blog post provides more details:
Package imageutil implements functions for the manipulation of images.
Package imaging provides basic image manipulation functions (resize, rotate, flip, crop, etc.). This package is based on the standard Go image package and works best along with it. Image manipulation functions provided by the package take any image type that implements `image.Image` interface as an input, and return a new image of `*image.NRGBA` type (32bit RGBA colors, not premultiplied by alpha).
Package imaging provides basic image manipulation functions (resize, rotate, flip, crop, etc.). This package is based on the standard Go image package and works best along with it. Image manipulation functions provided by the package take any image type that implements `image.Image` interface as an input, and return a new image of `*image.NRGBA` type (32bit RGBA colors, not premultiplied by alpha).
Package imaging provides basic image manipulation functions (resize, rotate, flip, crop, etc.). This package is based on the standard Go image package and works best along with it. Image manipulation functions provided by the package take any image type that implements `image.Image` interface as an input, and return a new image of `*image.NRGBA` type (32bit RGBA colors, not premultiplied by alpha).
Package mergi implements a image manipulation library mainly focusing on merge. See for more information about mergi. Mergi library supports
Package qml offers graphical QML application support for the Go language. This package is in an alpha stage, and still in heavy development. APIs may change, and things may break. At this time contributors and developers that are interested in tracking the development closely are encouraged to use it. If you'd prefer a more stable release, please hold on a bit and subscribe to the mailing list for news. It's in a pretty good state, so it shall not take too long. See for details. The qml package enables Go programs to display and manipulate graphical content using Qt's QML framework. QML uses a declarative language to express structure and style, and supports JavaScript for in-place manipulation of the described content. When using the Go qml package, such QML content can also interact with Go values, making use of its exported fields and methods, and even explicitly creating new instances of registered Go types. A simple Go application that integrates with QML may perform the following steps for offering a graphical interface: Some of these topics are covered below, and may also be observed in practice in the following examples: The following logic demonstrates loading a QML file into a window: Any QML object may be manipulated by Go via the Object interface. That interface is implemented both by dynamic QML values obtained from a running engine, and by Go types in the qml package that represent QML values, such as Window, Context, and Engine. For example, the following logic creates a window and prints its width whenever it's made visible: Information about the methods, properties, and signals that are available for QML objects may be obtained in the Qt documentation. As a reference, the "visibleChanged" signal and the "width" property used in the example above are described at: When in doubt about what type is being manipulated, the Object.TypeName method provides the type name of the underlying value. The simplest way of making a Go value available to QML code is setting it as a variable of the engine's root context, as in: This logic would enable the following QML code to successfully run: While registering an individual Go value as described above is a quick way to get started, it is also fairly limited. For more flexibility, a Go type may be registered so that QML code can natively create new instances in an arbitrary position of the structure. This may be achieved via the RegisterType function, as the following example demonstrates: With this logic in place, QML code can create new instances of Person by itself: Independently from the mechanism used to publish a Go value to QML code, its methods and fields are available to QML logic as methods and properties of the respective QML object representing it. As required by QML, though, the Go method and field names are lowercased according to the following scheme when being accesed from QML: While QML code can directly read and write exported fields of Go values, as described above, a Go type can also intercept writes to specific fields by declaring a setter method according to common Go conventions. This is often useful for updating the internal state or the visible content of a Go-defined type. For example: In the example above, whenever QML code attempts to update the Person.Name field via any means (direct assignment, object declarations, etc) the SetName method is invoked with the provided value instead. A setter method may also be used in conjunction with a getter method rather than a real type field. A method is only considered a getter in the presence of the respective setter, and according to common Go conventions it must not have the Get prefix. Inside QML logic, the getter and setter pair is seen as a single object property. Custom types implemented in Go may have displayable content by defining a Paint method such as: A simple example is available at: Resource files (qml code, images, etc) may be packed into the Go qml application binary to simplify its handling and distribution. This is done with the genqrc tool: The following blog post provides more details:
Package qml offers graphical QML application support for the Go language. This package is in an alpha stage, and still in heavy development. APIs may change, and things may break. At this time contributors and developers that are interested in tracking the development closely are encouraged to use it. If you'd prefer a more stable release, please hold on a bit and subscribe to the mailing list for news. It's in a pretty good state, so it shall not take too long. See for details. The qml package enables Go programs to display and manipulate graphical content using Qt's QML framework. QML uses a declarative language to express structure and style, and supports JavaScript for in-place manipulation of the described content. When using the Go qml package, such QML content can also interact with Go values, making use of its exported fields and methods, and even explicitly creating new instances of registered Go types. A simple Go application that integrates with QML may perform the following steps for offering a graphical interface: Some of these topics are covered below, and may also be observed in practice in the following examples: The following logic demonstrates loading a QML file into a window: Any QML object may be manipulated by Go via the Object interface. That interface is implemented both by dynamic QML values obtained from a running engine, and by Go types in the qml package that represent QML values, such as Window, Context, and Engine. For example, the following logic creates a window and prints its width whenever it's made visible: Information about the methods, properties, and signals that are available for QML objects may be obtained in the Qt documentation. As a reference, the "visibleChanged" signal and the "width" property used in the example above are described at: When in doubt about what type is being manipulated, the Object.TypeName method provides the type name of the underlying value. The simplest way of making a Go value available to QML code is setting it as a variable of the engine's root context, as in: This logic would enable the following QML code to successfully run: While registering an individual Go value as described above is a quick way to get started, it is also fairly limited. For more flexibility, a Go type may be registered so that QML code can natively create new instances in an arbitrary position of the structure. This may be achieved via the RegisterType function, as the following example demonstrates: With this logic in place, QML code can create new instances of Person by itself: Independently from the mechanism used to publish a Go value to QML code, its methods and fields are available to QML logic as methods and properties of the respective QML object representing it. As required by QML, though, the Go method and field names are lowercased according to the following scheme when being accesed from QML: While QML code can directly read and write exported fields of Go values, as described above, a Go type can also intercept writes to specific fields by declaring a setter method according to common Go conventions. This is often useful for updating the internal state or the visible content of a Go-defined type. For example: In the example above, whenever QML code attempts to update the Person.Name field via any means (direct assignment, object declarations, etc) the SetName method is invoked with the provided value instead. A setter method may also be used in conjunction with a getter method rather than a real type field. A method is only considered a getter in the presence of the respective setter, and according to common Go conventions it must not have the Get prefix. Inside QML logic, the getter and setter pair is seen as a single object property. Custom types implemented in Go may have displayable content by defining a Paint method such as: A simple example is available at: Resource files (qml code, images, etc) may be packed into the Go qml application binary to simplify its handling and distribution. This is done with the genqrc tool: The following blog post provides more details:
Package mergi implements a image manipulation library mainly focusing on merge. See for more information about mergi. Mergi library supports
Package imaging provides basic image manipulation functions (resize, rotate, flip, crop, etc.). This package is based on the standard Go image package and works best along with it. Image manipulation functions provided by the package take any image type that implements `image.Image` interface as an input, and return a new image of `*image.NRGBA` type (32bit RGBA colors, not premultiplied by alpha).
Package imaging provides basic image manipulation functions (resize, rotate, flip, crop, etc.). This package is based on the standard Go image package and works best along with it. Image manipulation functions provided by the package take any image type that implements `image.Image` interface as an input, and return a new image of `*image.NRGBA` type (32bit RGBA colors, not premultiplied by alpha). Imaging package uses parallel goroutines for faster image processing. To achieve maximum performance, make sure to allow Go to utilize all CPU cores: Here is the complete example that loades several images, makes thumbnails of them and joins them together.
Package goav contains the codecs (decoders and encoders) provided by the libavcodec library Provides some generic global options, which can be set on all the encoders and decoders. Package goav deals with the input and output devices provided by the libavdevice library The libavdevice library provides the same interface as libavformat. Namely, an input device is considered like a demuxer, and an output device like a muxer, and the interface and generic device options are the same provided by libavformat Package goav contains methods that deal with ffmpeg filters filters in the same linear chain are separated by commas, and distinct linear chains of filters are separated by semicolons. FFmpeg is enabled through the "C" libavfilter library Package goav provides some generic global options, which can be set on all the muxers and demuxers. In addition each muxer or demuxer may support so-called private options, which are specific for that component. Supported formats (muxers and demuxers) provided by the libavformat library Package goav ... Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file. Giorgis ( Package goav is a utility library to aid portable multimedia programming. It contains safe portable string functions, random number generators, data structures, additional mathematics functions, cryptography and multimedia related functionality. Some generic features and utilities provided by the libavutil library Package goav provides some generic global options, which can be set on all the muxers and demuxers. In addition each muxer or demuxer may support so-called private options, which are specific for that component. Supported formats (muxers and demuxers) provided by the libavformat library Package goav is a utility library to aid portable multimedia programming. It contains safe portable string functions, random number generators, data structures, additional mathematics functions, cryptography and multimedia related functionality. Some generic features and utilities provided by the libavutil library Package goav is a utility library to aid portable multimedia programming. It contains safe portable string functions, random number generators, data structures, additional mathematics functions, cryptography and multimedia related functionality. Some generic features and utilities provided by the libavutil library Package goav contains golang binding for FFmpeg. A comprehensive binding to the ffmpeg video/audio manipulation library: Contains: Package goav contains the codecs (decoders and encoders) provided by the libavcodec library Provides some generic global options, which can be set on all the encoders and decoders. Package goav contains the codecs (decoders and encoders) provided by the libavcodec library Provides some generic global options, which can be set on all the encoders and decoders. Package goav provides a high-level interface to the libswresample library audio resampling utilities The process of changing the sampling rate of a discrete signal to obtain a new discrete representation of the underlying continuous signal. Package goav performs highly optimized image scaling and colorspace and pixel format conversion operations. Rescaling: is the process of changing the video size. Several rescaling options and algorithms are available. Pixel format conversion: is the process of converting the image format and colorspace of the image.
Package luar provides a convenient interface between Lua and Go. It uses Alessandro Arzilli's golua ( Most Go values can be passed to Lua: basic types, strings, complex numbers, user-defined types, pointers, composite types, functions, channels, etc. Conversely, most Lua values can be converted to Go values. Composite types are processed recursively. Methods can be called on user-defined types. These methods will be callable using _dot-notation_ rather than colon notation. Arrays, slices, maps and structs can be copied as tables, or alternatively passed over as Lua proxy objects which can be naturally indexed. In the case of structs and string maps, fields have priority over methods. Use 'luar.method(<value>, <method>)(<params>...)' to call shadowed methods. Unexported struct fields are ignored. The "lua" tag is used to match fields in struct conversion. You may pass a Lua table to an imported Go function; if the table is 'array-like' then it is converted to a Go slice; if it is 'map-like' then it is converted to a Go map. Pointer values encode as the value pointed to when unproxified. Usual operators (arithmetic, string concatenation, pairs/ipairs, etc.) work on proxies too. The type of the result depends on the type of the operands. The rules are as follows: - If the operands are of the same type, use this type. - If one type is a Lua number, use the other, user-defined type. - If the types are different and not Lua numbers, convert to a complex proxy, a Lua number, or a Lua string according to the result kind. Channel proxies can be manipulated with the following methods: - close(): Close the channel. - recv() value: Fetch and return a value from the channel. - send(x value): Send a value in the channel. Complex proxies can be manipulated with the following attributes: - real: The real part. - imag: The imaginary part. Slice proxies can be manipulated with the following methods/attributes: - append(x ...value) sliceProxy: Append the elements and return the new slice. The elements must be convertible to the slice element type. - cap: The capacity of the slice. - slice(i, j integer) sliceProxy: Return the sub-slice that ranges from 'i' to 'j' excluded, starting from 1. String proxies can be browsed rune by rune with the pairs/ipairs functions. These runes are encoded as strings in Lua. Indexing a string proxy (starting from 1) will return the corresponding byte as a Lua string. String proxies can be manipulated with the following method: - slice(i, j integer) sliceProxy: Return the sub-string that ranges from 'i' to 'j' excluded, starting from 1. Pointers to structs and structs within pointers are automatically dereferenced. Slices must be looped over with 'ipairs'.
Package mergi implements a image manipulation library mainly focusing on merge. See for more information about mergi. Mergi library supports
Package annogo provides runtime support for Go annotations. This package is referenced from code generated by aptgo, for providing runtime access to annotation values that are intended to be runtime-visible. The various Register* functions should not be called directly, but instead only called from generated code. The other functions can then be used to inspect runtime-visible annotation values (which were registered from said generated code during package initialization). It also provides the foundational meta-annotations, which Go developers use to define their own annotations. Annotations on constructs in Go source code take the form of specially-formatted comments. At the end of normal Go doc, add annotations by writing annotation values, starting with an at sign ("@") in front of each annotation type (similar to annotation syntax in Java). Any comment line that starts with such an at sign is assumed by annotation processors to be the first line of annotations, and all comment lines following it are also assumed to be part of the annotations. So, for packages with annotations (e.g. those on which you might run the aptgo tool or other processing tools), it is important that no Go doc for any element have a line that starts with the at sign ("@") unless that line is the start of the doc'ed element's annotations. Like a statement in the Go language, an annotation should be all on a single line or break lines after characters that do not break expressions (such as open braces, open parentheses, binary operators, commas, etc). Multiple annotations go on multiple lines, though they can all be crammed on a single line if they are separated with semicolons (again, like normal statements in the Go language). As seen in the examples above, a single annotation starts with the at sign ("@") followed by the name of the annotation type, including a package qualifier. With just the annotation name, the annotation's value is its zero value with one important exception: if the annotation type is a struct and it has any field with a @annogo.DefaultValue annotation, that field will have the specified default value (not the field's zero value). If the annotation type is a struct and has any fields with a @annogo.Required annotation, values *must* be indicated in the annotation, so this syntax (annotation type without a value) will not be allowed. Annotations that indicate values can use one of two syntaxes: If the annotation type is a scalar, the value must be in parenthesis, just like a type conversion expression in normal Go code. If the annotation type is a composite type (struct, array, slice, or map), the values are in curly braces, just like the syntax for composite literals in normal Go code. // Scalar value @pkg.IntegerAnnotation(123) // Composite value @pkg.SliceAnnotation{123, 456, 789} There are two exceptions to these rules: These promotions are syntactic sugar to make annotation values more concise. The first case, an annotation type that is a struct with a single field named "Value", is useful when using annotations that only allow annotation fields as the kind of annotated element. If the annotation type were defined as a scalar type, the value of that scalar type could not have this sort of annotation on it (since they would be on a type element, not a field). So you can work around this by instead declaring the annotation as a single-field struct and then apply the annotations to the one field. The syntax of annotation values is the same as the syntax for constant expressions in normal Go code with a few additions: Channel values cannot be expressed with annotation expressions other than via untyped literal nils. Expressions in annotation values do not support pointer operations such as pointer-dereference (*) or address-of (&). However, pointer types are allowed and operations, such as address-of, are handled transparently. Like in constant expressions in normal Go code, function calls are disallowed except for a few special builtin functions for manipulating complex values: imag(c), real(c), and complex(fr, fi). This package contains some meta-annotations, including the one that defines all other annotations: @annogo.Annotation. A meta-annotation is an annotation that is used only on other annotations (or their fields). They are used to define characteristics of other annotations. In addition to to @annogo.Annotation, there are some other meta-annotations in this package worth knowing about: Querying annotation values at runtime (for annotations that are visible at runtime) is done using functions in this package, too. (There are numerous Register* functions, which record the annotation values during package initialization. But these should only be used by the code that is generated by the aptgo tool.) The other functions take three shapes:
Package grid provides a generic two-dimensional matrix slice type. The package provides utilities for iterating such grids, as well as manipulating positions and ranges. The API is inspired by the standard Go slice builtin functions and the image standard package.
Package nlp provides implementations of selected machine learning algorithms for natural language processing of text corpora. The primary focus is the statistical semantics of plain-text documents supporting semantic analysis and retrieval of semantically similar documents. The package makes use of the Gonum (http://http// library for linear algebra and scientific computing with some inspiration taken from Python's scikit-learn ( and Gensim( The primary intended use case is to support document input as text strings encoded as a matrix of numerical feature vectors called a `term document matrix`. Each column in the matrix corresponds to a document in the corpus and each row corresponds to a unique term occurring in the corpus. The individual elements within the matrix contain the frequency with which each term occurs within each document (referred to as `term frequency`). Whilst textual data from document corpora are the primary intended use case, the algorithms can be used with other types of data from other sources once encoded (vectorised) into a suitable matrix e.g. image data, sound data, users/products, etc. These matrices can be processed and manipulated through the application of additional transformations for weighting features, identifying relationships or optimising the data for analysis, information retrieval and/or predictions. Typically the algorithms in this package implement one of three primary interfaces: One of the implementations of Vectoriser is Pipeline which can be used to wire together pipelines composed of a Vectoriser and one or more Transformers arranged in serial so that the output from each stage forms the input of the next. This can be used to construct a classic LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) pipeline (vectoriser -> TF.IDF weighting -> Truncated SVD): Whilst they take different inputs, both Vectorisers and Transformers have 3 primary methods:
Package diskfs implements methods for creating and manipulating disks and filesystems methods for creating and manipulating disks and filesystems, whether block devices in /dev or direct disk images. This does **not** mount any disks or filesystems, neither directly locally nor via a VM. Instead, it manipulates the bytes directly. This is not intended as a replacement for operating system filesystem and disk drivers. Instead, it is intended to make it easy to work with partitions, partition tables and filesystems directly without requiring operating system mounts. Some examples: 1. Create a disk image of size 10MB with a FAT32 filesystem spanning the entire disk. Create a disk of size 20MB with an MBR partition table, a single partition beginning at block 2048 (1MB), of size 10MB filled with a FAT32 filesystem. import diskfs "" diskSize := 10*1024*1024 // 10 MB diskImg := "/tmp/disk.img" disk := diskfs.Create(diskImg, size, diskfs.Raw) table := &mbr.Table{ LogicalSectorSize: 512, PhysicalSectorSize: 512, Partitions: []*mbr.Partition{ { Bootable: false, Type: Linux, Start: 2048, Size: 20480, }, }, } fs, err := disk.CreateFilesystem(1, diskfs.TypeFat32) Create a disk of size 20MB with a GPT partition table, a single partition beginning at block 2048 (1MB), of size 10MB, and fill with the contents from the 10MB file "/root/contents.dat" import diskfs "" diskSize := 10*1024*1024 // 10 MB diskImg := "/tmp/disk.img" disk := diskfs.Create(diskImg, size, diskfs.Raw) table := &gpt.Table{ LogicalSectorSize: 512, PhysicalSectorSize: 512, Partitions: []*gpt.Partition{ { LogicalSectorSize: 512, PhysicalSectorSize: 512, ProtectiveMBR: true, }, }, } f, err := os.Open("/root/contents.dat") written, err := disk.WritePartitionContents(1, f) Create a disk of size 20MB with an MBR partition table, a single partition beginning at block 2048 (1MB), of size 10MB filled with a FAT32 filesystem, and create some directories and files in that filesystem. import diskfs "" diskSize := 10*1024*1024 // 10 MB diskImg := "/tmp/disk.img" disk := diskfs.Create(diskImg, size, diskfs.Raw) table := &mbr.Table{ LogicalSectorSize: 512, PhysicalSectorSize: 512, Partitions: []*mbr.Partition{ { Bootable: false, Type: Linux, Start: 2048, Size: 20480, }, }, } fs, err := disk.CreateFilesystem(1, diskfs.TypeFat32) err := fs.Mkdir("/FOO/BAR") rw, err := fs.OpenFile("/FOO/BAR/AFILE.EXE", os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDRWR) b := make([]byte, 1024, 1024) rand.Read(b) err := rw.Write(b)
Package mergi implements a image manipulation library mainly focusing on merge. See for more information about mergi. Mergi library supports
File image implements manipulations to the captured image used for identification of objects in view File keyboard implements functions to input key presses to the game. Code adapted from the snippet: File window creates the screen capture parameters based on the set game resolution and monitor the game is played on.
Package qml offers graphical QML application support for the Go language. This package is in an alpha stage, and still in heavy development. APIs may change, and things may break. At this time contributors and developers that are interested in tracking the development closely are encouraged to use it. If you'd prefer a more stable release, please hold on a bit and subscribe to the mailing list for news. It's in a pretty good state, so it shall not take too long. See for details. The qml package enables Go programs to display and manipulate graphical content using Qt's QML framework. QML uses a declarative language to express structure and style, and supports JavaScript for in-place manipulation of the described content. When using the Go qml package, such QML content can also interact with Go values, making use of its exported fields and methods, and even explicitly creating new instances of registered Go types. A simple Go application that integrates with QML may perform the following steps for offering a graphical interface: Some of these topics are covered below, and may also be observed in practice in the following examples: The following logic demonstrates loading a QML file into a window: Any QML object may be manipulated by Go via the Object interface. That interface is implemented both by dynamic QML values obtained from a running engine, and by Go types in the qml package that represent QML values, such as Window, Context, and Engine. For example, the following logic creates a window and prints its width whenever it's made visible: Information about the methods, properties, and signals that are available for QML objects may be obtained in the Qt documentation. As a reference, the "visibleChanged" signal and the "width" property used in the example above are described at: When in doubt about what type is being manipulated, the Object.TypeName method provides the type name of the underlying value. The simplest way of making a Go value available to QML code is setting it as a variable of the engine's root context, as in: This logic would enable the following QML code to successfully run: While registering an individual Go value as described above is a quick way to get started, it is also fairly limited. For more flexibility, a Go type may be registered so that QML code can natively create new instances in an arbitrary position of the structure. This may be achieved via the RegisterType function, as the following example demonstrates: With this logic in place, QML code can create new instances of Person by itself: Independently from the mechanism used to publish a Go value to QML code, its methods and fields are available to QML logic as methods and properties of the respective QML object representing it. As required by QML, though, the Go method and field names are lowercased according to the following scheme when being accesed from QML: While QML code can directly read and write exported fields of Go values, as described above, a Go type can also intercept writes to specific fields by declaring a setter method according to common Go conventions. This is often useful for updating the internal state or the visible content of a Go-defined type. For example: In the example above, whenever QML code attempts to update the Person.Name field via any means (direct assignment, object declarations, etc) the SetName method is invoked with the provided value instead. A setter method may also be used in conjunction with a getter method rather than a real type field. A method is only considered a getter in the presence of the respective setter, and according to common Go conventions it must not have the Get prefix. Inside QML logic, the getter and setter pair is seen as a single object property. Custom types implemented in Go may have displayable content by defining a Paint method such as: A simple example is available at: Resource files (qml code, images, etc) may be packed into the Go qml application binary to simplify its handling and distribution. This is done with the genqrc tool: The following blog post provides more details:
Package diskfs implements methods for creating and manipulating disks and filesystems methods for creating and manipulating disks and filesystems, whether block devices in /dev or direct disk images. This does **not** mount any disks or filesystems, neither directly locally nor via a VM. Instead, it manipulates the bytes directly. This is not intended as a replacement for operating system filesystem and disk drivers. Instead, it is intended to make it easy to work with partitions, partition tables and filesystems directly without requiring operating system mounts. Some examples: 1. Create a disk image of size 10MB with a FAT32 filesystem spanning the entire disk. Create a disk of size 20MB with an MBR partition table, a single partition beginning at block 2048 (1MB), of size 10MB filled with a FAT32 filesystem. import diskfs "" diskSize := 10*1024*1024 // 10 MB diskImg := "/tmp/disk.img" disk := diskfs.Create(diskImg, size, diskfs.Raw) table := &mbr.Table{ LogicalSectorSize: 512, PhysicalSectorSize: 512, Partitions: []*mbr.Partition{ { Bootable: false, Type: Linux, Start: 2048, Size: 20480, }, }, } fs, err := disk.CreateFilesystem(1, diskfs.TypeFat32) Create a disk of size 20MB with a GPT partition table, a single partition beginning at block 2048 (1MB), of size 10MB, and fill with the contents from the 10MB file "/root/contents.dat" import diskfs "" diskSize := 10*1024*1024 // 10 MB diskImg := "/tmp/disk.img" disk := diskfs.Create(diskImg, size, diskfs.Raw) table := &gpt.Table{ LogicalSectorSize: 512, PhysicalSectorSize: 512, Partitions: []*gpt.Partition{ { LogicalSectorSize: 512, PhysicalSectorSize: 512, ProtectiveMBR: true, }, }, } f, err := os.Open("/root/contents.dat") written, err := disk.WritePartitionContents(1, f) Create a disk of size 20MB with an MBR partition table, a single partition beginning at block 2048 (1MB), of size 10MB filled with a FAT32 filesystem, and create some directories and files in that filesystem. import diskfs "" diskSize := 10*1024*1024 // 10 MB diskImg := "/tmp/disk.img" disk := diskfs.Create(diskImg, size, diskfs.Raw) table := &mbr.Table{ LogicalSectorSize: 512, PhysicalSectorSize: 512, Partitions: []*mbr.Partition{ { Bootable: false, Type: Linux, Start: 2048, Size: 20480, }, }, } fs, err := disk.CreateFilesystem(1, diskfs.TypeFat32) err := fs.Mkdir("/FOO/BAR") rw, err := fs.OpenFile("/FOO/BAR/AFILE.EXE", os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDRWR) b := make([]byte, 1024, 1024) rand.Read(b) err := rw.Write(b)