with Go
Implementation of cryptocurrency payment through service and transaction confirmation through IPN
Get Started
Run backend
go run main.go
request give
GET http://localhost:8080/give HTTP/2.0
request IPN
This API is used by service
POST http://localhost:8080/ipn HTTP/2.0
Content-Type: application/json
"": 3,
"chain": "tron",
"currency": "TRX",
"type": "in",
"date": 1714816683,
"from": "",
"to": "TM6WmP1kN4Hvu9ts....",
"token": "USDT",
"tokenContract": "TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q...",
"amount": "100",
"fee": "0",
"txid": "e5cdbdf10c9bf45b651dd6d86f28b3a5...",
"pos": 0,
"confirmation": 100,
"label": "user_id",
"sign": "f7bdd026b533c7b134037d795af024ea06f059ac"
IPN data verification algorithm
To check the signature you need to:
- remember the received signature (sign field) from the data
- remove the sign field from the data
- sort the data by key in ascending order
- form a string - concatenate the data values (without keys) through ':', if the value has an 'array' type (labels, ids), then use the 'Array' value for gluing
- add to the string ':' and the MD5 hash from YOUR_API_KEY
- get the SHA1 hash of the string (in php this is the sha1() function)
- compare signature from step 1 with hash from step 6
keys := make([]string, 0)
m := structs.Map(inputStruct)
for k, _ := range m {
if k != "Sign" {
keys = append(keys, k)
values := make([]string, len(keys))
for i, k := range keys {
values[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", m[k])
signData := strings.Join(values, ":")
hashKey := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte("YOUR_API_KEY")))
sign := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", signData, hashKey)
hashSign := fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha1.Sum([]byte(sign)))
if hashSign != inputStruct.Sign {
fmt.Println("sign wrong")
} else {
Give method
Blockchain: All
Cost: Free if the address was issued previously or 1 unit + 1 unit if the address is virtual
Provides an address for incoming payments. Returns an address, its public key and (if enabled by settings) its private key. Typically, such addresses are temporary or transit.
If you pass in the address or label or uniqID parameter a value from an address that is in the archive, the API will restore and return this address
- token - additionally display the balance of this token at the address
- from - from this address take a commission for sending tokens [main address]
- to - send coins to this address [from settings or main address]
- statusURL - IPN handler URL [from settings] if you specify '-', then IPN will not be sent for this address
- label - label, transferred to IPN
- uniqID - unique request ID, which corresponds to the issued address [from label]. if you repeat uniqID, the API will return the previously issued address, but the rest of the address parameters will be updated
- waitPeriod - time before archiving in minutes (max. waiting period for funds to arrive)
- period - time before archiving in minutes (max. waiting period for the next receipt of funds)
- reusable - use in the address pool (see point 7) [0 - no]
- forceGenerate - force a new one [0 - no]
- address - create a “virtual” address (see point 9) or return from archive
- privateKey - create address from such a private key
- publicKey - create a virtual address from such a public key
- isPrimary - create a primary address [0 - no]
- qr - return a QR code image [0 - no]
"result": {
"QR": "data:image/png;base64, ..."