.fontFromUIFont(_ font: UIFont?) | Modifies the text field’s font from a UIFont object. 🔠 |
.foregroundColor(_ color: Color?) | Modifies the text color 🎨 of the text field. |
.accentColor(_ accentColor: Color?) | Modifies the cursor color 🌈 of the text field |
.multilineTextAlignment(_ alignment: TextAlignment) | Modifies the text alignment of a text field. ↔️ |
.textContentType(_ textContentType: UITextContentType?) | Modifies the content type of a text field. 📧 ☎️ |
.disableAutocorrection(_ disable: Bool?) | Modifies the text field’s autocorrection settings. |
.keyboardType(_ type: UIKeyboardType) | Modifies the text field’s keyboard type. 📩 |
.autocapitalization(_ style: UITextAutocapitalizationType) | Modifies the text field’s autocapitalization style. 🔡 |
.returnKeyType(_ type: UIReturnKeyType) | Modifies the text field’s return key type. ✅ |
.characterLimit(_ limit: Int?) | Sets the maximum amount of characters allowed in this text field. |
.isSecure(_ isSecure: Bool) | Modifies the text field’s secure entry settings. 🔒 |
.clearsOnBeginEditing(_ shouldClear: Bool) | Modifies the clear-on-begin-editing setting of a text field. ❌ |
clearsOnInsertion(_ shouldClear: Bool) | Modifies the clear-on-insertion setting of a text field. 👆 |
.showsClearButton(_ showsButton: Bool) | Modifies whether and when the text field clear button appears on the view. ⭕️ ❌ |
.passwordRules(_ rules: UITextInputPasswordRules) | Modifies the text field's password rules 🔒. Sets secure entry to true . |
.spellChecking(_ spellChecking: Bool? = nil) | Modifies whether the text field should check the user's spelling. |
.smartDashes(_ smartDashes: Bool? = nil) | Modifies whether the text field includes smart dashes. |
.smartInsertDelete(_ smartInsertDelete: Bool? = nil) | Modifies whether the text field uses smart insert-delete. |
.smartQuotes(_ smartQuotes: Bool? = nil) | Modifies whether the text field uses smart quotes. |
.disabled(disabled: Bool) | Modifies whether the text field is disabled. ✋ |
.onEditingBegan(perform action: { code }) | Modifies the function called when text editing begins. ▶️ |
.onEdit(perform action: { code }) | Modifies the function called when the user makes any changes to the text in the text field. 💬 |
.onEditingEnded(perform action: { code }) | Modifies the function called when text editing ends. 🔚 |
.onReturn(perform action: { code }) | Modifies the function called when the user presses the return key. ⬇️ ➡️ |
.onClear(perform action: { code }) | Modifies the function called when the user clears the text field. ❌ |