Make a cool plot with R and ggplot2
run an R code then return R's output and svg image
post body: {code:string, files:{name1:content1, name2:content2}}
ok response: {output:string, svg:string}
error response: {output:string, message:string}
make a plot and save the result for later reference (ie. give an id)
post body: {code:string, files:{name1:content1, name2:content2}}
ok response: {output:string, svg:string, id:string, svg_url:string}
error response: {error:string, output:string}
make a plot again with different data set
post body: {id:string, files:{name1:content1, name2:content2}}
ok response: {output:string, svg:string, id:string, svg_url:string}
error response: {error:string, output:string}
run a saved code and show svg image
return saved code and files
response: {code:string, files:{name1:content1, name2:content2}}
error response: {error:string, output:string}