SCANNER_LOG_LEVEL | info | The log level of trace , debug , info , warn , warning , error , fatal or panic . The standard logger logs entries with that level or anything above it. |
SCANNER_API_SERVER_ADDR | :8080 | Binding address for the API server |
SCANNER_API_SERVER_TLS_CERTIFICATE | N/A | The absolute path to the x509 certificate file |
SCANNER_API_SERVER_TLS_KEY | N/A | The absolute path to the x509 private key file |
SCANNER_API_SERVER_CLIENT_CAS | N/A | A list of absolute paths to x509 root certificate authorities that the api use if required to verify a client certificate |
SCANNER_API_SERVER_READ_TIMEOUT | 15s | The maximum duration for reading the entire request, including the body |
SCANNER_API_SERVER_WRITE_TIMEOUT | 15s | The maximum duration before timing out writes of the response |
SCANNER_API_SERVER_IDLE_TIMEOUT | 60s | The maximum amount of time to wait for the next request when keep-alives are enabled |
SCANNER_API_SERVER_METRICS_ENABLED | true | Whether to enable metrics |
SCANNER_TUNNEL_CACHE_DIR | /home/scanner/.cache/tunnel | Tunnel cache directory |
SCANNER_TUNNEL_REPORTS_DIR | /home/scanner/.cache/reports | Tunnel reports directory |
SCANNER_TUNNEL_DEBUG_MODE | false | The flag to enable or disable Tunnel debug mode |
SCANNER_TUNNEL_VULN_TYPE | os,library | Comma-separated list of vulnerability types. Possible values are os and library . |
SCANNER_TUNNEL_SECURITY_CHECKS | vuln,config,secret | comma-separated list of what security issues to detect. Possible values are vuln , config and secret . Defaults to vuln . |
SCANNER_TUNNEL_SEVERITY | UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL | Comma-separated list of vulnerabilities severities to be displayed |
SCANNER_TUNNEL_IGNORE_UNFIXED | false | The flag to display only fixed vulnerabilities |
SCANNER_TUNNEL_IGNORE_POLICY | `` | The path for the Tunnel ignore policy OPA Rego file |
SCANNER_TUNNEL_SKIP_UPDATE | false | The flag to disable Tunnel DB downloads. |
SCANNER_TUNNEL_SKIP_JAVA_DB_UPDATE | false | The flag to disable [Tunnel JAVA DB] downloads. |
SCANNER_TUNNEL_OFFLINE_SCAN | false | The flag to disable external API requests to identify dependencies. |
SCANNER_TUNNEL_GITHUB_TOKEN | N/A | The GitHub access token to download Tunnel DB (see GitHub rate limiting) |
SCANNER_TUNNEL_INSECURE | false | The flag to skip verifying registry certificate |
SCANNER_TUNNEL_TIMEOUT | 5m0s | The duration to wait for scan completion |
SCANNER_STORE_REDIS_NAMESPACE | harbor.scanner.tunnel:store | The namespace for keys in the Redis store |
SCANNER_STORE_REDIS_SCAN_JOB_TTL | 1h | The time to live for persisting scan jobs and associated scan reports |
SCANNER_JOB_QUEUE_REDIS_NAMESPACE | harbor.scanner.tunnel:job-queue | The namespace for keys in the scan jobs queue backed by Redis |
SCANNER_JOB_QUEUE_WORKER_CONCURRENCY | 1 | The number of workers to spin-up for the scan jobs queue |
SCANNER_REDIS_URL | redis://harbor-harbor-redis:6379 | The Redis server URI. The URI supports schemas to connect to a standalone Redis server, i.e. redis://:password@standalone_host:port/db-number and Redis Sentinel deployment, i.e. redis+sentinel://:password@sentinel_host1:port1,sentinel_host2:port2/monitor-name/db-number . |
SCANNER_REDIS_POOL_MAX_ACTIVE | 5 | The max number of connections allocated by the Redis connection pool |
SCANNER_REDIS_POOL_MAX_IDLE | 5 | The max number of idle connections in the Redis connection pool |
SCANNER_REDIS_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT | 5m | The duration after which idle connections to the Redis server are closed. If the value is zero, then idle connections are not closed. |
SCANNER_REDIS_POOL_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT | 1s | The timeout for connecting to the Redis server |
SCANNER_REDIS_POOL_READ_TIMEOUT | 1s | The timeout for reading a single Redis command reply |
SCANNER_REDIS_POOL_WRITE_TIMEOUT | 1s | The timeout for writing a single Redis command. |
HTTP_PROXY | N/A | The URL of the HTTP proxy server |
HTTPS_PROXY | N/A | The URL of the HTTPS proxy server |
NO_PROXY | N/A | The URLs that the proxy settings do not apply to |