Tools for UV Resin based 3D Printers (in Go)
This fork customized to improve NanoDLP export performance.
Supported File Formats
This tool is for devices that use sliced image files for UV resin 3D printers.
Printers known to work with this tool:
Printer | File Formats | Issues |
- | uvj | Zip file with JSON and image slices |
EPAX X1/X10 | cbddlp | None |
EPAX X1-N | ctb | None |
Anycubic Photon | photon | None |
Anycubic Zero | pw0 | None |
Anycubic Photons | pws | None |
Prusa SL1 | sl1 | None |
NOVA3D Elfin | cws | None |
Phrozen Sonic | phz | None |
Zortrax Inkspire | zcodex | Read-only (for format conversion) |
Command Line Tool (uv3dp
The command line tool is designed to be used in a 'pipeline' style, for example:
uv3dp foo.sl1 info # Shows information about the SL1 file
uv3dp foo.sl1 decimate bar.cbddlp # Convert and decimates a SL1 file to a CBDDLP file
uv3dp foo.sl1 qux.cbddlp --version 1 # Convert a SL1 file to a Version 1CBDDLP file
Command summary:
uv3dp [options] INFILE [command [options] | OUTFILE]...
uv3dp [options] @cmdfile.cmd
-p, --progress Show progress during operations
-v, --verbose count Verbosity
-V, --version Show version
(none) Translates input file to output file
bed Adjust image for a different bed size/resolution
bottom Alters bottom layer exposure
decimate Remove outmost pixels of all islands in each layer (reduces over-curing on edges)
exposure Alters exposure times
info Dumps information about the printable
lift Alters layer lift properties
resin Changes all properties to match a selected resin
retract Alters layer retract properties
select Select to print only a range of layers
Options for 'bed':
-M, --machine string Size preset by machine type (default "EPAX-X1")
-m, --millimeters float32Slice Bed size, in millimeters (default [68.040001,120.959999])
-p, --pixels ints Bed size, in pixels (default [1440,2560])
-r, --reflect Mirror image along the X axis
Options for 'bottom':
-c, --count int Bottom layer count
-h, --lift-height float32 Bottom layer lift height in mm
-s, --lift-speed float32 Bottom layer lift speed in mm/min
-f, --light-off float32 Bottom layer light-off time in seconds
-o, --light-on float32 Bottom layer light-on time in seconds
-p, --pwm uint8 Light PWM rate (0..255) (default 255)
-y, --style string Bottom layer style - 'fade' or 'slow' (default "slow")
Options for 'decimate':
-b, --bottom int Number of bottom layer passes
-n, --normal int Number of normal layer passes (default 1)
Options for 'exposure':
-f, --light-off float32 Normal layer light-off time in seconds
-o, --light-on float32 Normal layer light-on time in seconds
-p, --pwm uint8 Light PWM rate (0..255) (default 255)
Options for 'info':
-e, --exposure Show summary of the exposure settings (default true)
-l, --layer Show layer detail
-s, --size Show size summary (default true)
Options for 'lift':
-h, --height float32 Lift height in mm
-s, --speed float32 Lift speed in mm/min
Options for 'resin':
-t, --type string Resin type [see 'Known resins' in help]
Options for 'retract':
-h, --height float32 Retract height in mm
-s, --speed float32 Retract speed in mm/min
Options for 'select':
-c, --count int Count of layers to select (-1 for all layers after first) (default -1)
-f, --first int First layer to select
Options for '.cbddlp':
-a, --anti-alias int Override antialias level (1..16) (default 1)
-v, --version int Override header Version (default 2)
Options for '.ctb':
-e, --encryption-seed uint32 Specify a specific encryption seed
-v, --version int Specify the CTB version (2 or 3) (default 3)
Options for '.cws':
Options for '.fdg':
-e, --encryption-seed uint32 Specify a specific encryption seed
-v, --version int Specify the CTB version (2 or 3) (default 2)
Options for '.lgs':
Options for '.lgs30':
Options for '.photon':
-a, --anti-alias int Override antialias level (1..16) (default 1)
-v, --version int Override header Version (default 1)
Options for '.phz':
-e, --encryption-seed uint32 Specify a specific encryption seed
Options for '.pw0':
-a, --anti-alias int Override antialias level (1,2,4,8) (default 1)
Options for '.pws':
-a, --anti-alias int Override antialias level (1,2,4,8) (default 1)
Options for '.sl1':
-m, --material-name string config.init entry 'materialName' (default "3DM-ABS @")
Options for '.uvj':
Options for '.zcodex':
Options for '.zip':
Options for 'empty':
-g, --gray uint8 Grayscale color (0 for black, 255 for white)
-l, --layers int Number of 0.05mm layers (default 1)
-M, --machine string Size preset by machine type (default "photon")
-m, --millimeters float32Slice Empty size, in millimeters (default [68.040001,120.959999])
-p, --pixels ints Empty size, in pixels (default [1440,2560])
Known machines:
e10-4k EPAX E10 mono 4K Size: 2400x3840, 120x192 mm, Format: .ctb --version=3
e10-5k EPAX E10 mono 5K Size: 2880x4920, 135x216 mm, Format: .ctb --version=3
e6 EPAX E6 mono Size: 1620x2560, 81x128 mm, Format: .ctb --version=3
elfin Nova3D Elfin Size: 1410x2550, 73x132 mm, Format: .cws
inkspire Zortrax Inkspire Size: 1440x2560, 72x128 mm, Format: .zcodex
ld-002r Creality LD-002R Size: 1440x2560, 68x121 mm, Format: .ctb --version=2
mars Elegoo Mars Size: 1440x2560, 68x121 mm, Format: .cbddlp
mars2-pro Elegoo Mars 2 Pro Size: 1620x2560, 82.6x131 mm, Format: .ctb --version=3
orange10 Longer Orange 10 Size: 480x854, 55.4x98.6 mm, Format: .lgs
orange30 Longer Orange 30 Size: 1440x2560, 68x121 mm, Format: .lgs30
photon Anycubic Photon Size: 1440x2560, 68x121 mm, Format: .photon
photon0 Anycubic Photon Zero Size: 480x854, 55.4x98.6 mm, Format: .pw0
photons Anycubic Photon S Size: 1440x2560, 68x121 mm, Format: .pws
polaris Voxelab Polaris Size: 1440x2560, 68x121 mm, Format: .fdg
s400 Kelant S400 Size: 2560x1600, 192x120 mm, Format: .zip
shuffle Phrozen Shuffle Size: 1440x2560, 67.7x120 mm, Format: .zip
sl1 Prusa SL1 Size: 1440x2560, 68x121 mm, Format: .sl1
sonic-mini Phrozen Sonic Mini Size: 1080x1920, 68x121 mm, Format: .phz
sonic-mini-4k Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K Size: 3840x2160, 134x75.6 mm, Format: .ctb --version=3
x1 EPAX X1 Size: 1440x2560, 68x121 mm, Format: .cbddlp
x10 EPAX X10 Size: 1600x2560, 135x216 mm, Format: .cbddlp
x10n EPAX X10 Size: 1600x2560, 135x216 mm, Format: .ctb --version=2
x133 EPAX X133 Size: 2160x3840, 165x293 mm, Format: .cbddlp
x156 EPAX X156 Size: 2160x3840, 194x345 mm, Format: .cbddlp
x1k EPAX X1K Size: 1440x2560, 68x121 mm, Format: .ctb --version=2
x1n EPAX X1N Size: 1440x2560, 68x121 mm, Format: .ctb --version=2
x9 EPAX X9 Size: 1600x2560, 120x192 mm, Format: .cbddlp
Known resins: (from local user ChiTuBox config)