Duplo - Detect Similar or Duplicate Images

This Go library allows you to perform a visual query on a set of images, returning the results in the order of similarity. This allows you to effectively detect duplicates with minor modifications (e.g. some colour correction or watermarks).
It is an implementation of Fast Multiresolution Image Querying by Jacobs et al. which uses truncated Haar wavelet transforms to create visual hashes of the images. The same method has previously been used in the imgSeek software and the retrievr website.
go get github.com/rivo/duplo
import "github.com/rivo/duplo"
store := duplo.New()
hash, _ := duplo.CreateHash(img)
store.Add("myimage", hash)
hash, _ = duplo.CreateHash(query)
matches := store.Query(hash)
Possible Applications
- Identify copyright violations
- Save disk space by detecting and removing duplicate images
- Search for images by similarity
Projects Using This Package
More Information
For more information, please go to http://rentafounder.com/find-similar-images-with-duplo/ or get in touch.