Alien Invasion
Mad aliens are about to invade the earth and you are tasked with simulating the invasion.
The simulator reads a list of cities from a file (as a reference, the cities.txt
file is provided, with a very simplified map of some major Japanese cities!).
- A parser of very simple text-based maps!
- Very intelligent AI simulating the behaviour of real aliens!
- A self-contained package containg the engine, with both the city parser and the
- ... Japanese aliens? 1
The project can be simply cloned with git, and then executed either by
building/installing the binary first (with go build
or go install
), or
otherwise simply by using go run
go run .
Usage: /home/howl/throw/tmp/go-build1192903492/b001/exe/alien-invasion [FLAG...] ALIEN_COUNT
-cities string
File containing the cities that will be invaded (default "cities.txt")
-pad-size int
Pad city names and directions up to int spaces, formatting as a table
When printing the cities left, show the aliens in each of them as well
exit status 1
In order to run tests, a dependency is required, which you can obtain using
go get
Example invasion
$ go run . -show-aliens -pad-size 16 10
Mad aliens have just invaded earth.
10 aliens scatter around our world, in an attempt to conquer it... and destroy it.
Tesoseseri and Fumuso crossed paths in Tokyo. In an attempt to kill each other, they detonated several bombs, killing themselves and all the city inhabitants.
Mohenu and Koko crossed paths in Iwaki. In an attempt to kill each other, they detonated several bombs, killing themselves and all the city inhabitants.
Homehirisu, Monohitowa and Kata found themselves in a three-alien standoff in Osaka. While Kata was shooting at Homehirisu, they accidentally created a space-time portal surrounding all of Osaka, which is now floating in space, 300 years in the future.
Riso and Susoruhero crossed paths in Shizuoka. In an attempt to kill each other, they detonated several bombs, killing themselves and all the city inhabitants.
At the end of the Great Alien Wars, Menuwasu was the only survivor. After depleting earth of all its natural resources (or what the humans had left of them, anyway), lusting for more plans to consume, he settled to travel to Mars, where he was killed very shortly after landing.
Fuji[] east=Yokohama
Kobe[] east=Kyoto west=Takamatsu
Kyoto[] west=Kobe
Niigata[] east=Sendai
Okayama[] south=Takamatsu
Sendai[] west=Niigata
Takamatsu[] north=Okayama east=Kobe
Yokohama[] west=Fuji
Aside from the killing log messages, at the end of the output are provided, in the same
format as the cities file (unless -show-aliens
is specified), the surviving
cities and their links.