Main calendar engine code for bedework
Library for handling the Calendar view in Jetpack Compose.
Main calendar engine code for bedework
root project for all Java projects
Main calendar engine code for bedework
A better calendar for JAVA
Collection of Kotlin Flow based libraries
Wicket-jQuery UI calendar
WebJar for gregorian-calendar-format
Java SDK for Office 365 Mail-Calendar-Contact services: Parent
WebJar for angular-material-calendar
WebJar for react-input-calendar
chinese festival/jieqi algorthm
This library allows you to use the Google Calendar Recurrence picker
This library allows you to use the Google Calendar Recurrence picker
Java SDK for Office 365 Mail-Calendar-Contact services
A Canlendar Component
WebJar for js-calendar
WebJar for calendar-link
Main calendar engine code for bedework
Main calendar engine code for bedework
Main calendar engine code for bedework
Main calendar engine code for bedework
Main calendar engine code for bedework
Main calendar engine code for bedework
WebJar for js-year-calendar
WebJar for ax5ui-calendar
JalaliCalendar is a Persian Calendar for java inspired from Roozh project. It has a better API and it's more developer friendly
Small simple android calendar implementation
Calendar is a collection of Beautiful Activities which help others to make there Fully Custom Calendar View with Single and Multi Date Picker Functionality.
WebJar for google-calendar
Dynamic Calendar Icon Generator for Android
a personal calendar widget similar to iCal, Outlook, Google Calendar, etc
This lib converts Jalali Calendar to Gregorian(or Gregorian to Jalali)
A lightweight monthly calendar view for Android, fully written in Kotlin. Designed to meet the minimum demands for typical calendars.
WebJar for arrobefr-jquery-calendar
Calendar web client code for bedework
The flexible, multiplatform calendar library!
QLACK project
Calendar web client code for bedework
WebJar for px-calendar-picker
ObjectLab Kit provides a generic Business Calendar for calculating dates given set(s) of holidays. Why re-invent the wheel?
JCalendarButton is a simple java swing component that displays a popup calendar next to a date input field.
WebJar for bootstrap_calendar
Calendar web client code for bedework
Calendar web client code for bedework
Application library, defining the Calendarable interface and CalendarEvent value type. Entities must implement the Calendarable interface in order to be rendered on a full-page calendar.
Calendar Portlet.
Calendar web client code for bedework