GitBook search plugin for Elasticsearch
A JavaScript module to help anyone easily build recent searches functionality into their search.
Cassandra Object Models (ORM/ODM/OGM) for NodeJS with support for Apache Cassandra, ScyllaDB, Datastax Enterprise, Elassandra & JanusGraph.
A formatter for the morgan logger compatible with Elastic Common Schema.
A Pulumi package for creating and managing ElasticCloud resources.
Watcher API plugin for the JavaScript elasticsearch 5 client. Fork
export and import (dump) from an elasticsearch to an another
An Elasticsearch backend for statsd
The `ElasticsearchPlugin` uses Elasticsearch to power the Vendure product search.
Winston transport to send error stacks to Elasticsearch APM
Universal analytics library for apps
Elasticsearch reader and sender apis
Parses an SQL-like WHERE string into various forms.
security holding package
Parser for Elasticsearch rolling index names.
Get all the results of an elasticsearch search via scan & scroll.
A fork off the official low-level Elasticsearch client for Node.js and the browser. Same as elasticsearch-js tag v12.1.3 plus use 'agentkeepalive'
Wraps elasticsearch with memcached transport.
A plugin for the Elasticsearch JavaScript client that enforces required fields when indexing
cli tool to fetch all documents from elasticsearch by query.
## Documentation:
Elasticsearchn storage for only-chat
Elasticsearchn storage for only-chat
Generate elasticsearch indices for Hugo static sites by parsing front matter.
Elasticsearch interface for barnacles. We believe in an open Internet of Things.
Elasticsearch client wrapper to handle No Living Connection errors
a writable stream wrapped elasticsearch index operation to bulk
Provides a shell for managing Elasticsearch instances.
Utility CLI to help manage Elasticsearch, supports AWS IAM user
Tool to run migrations to create/modify Elasticsearch index mapping.
Schema migration tool for elasticsearch
Tool to run migrations to create/modify Elasticsearch index mapping.
A node.js driver for elasticsearch over the memcache protocol
The official Elasticsearch client for Node.js
elasticsearch search results returned as readable stream
Send PM2 logs to Elasticsearch
OpenSearch (ElasticSearch) init for AC apps
Easily build elasticsearch queries
JavaScript client for Sematext Logs
A wrapper around functions of elasticsearch.
search queries.