JavaScript Testing utilities for React
JavaScript Testing utilities for React
Disallow type assertions in TypeScript code
Detect native Symbol.toStringTag support.
Test if an object has a specified property.
Detect native Symbol support.
Test if a value is object-like.
Test if a value is a Buffer object.
Test if a value is an array.
Test if a value is a function.
Return a function which tests if every element in an array passes a test condition.
Test if a value is a plain object.
Test if a value is an object.
Detect native Float64Array support.
Test if a value is a Float64Array.
Test if a value is a regular expression.
Detect native Float32Array support.
Test if a value is a Float32Array.
Test if a value is a number.
Useful utilities for working with Uint8Array (and Buffer)
Testing Matchers for Enzyme
Check if an environment is little endian.
Runtime Environment for enzyme tests in jest
Add custom message to Jest expects
Type assertions aka less-broken typeof.
Rich matchers inspired by Hamcrest. Useful for generating helpful assertion failure messages in tests.
Nanoscale assertion module
Exclude keys to compare from a deep equal operation with chai expect and assert
Power Assert feature enhancer for assert function/object