bodhi.js SDK implements a web3 provider to allow existing Ethereum dApp to be able to interact with Acala EVM.
Getting Started
Most of the api of bodhi.js is compatible with ethers.js. If you are not familiar with ethers.js, you can start by looking at its documentation
The Provider provides some api for interacting with nodes and is an instance of ethers.js
Creating Instances
new Provider( apiOptions )
apiOptions has the same parameters as when creating an instance of apiPromise for polkadot.js
import { createApiOptions } from "@acala-network/eth-providers";
import { Provider } from "@acala-network/bodhi";
import { WsProvider } from "@polkadot/api";
const evmprovider = new Provider(
provider: new WsProvider("ws://localhost:9944")
The Wallet class inherits Signer and can sign transactions and messages using a private key.
Creating Instances
new Wallet( privateKey , provider? , keyringPair? )
"privateKey" is the private key of evm's account. "provider" is an instance of Provider. "keyringPair" is a key pair for polkadot. If the "keyringPair" is empty, a key pair will be generated from the
import { Wallet } from "@acala-network/bodhi";
const wallet = new Wallet("0xaa397267eaee48b2262a973fdcab384a758f39a3ad8708025cfb675bb9effc20", provider)
Use "keyringpair" to bind an evm account generated by "privateKey".
deploy a contract
import { deployContract } from "ethereum-waffle";
import ERC20Abi from "../build/ERC20Abi.json";
import { AccountSigningKey, Provider, Signer } from "@acala-network/bodhi";
import { WsProvider } from "@polkadot/api";
import { createTestPairs } from "@polkadot/keyring/testingPairs";
const provider = new Provider({
provider: new WsProvider("ws://"),
const testPairs = createTestPairs();
const signingKey = new AccountSigningKey(provider.api.registry);
const wallet = new Signer(provider, testPairs.alice.address, signingKey)
const tokenInstance = await deployContract(master, ERC20Abi, [1000]);