To install a revision from this repository:
$ aio plugins:install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-api-mesh
To install globally from a released npm package:
$ aio plugins:install -g @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-api-mesh
To discover available aio packages:
$ aio discover -i
Local Development
Install project dependencies. yarn install
aio plugins:link api-mesh
The plugin comes out of the box with configurations for stage and prod. The plugin by default connects to PROD dev console. To connect to STAGE instead:
- Clear your config before switching the env
aio config clear
- Switch to stage environment
aio config set cli.env stage
Custom Configuration
If you want to have custom configuration instead, please follow the steps below:
- create a config.json file with the following parameters
"baseUrl": "<base_url>",
"apiKey": "<api_key>",
"sourceRegistry: {
"path": "<path_to_the_source_registry_storage>"
- Perform the following command to update the configuration
aio config:set api-mesh.cliConfig <path_to_json_file>
aio api-mesh:describe
aio api-mesh:get
aio api-mesh:create PATH_OF_MESH_CONFIG_JSON_FILE
aio api-mesh:update PATH_OF_MESH_CONFIG_JSON_FILE
aio api-mesh:delete
aio api-mesh:status
All commands support -i
or --ignoreCache
flag that will force the CLI to ignore the cached Org, Project and Workspace details and prompt the user to select new options just for that action.
Create, Update and Delete support -c
or --autoConfirmAction
flag that will not prompt the user for action confirmation mostly used for testing or scaffolding where user prompt can not be handled. This flag is only to be used in certain situations.
Sources Registry
Source registry is a collection of predefined sources (API mesh source configurations) that are created to solve specific use cases. The source can be installed for customer-specific API mesh configuration.
To submit a new source, please follow the instructions provided in the Source Registry repository.
aio api-mesh:source:install SOURCE_NAME
aio api-mesh:source:install SOURCE_NAME -v VARIABLE_NAME=VARIABLE_VALUE
aio api-mesh:source:install SOURCE_NAME -f PATH_TO_FILE_WITH_VARIABLES
aio api-mesh:source:get SOURCE_NAME
aio api-mesh:source:get SOURCE_NAME@VERSION_OF_THE_SOURCE
aio api-mesh:source:get -m
aio api-mesh:source:discover
The "source:get" command accept multiple sources per one call.
All commands support -i
or --ignoreCache
flag that will force the CLI to ignore the cached Org, Project and Workspace details and prompt the user to select new options just for that action.
Create, Update and Delete support -c
or --autoConfirmAction
flag that will not prompt the user for action confirmation mostly used for testing or scaffolding where user prompt can not be handled. This flag is only to be used in certain situations.