Outline is a light-weight package for parsing Outline.
Outline is our own subset of Jade, so there's nothing special about it.
h2 Welcome to Outline!
h5 Outline is a subset of Jade
p It's very easy to write outlines and documentation.
p.wow You can add a class,
p.amazing.wow or multiple classes.
h4.amazing.wow#cool Even ids work as well.
<h2>Welcome to Outline!</h2>
<h5>Outline is a subset of Jade</h5>
<p>It's very easy to write outlines and documentation.</p>
<p class="wow">You can add a class,</p>
<p class="amazing wow">or multiple classes.</p>
<h4 class="amazing wow" id="cool">Even ids work as well.</h4>
Simply import the package and call the function on a string. That's it!