title: A11y
description: Utilities for improving accessibility.
group: Foundations
storybookPath: /story/foundations-a11y-visuallyhidden--basic
Visually Hidden
Use the VisuallyHidden
component to hide an element visually without hiding it from screen readers.
<TextLink href="#">
Read more<VisuallyHidden> about how to visually hide content</VisuallyHidden>
Alternatively you can use the visuallyHiddenStyles
style object directly.
import { visuallyHiddenStyles } from '@ag.ds-next/a11y';
function Example() {
return (
<span css={visuallyHiddenStyles}>This element is visually hidden</span>
Use the ExternalLinkCallout
component to announce to a screenreader user that a link will open in a new tab.
<TextLink href="#" target="_blank">
Visit the Design System
<ExternalLinkCallout />
link, "Visit the Design System (Opens in a new Tab)"
For links in Body text, we recommend reaching for the TextLinkExternal
component in the Text package instead.