Aldea JavaScript SDK

A Swiss Army knife for Aldea app developers.
The Aldea JavaScript SDK provides utility classes and functions for working with Aldea data types, creating and managing keys, building and signing transactions, and interfacing with an Aldea node.
The Aldea SDK is published to the NPM registry. Install the SDK into your project with npm
or your preferred alternative NPM client:
npm install @aldea/sdk-js
Keys and addresses
Aldea uses BLAKE3-flavoured Ed25519 cryptography. Keys and addresses can be generated using the SDK:
import { KeyPair, Address } from '@aldea/sdk-js'
const keys = KeyPair.fromRandom()
const address = Address.fromPubKey(keys.pubKey)
Connecting to a node
Connect to your own or a public node to interface with the Aldea Computer.
import { Aldea } from '@aldea/sdk-js'
const aldea = new Aldea('')
const tx = await aldea.getTx(txid)
const output = await aldea.getOutput(outputId)
Building transactions
Once you have a connection to a noce, you can use the Aldea
instance to build new transactions.
const tx = await aldea.createTx(tx => {
const coin = tx.load(coinOutputId)
const token = tx.load(jigOutputId), 'send', [1000, recipient])
tx.send(coin, 'send', [500, myNewAddress])
const txRes = await aldea.commitTx(tx)
Aldea is open source and released under the Apache-2 License.
© Copyright 2023 TODO, inc.