commitlint | setups commitlint with the conventional commits config | husky |
eslint | setups eslint with a config and lint scripts | prettier |
stylelint | setups stylelint with a config and lint scripts | prettier |
husky | setups husky that handles git hooks | |
lint-staged | setups lint-staged that runs something on commit | husky , jest , eslint , prettier , stylelint |
prettier | setups prettier with a config and format scripts | |
release-workflow | setups a github release workflow that creates a release from the conventional-changelog on a tag push | |
standard-version | setups standard-version with the conventional commits config and release scripts | |
jest | setups jest with a config and test scripts | |
docker | setups docker with Dockerfile and .dockerignore files | |
test-workflow | setups a github test workflow that runs npm run test on push | |
build-workflow | setups a github build workflow that runs npm run build on push | |
codecov-workflow | setups a codecov workflow that collects a code coverage and sends it to codecov | |
dependabot | setups github dependabot that manages dependencies | |