This package exposes several utilities that help with Semantic Tokens.
interface Position {
line: number;
start: number;
length: number;
interface Token {
type: string;
modifiers: string[];
language?: string;
interface SemanticToken extends Position, Token {}
First you should/could initialize the match helper with the scope fallbacks before you use the match utility from this package. Those fallbacks are TextMate scopes. (
(You could call the initialize module before starting your app)
import { initialize } from '@anche/semantic-tokens-utilities';
export type FallbackRegister = (tokenString: string, fallbackScopes: string[]) => void;
(() => {
initialize((registerTokenFallback: FallbackRegister) => {
registerTokenFallback('namespace', '');
import { initialize, Presets } from '@anche/semantic-tokens-utilities';
The parser transforms a string into a CodeDocument and returns an array of Semantic Tokens
(This can only be executed on a node server)
interface CodeDocument {
getTextAtPosition(position: Position): string;
getLines(): string[];
getRaw(): string;
type SemanticTokensParserResult = <T extends Position>{
code: CodeDocument;
tokens: T[];
import { parser } from '@anche/semantic-tokens-utilities';
const rawCode = `const semanticTokens = () => {}`;
const parserResult = parser({ code: rawCode, language: 'tsx' })
const firstNode = parserResult.tokens[0];
interface Token {
type: string;
modifiers: string[];
language?: string;
interface TokenFallback {
token: Token;
fallbackScopes: string[];
interface TokenWinner<T extends Token> {
token: T;
score: number;
interface Matcher {
matchToken: <T extends Token>(
token: string | Token,
semanticTokens: T[],
) =>
| {
token?: T;
fallbackScopes: string[];
| undefined;
getFallback: (token: Token) => TokenFallback | undefined;
getMatch: <T extends Token>(token: Token, semanticTokens: T[]) => TokenWinner<T> | undefined;
const semanticTokens = [
{ scope: 'member.defaultLibrary', color: '#000000' }
{ scope: 'variable.declaration.readonly', color: '#ff00ff'
{ scope: 'function', color: '#00ff00' }
const code = `const semanticTokens = () => {};`;
const firstNode = parserResult.tokens[0];
import { Matcher } from '@anche/semantic-tokens-utilities';
const rule = Matcher.matchToken(firstNode, semanticTokens);