Advanced tools
19.2.0 "pyrite-pacifier" (2025-02-26)
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 1c2c9d98f | fix | collections: SelectionModel setSelection method inconsistent with compareWith (#27460) | | de40f2eec | fix | platform: preserve compatibility with angular versions less than 19.1 (#30401) | | 36992a362 | fix | stepper: Linear stepper after initialization navigating to previous step issue (#30323) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 3d91f6105 | feat | core: drop dependency on animations module (#30459) | | 44c732065 | feat | schematics: Add option to customize colors for neutral variant and error palettes (#30321) | | 013fe0456 | fix | autocomplete: switch away from animations module (#30356) | | 5423dd25e | fix | bottom-sheet: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 0776acc1e | fix | bottom-sheet: switch away from animations module (#30402) | | f9c036c0e | fix | button: incorrect outlined focus overlay shape when border radius is customized (#30513) | | fd09003a1 | fix | chips: forced colors disabled chip fix (#30429) | | 936258c45 | fix | core: deprecate AnimationCurves and AnimationDurations (#30538) | | d141f83f3 | fix | core: remove animations from ng add (#30446) | | 0a0ddcf3b | fix | datepicker: changed after checked error when assigning end value (#30534) | | 212c35476 | fix | datepicker: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 066c74025 | fix | datepicker: switch away from animations module (#30360) | | 71c71be31 | fix | dialog: remove remaining animation dependencies | | e164e2360 | fix | expansion: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 4fa46bccc | fix | form-field: remove dependency on animations module (#30354) | | 37693e308 | fix | form-field: remove remaining animation dependencies | | e70145b0f | fix | form-field: trigger CD when form (#30395) | | f8e20a837 | fix | list: option views not change detected when control is disabled (#30532) | | 879cbe755 | fix | menu: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 200078085 | fix | radio: Optional typing of MatRadioChange (#30477) | | 86ad51501 | fix | select: avoid error if panel is closed too quickly (#30408) | | d6bbf16cb | fix | select: Optional typing of MatSelectChange (#30324) | | 24c25672b | fix | select: overlay not detached on time after exit animation in some cases (#30456) | | 5eeade7b4 | fix | select: remove remaining animation dependencies | | a44b34794 | fix | select: switch away from animations module | | 712d5e2a4 | fix | sidenav: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 02ed862f7 | fix | snack-bar: remove remaining animation dependencies | | eb8e998c6 | fix | snack-bar: switch away from animations module (#30381) | | 25c18bf19 | fix | sort: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 872330721 | fix | stepper: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 1e5663636 | fix | stepper: switch away from animations module (#30314) | | b20a85a47 | fix | tabs: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 0eb901277 | fix | tabs: switch away from animations module (#30281) | | e5c3ddfb0 | fix | timepicker: adds default aria-label to timepicker toggle (#30284) | | 0925cf58c | fix | timepicker: allow scroll strategy to be customized (#30473) | | 992aff18c | fix | timepicker: switch away from animations module (#30404) | | 5d3f43c15 | fix | tooltip: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 681db945e | perf | slide-toggle: Optimize :state descendant selectors (#30521) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 81aa28537 | fix | resolve mismatching types (#30544) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | d6fd2768a | feat | add API to put the player in fullscreen mode (#30491) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 151ff1aed | fix | column-resize: Fix lazy resize mode (broken by ##30378) (#30413) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 3f37137d7 | fix | update incorrect hue reference tokens (#29902) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | fe441bdce | feat | allow module imports to be copied from API tab (#30389) | | 30673c63d | fix | remove animations dependency | | 71b896368 | fix | remove docs data from critical path | | 3c90afd1a | fix | update site images (#30543) |
<!-- CHANGELOG SPLIT MARKER --><a name="19.1.5"></a>
19.1.5 "bromine-bread" (2025-02-19)
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 719e67d29 | fix | drag-drop: avoid retaining destroyed items until next drag (#30514) | | c24b17955 | perf | table: Short circuit _removeStickyStyle calls against elements with no sticky styles (#30471) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 90ac6134d | fix | checkbox: ensure native control receives clicks (#30511) | | 2eb6424b2 | fix | paginator: disabled buttons not visible in high contrast mode (#30505) | | 96d7d87c8 | fix | slide-toggle: rendering issue in Safari 18.3 (#30490) | | 16593f1dc | fix | snack-bar: snack-bar action button does not follow material guidelines (#27769) | | 76f28469f | fix | tooltip: regression when injecting ViewContainerRef (#30500) | | c2b363ea6 | perf | radio: Optimize costly css selectors. (#30470) |
<!-- CHANGELOG SPLIT MARKER --><a name="19.2.0-next.4"></a>
19.2.0-next.4 "papercrete-zither" (2025-02-12)
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 6434841111 | fix | overlay: avoid issues with overlapping backdrop removals (#30474) | | bf94082f81 | fix | table: memory leak when no rows are sticky (#30461) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 3d91f61053 | feat | core: drop dependency on animations module (#30459) | | d141f83f32 | fix | core: remove animations from ng add (#30446) | | 24c25672b4 | fix | select: overlay not detached on time after exit animation in some cases (#30456) | | 0925cf58ce | fix | timepicker: allow scroll strategy to be customized (#30473) | | 622152de76 | perf | tooltip: Defer injection of injectables not needed until tooltip is shown. (#30440) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 3f37137d7e | fix | update incorrect hue reference tokens (#29902) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 1ddb9cf056 | perf | Don't double-inject the style loader. (#30467) |
<!-- CHANGELOG SPLIT MARKER --><a name="19.1.4"></a>
19.1.4 "wattle-lute" (2025-02-12)
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | b363eaea36 | fix | overlay: avoid issues with overlapping backdrop removals (#30474) | | 45e3e725e6 | fix | table: memory leak when no rows are sticky (#30461) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | e8d6454e3a | fix | timepicker: allow scroll strategy to be customized (#30473) (#30479) | | 9b323df478 | perf | tooltip: Defer injection of injectables not needed until tooltip is shown. (#30440) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 0ac0290bb9 | perf | Don't double-inject the style loader. (#30467) |
<!-- CHANGELOG SPLIT MARKER --><a name="19.2.0-next.3"></a>
19.2.0-next.3 "plastic-moose" (2025-02-05)
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 5423dd25ea | fix | bottom-sheet: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 9ea468a591 | fix | button-toggle: make null value selected on init (#25553) | | 4eb06acbd9 | fix | chips: Async chips with a delay are not highlighted (#27399) | | 212c354766 | fix | datepicker: remove remaining animation dependencies | | f15a9395a8 | fix | datepicker: set aria-expanded on datepicker toggle (#30438) | | 71c71be313 | fix | dialog: remove remaining animation dependencies | | e164e2360e | fix | expansion: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 37693e308a | fix | form-field: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 879cbe7557 | fix | menu: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 5eeade7b43 | fix | select: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 04ae202b60 | fix | sidenav: end positioned sidenav not opening in RTL (#30427) | | 712d5e2a40 | fix | sidenav: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 02ed862f76 | fix | snack-bar: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 25c18bf196 | fix | sort: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 872330721a | fix | stepper: remove remaining animation dependencies | | b20a85a47a | fix | tabs: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 5d3f43c150 | fix | tooltip: remove remaining animation dependencies | | 7b17243689 | perf | button: Optimize the remaining descendant state selector. (#30428) | | 1b3c42e074 | perf | checkbox: Optimize more expensive selectors (#30409) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 151ff1aed6 | fix | column-resize: Fix lazy resize mode (broken by ##30378) (#30413) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | fe441bdce5 | feat | allow module imports to be copied from API tab (#30389) |
<!-- CHANGELOG SPLIT MARKER --><a name="19.1.3"></a>
19.1.3 "plastic-wombat" (2025-02-05)
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 37436bd299 | fix | button-toggle: make null value selected on init (#25553) | | 8568cd5ad1 | fix | chips: Async chips with a delay are not highlighted (#27399) | | 8a99cf45f5 | fix | datepicker: set aria-expanded on datepicker toggle (#30438) | | 6d96869bdb | fix | sidenav: end positioned sidenav not opening in RTL (#30427) | | 9e152910b1 | perf | button: Optimize the remaining descendant state selector. (#30428) | | 6bd376174e | perf | checkbox: Optimize more expensive selectors (#30409) |
<!-- CHANGELOG SPLIT MARKER --><a name="19.2.0-next.2"></a>
19.2.0-next.2 "brazilianite-belt" (2025-01-30)
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | c1ff40f3b | fix | dialog: default aria-modal to false (#30411) | | de40f2eec | fix | platform: preserve compatibility with angular versions less than 19.1 (#30401) | | 8950ec372 | fix | table: Column sizing and scrolling bug when number of columns in table changes (#30378) | | 73022d8e2 | fix | text-field: auto sizing broken if user styles stretch the element (#30412) | | 8b876d8e4 | fix | tree: fix broken examples in stackblitz (#30387) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 0776acc1e | fix | bottom-sheet: switch away from animations module (#30402) | | e91d5091b | fix | button-toggle: incorrect shape of focus indicator in vertical group (#30376) | | 86ad51501 | fix | select: avoid error if panel is closed too quickly (#30408) | | 11f02eecc | fix | select: fixed text color for selected options in multiple select (#30367) | | a44b34794 | fix | select: switch away from animations module | | eb8e998c6 | fix | snack-bar: switch away from animations module (#30381) | | 992aff18c | fix | timepicker: switch away from animations module (#30404) | | 21586aee8 | perf | button: Change frequently missed descendant selectors to child selectors (#30385) | | e4388c6f2 | perf | checkbox: Optimize css selectors (#30386) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 61103c542 | fix | hide info window node when opened with content (#30392) |
<!-- CHANGELOG SPLIT MARKER --><a name="19.1.2"></a>
19.1.2 "dolomite-domino" (2025-01-29)
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 0852c88ea | fix | dialog: default aria-modal to false (#30411) | | b72838b10 | fix | platform: preserve compatibility with angular versions less than 19.1 (#30401) (#30407) | | 5b4ca17d5 | fix | table: Column sizing and scrolling bug when number of columns in table changes (#30378) | | c1a3caeed | fix | text-field: auto sizing broken if user styles stretch the element (#30412) | | f936c97fb | fix | tree: fix broken examples in stackblitz (#30387) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | b68347467 | fix | button-toggle: incorrect shape of focus indicator in vertical group (#30376) | | 4a96a25e1 | fix | select: fixed text color for selected options in multiple select (#30367) | | 29f1da4fb | perf | button: Change frequently missed descendant selectors to child selectors (#30385) | | 5d6d25fc5 | perf | checkbox: Optimize css selectors (#30386) |
| Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 836ad799f | fix | hide info window node when opened with content (#30392) |
<!-- CHANGELOG SPLIT MARKER --><a name="19.2.0-next.1"></a>