Simple helper library for ComosDB
.setConfig (config)
Sets client configuration data. Expected schema. Must be invoked before any other methods.
endpoint: "https://<CosmosDB-Account-Name>,
primaryKey: "<key used to authenticate with CosmosDB>",
database: "<database name>",
collection: "<default collection name>"
.insert(collection, payload, callback)
Insert single document into CosmosDB.
- collection - CosmosDB Collection name
- payload - JSON object to be written to CosmosDB as a document
- callback - accepts two arguments
, successful insert will respond with (null,documentID)
.insertBulk(collection, payloadArray, callback)
Insert multiple documents into CosmosDB.
- collection - CosmosDB Collection name
- payloadArray - Array of JSON objects to be written to CosmosDB as a multiple documents
- callback - accepts two arguments
, successful insert will respond with (null,[array of documentID's])
.update(collection, payload, callback)
Update single document in CosmosDB.
- collection - CosmosDB Collection name
- payload - JSON object to update existing document in CosmosDB. Must included
to identify the document to be updated. - callback - accepts two arguments
, successful insert will respond with (null,documentID)
.updateBulk(collection, payloadArray, callback)
Update single document in CosmosDB.
- collection - CosmosDB Collection name
- payload - Array of JSON objects to update existing documents in CosmosDB. Each item in the array must include a
property to identify the document to be updated. - callback - accepts two arguments
, successful insert will respond with (null,[array of documentID's])
.replace(collection, payload, callback)
Replace single document in CosmosDB.
- collection - CosmosDB Collection name
- payload - JSON object to replace existing document in CosmosDB. Must included
to identify the document to be replaced. - callback - accepts two arguments
, successful insert will respond with (null,documentID)
.query(collection, query, callback)
Query a collection within a CosmosDB database.
- collection - CosmosDB Collection name
- query - JSON object conforming to the CosmosDB SqlQuerySpec.
Sample schema
query: 'SELECT * FROM root WHERE id=@id',
parameters: [{name: '@id', value: '<query variable>'}]
- callback - accepts two arguments
, successful insert will respond with (null,[Array of results that match the query])