Implements a customized version of @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js
that uses dynamic imports to load polyfills. It also allows for lazy loading other polyfills based on a config file.
Api Documentation
npm i -S @aofl/polyfill-service
Config file
export default {
'Object.assign': () => import('@aofl/polyfill-service/src/object-assign-polyfill'),
'fetch': () => import('isomorphic-fetch'),
'Reflect': () => import('harmony-reflect'),
'Array.prototype.find': () => import('array.prototype.find'),
'html-imports': {
test() {
return !('import' in document.createElement('link'));
load: () => import('@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-bundle')
import {Polyfill} from '@aofl/polyfill-service';
import polyfills from './sample-config';
const ready = Polyfill.loadAll(polyfills);
export default ready;
returns a promise. In addition to this WebComponentsReady
is fired once all promises are loaded.
If using webpack you will have to use imports-loader
to fix the global variable in webcomponents polyfills.
module: {
rules: [
test: /@webcomponents/,
loader: 'imports-loader?this=>window'