Security News
Quasar RAT Disguised as an npm Package for Detecting Vulnerabilities in Ethereum Smart Contracts
Socket researchers uncover a malicious npm package posing as a tool for detecting vulnerabilities in Etherium smart contracts.
Advanced tools
Developer-friendly & type-safe Typescript SDK specifically catered to leverage *apideck* API.
Developer-friendly & type-safe Typescript SDK specifically catered to leverage apideck API.
[!IMPORTANT] This SDK is not yet ready for production use. To complete setup please follow the steps outlined in your workspace. Delete this section before > publishing to a package manager.
Apideck: The Apideck OpenAPI Spec: SDK Optimized
For more information about the API: Apideck Developer Docs
The SDK can be installed with either npm, pnpm, bun or yarn package managers.
npm add @apideck/sdk
pnpm add @apideck/sdk
bun add @apideck/sdk
yarn add @apideck/sdk zod
# Note that Yarn does not install peer dependencies automatically. You will need
# to install zod as shown above.
For supported JavaScript runtimes, please consult
import { Apideck } from "@apideck/sdk";
const apideck = new Apideck({
apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
consumerId: "test-consumer",
appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",
async function run() {
const result = await apideck.accounting.taxRates.list({
serviceId: "salesforce",
filter: {
assets: true,
equity: true,
expenses: true,
liabilities: true,
revenue: true,
passThrough: {
"search": "San Francisco",
fields: "id,updated_at",
// Handle the result
All the methods listed above are available as standalone functions. These functions are ideal for use in applications running in the browser, serverless runtimes or other environments where application bundle size is a primary concern. When using a bundler to build your application, all unused functionality will be either excluded from the final bundle or tree-shaken away.
To read more about standalone functions, check
- Delete AttachmentaccountingAttachmentsDownload
- Download AttachmentaccountingAttachmentsGet
- Get AttachmentaccountingAttachmentsList
- List AttachmentsaccountingBalanceSheetGet
- Get BalanceSheetaccountingBillPaymentsCreate
- Create Bill PaymentaccountingBillPaymentsDelete
- Delete Bill PaymentaccountingBillPaymentsGet
- Get Bill PaymentaccountingBillPaymentsList
- List Bill PaymentsaccountingBillPaymentsUpdate
- Update Bill PaymentaccountingBillsCreate
- Create BillaccountingBillsDelete
- Delete BillaccountingBillsGet
- Get BillaccountingBillsList
- List BillsaccountingBillsUpdate
- Update BillaccountingCompanyInfoGet
- Get company infoaccountingCreditNotesCreate
- Create Credit NoteaccountingCreditNotesDelete
- Delete Credit NoteaccountingCreditNotesGet
- Get Credit NoteaccountingCreditNotesList
- List Credit NotesaccountingCreditNotesUpdate
- Update Credit NoteaccountingCustomersCreate
- Create CustomeraccountingCustomersDelete
- Delete CustomeraccountingCustomersGet
- Get CustomeraccountingCustomersList
- List CustomersaccountingCustomersUpdate
- Update CustomeraccountingDepartmentsCreate
- Create DepartmentaccountingDepartmentsDelete
- Delete DepartmentaccountingDepartmentsGet
- Get DepartmentaccountingDepartmentsList
- List DepartmentsaccountingDepartmentsUpdate
- Update DepartmentaccountingExpensesCreate
- Create ExpenseaccountingExpensesDelete
- Delete ExpenseaccountingExpensesGet
- Get ExpenseaccountingExpensesList
- List ExpensesaccountingExpensesUpdate
- Update ExpenseaccountingInvoiceItemsCreate
- Create Invoice ItemaccountingInvoiceItemsDelete
- Delete Invoice ItemaccountingInvoiceItemsGet
- Get Invoice ItemaccountingInvoiceItemsList
- List Invoice ItemsaccountingInvoiceItemsUpdate
- Update Invoice ItemaccountingInvoicesCreate
- Create InvoiceaccountingInvoicesDelete
- Delete InvoiceaccountingInvoicesGet
- Get InvoiceaccountingInvoicesList
- List InvoicesaccountingInvoicesUpdate
- Update InvoiceaccountingJournalEntriesCreate
- Create Journal EntryaccountingJournalEntriesDelete
- Delete Journal EntryaccountingJournalEntriesGet
- Get Journal EntryaccountingJournalEntriesList
- List Journal EntriesaccountingJournalEntriesUpdate
- Update Journal EntryaccountingLedgerAccountsCreate
- Create Ledger AccountaccountingLedgerAccountsDelete
- Delete Ledger AccountaccountingLedgerAccountsGet
- Get Ledger AccountaccountingLedgerAccountsList
- List Ledger AccountsaccountingLedgerAccountsUpdate
- Update Ledger AccountaccountingLocationsCreate
- Create LocationaccountingLocationsDelete
- Delete LocationaccountingLocationsGet
- Get LocationaccountingLocationsList
- List LocationsaccountingLocationsUpdate
- Update LocationaccountingPaymentsCreate
- Create PaymentaccountingPaymentsDelete
- Delete PaymentaccountingPaymentsGet
- Get PaymentaccountingPaymentsList
- List PaymentsaccountingPaymentsUpdate
- Update PaymentaccountingProfitAndLossGet
- Get Profit and LossaccountingPurchaseOrdersCreate
- Create Purchase OrderaccountingPurchaseOrdersDelete
- Delete Purchase OrderaccountingPurchaseOrdersGet
- Get Purchase OrderaccountingPurchaseOrdersList
- List Purchase OrdersaccountingPurchaseOrdersUpdate
- Update Purchase OrderaccountingSubsidiariesCreate
- Create SubsidiaryaccountingSubsidiariesDelete
- Delete SubsidiaryaccountingSubsidiariesGet
- Get SubsidiaryaccountingSubsidiariesList
- List SubsidiariesaccountingSubsidiariesUpdate
- Update SubsidiaryaccountingSuppliersCreate
- Create SupplieraccountingSuppliersDelete
- Delete SupplieraccountingSuppliersGet
- Get SupplieraccountingSuppliersList
- List SuppliersaccountingSuppliersUpdate
- Update SupplieraccountingTaxRatesCreate
- Create Tax RateaccountingTaxRatesDelete
- Delete Tax RateaccountingTaxRatesGet
- Get Tax RateaccountingTaxRatesList
- List Tax RatesaccountingTaxRatesUpdate
- Update Tax RateaccountingTrackingCategoriesCreate
- Create Tracking CategoryaccountingTrackingCategoriesDelete
- Delete Tracking CategoryaccountingTrackingCategoriesGet
- Get Tracking CategoryaccountingTrackingCategoriesList
- List Tracking CategoriesaccountingTrackingCategoriesUpdate
- Update Tracking CategoryatsApplicantsCreate
- Create ApplicantatsApplicantsDelete
- Delete ApplicantatsApplicantsGet
- Get ApplicantatsApplicantsList
- List ApplicantsatsApplicantsUpdate
- Update ApplicantatsApplicationsCreate
- Create ApplicationatsApplicationsDelete
- Delete ApplicationatsApplicationsGet
- Get ApplicationatsApplicationsList
- List ApplicationsatsApplicationsUpdate
- Update ApplicationatsJobsGet
- Get JobatsJobsList
- List JobsconnectorApiResourceCoverageGet
- Get API Resource CoverageconnectorApiResourcesGet
- Get API ResourceconnectorApisGet
- Get APIconnectorApisList
- List APIsconnectorConnectorDocsGet
- Get Connector Doc contentconnectorConnectorResourcesGet
- Get Connector ResourceconnectorConnectorsGet
- Get ConnectorconnectorConnectorsList
- List ConnectorscrmActivitiesCreate
- Create activitycrmActivitiesDelete
- Delete activitycrmActivitiesGet
- Get activitycrmActivitiesList
- List activitiescrmActivitiesUpdate
- Update activitycrmCompaniesCreate
- Create companycrmCompaniesDelete
- Delete companycrmCompaniesGet
- Get companycrmCompaniesList
- List companiescrmCompaniesUpdate
- Update companycrmContactsCreate
- Create contactcrmContactsDelete
- Delete contactcrmContactsGet
- Get contactcrmContactsList
- List contactscrmContactsUpdate
- Update contactcrmLeadsCreate
- Create leadcrmLeadsDelete
- Delete leadcrmLeadsGet
- Get leadcrmLeadsList
- List leadscrmLeadsUpdate
- Update leadcrmNotesCreate
- Create notecrmNotesDelete
- Delete notecrmNotesGet
- Get notecrmNotesList
- List notescrmNotesUpdate
- Update notecrmOpportunitiesCreate
- Create opportunitycrmOpportunitiesDelete
- Delete opportunitycrmOpportunitiesGet
- Get opportunitycrmOpportunitiesList
- List opportunitiescrmOpportunitiesUpdate
- Update opportunitycrmPipelinesCreate
- Create pipelinecrmPipelinesDelete
- Delete pipelinecrmPipelinesGet
- Get pipelinecrmPipelinesList
- List pipelinescrmPipelinesUpdate
- Update pipelinecrmUsersCreate
- Create usercrmUsersDelete
- Delete usercrmUsersGet
- Get usercrmUsersList
- List userscrmUsersUpdate
- Update userecommerceCustomersGet
- Get CustomerecommerceCustomersList
- List CustomersecommerceOrdersGet
- Get OrderecommerceOrdersList
- List OrdersecommerceProductsGet
- Get ProductecommerceProductsList
- List ProductsecommerceStoresGet
- Get StorefileStorageDriveGroupsCreate
- Create DriveGroupfileStorageDriveGroupsDelete
- Delete DriveGroupfileStorageDriveGroupsGet
- Get DriveGroupfileStorageDriveGroupsList
- List DriveGroupsfileStorageDriveGroupsUpdate
- Update DriveGroupfileStorageDrivesCreate
- Create DrivefileStorageDrivesDelete
- Delete DrivefileStorageDrivesGet
- Get DrivefileStorageDrivesList
- List DrivesfileStorageDrivesUpdate
- Update DrivefileStorageFilesDelete
- Delete FilefileStorageFilesDownload
- Download FilefileStorageFilesExport
- Export FilefileStorageFilesGet
- Get FilefileStorageFilesList
- List FilesfileStorageFilesSearch
- Search FilesfileStorageFilesUpdate
- Rename or move FilefileStorageFoldersCopy
- Copy FolderfileStorageFoldersCreate
- Create FolderfileStorageFoldersDelete
- Delete FolderfileStorageFoldersGet
- Get FolderfileStorageFoldersUpdate
- Rename or move FolderfileStorageSharedLinksCreate
- Create Shared LinkfileStorageSharedLinksDelete
- Delete Shared LinkfileStorageSharedLinksGet
- Get Shared LinkfileStorageSharedLinksList
- List SharedLinksfileStorageSharedLinksUpdate
- Update Shared LinkfileStorageUploadSessionsCreate
- Start Upload SessionfileStorageUploadSessionsDelete
- Abort Upload SessionfileStorageUploadSessionsFinish
- Finish Upload SessionfileStorageUploadSessionsGet
- Get Upload SessionhrisCompaniesCreate
- Create CompanyhrisCompaniesDelete
- Delete CompanyhrisCompaniesGet
- Get CompanyhrisCompaniesList
- List CompanieshrisCompaniesUpdate
- Update CompanyhrisDepartmentsCreate
- Create DepartmenthrisDepartmentsDelete
- Delete DepartmenthrisDepartmentsGet
- Get DepartmenthrisDepartmentsList
- List DepartmentshrisDepartmentsUpdate
- Update DepartmenthrisEmployeePayrollsGet
- Get Employee PayrollhrisEmployeePayrollsList
- List Employee PayrollshrisEmployeeSchedulesList
- List Employee ScheduleshrisEmployeesCreate
- Create EmployeehrisEmployeesDelete
- Delete EmployeehrisEmployeesGet
- Get EmployeehrisEmployeesList
- List EmployeeshrisEmployeesUpdate
- Update EmployeehrisPayrollsGet
- Get PayrollhrisPayrollsList
- List PayrollhrisTimeOffRequestsCreate
- Create Time Off RequesthrisTimeOffRequestsDelete
- Delete Time Off RequesthrisTimeOffRequestsGet
- Get Time Off RequesthrisTimeOffRequestsList
- List Time Off RequestshrisTimeOffRequestsUpdate
- Update Time Off RequestissueTrackingCollectionsGet
- Get CollectionissueTrackingCollectionsList
- List CollectionsissueTrackingCollectionTagsList
- List TagsissueTrackingCollectionTicketCommentsCreate
- Create CommentissueTrackingCollectionTicketCommentsDelete
- Delete CommentissueTrackingCollectionTicketCommentsGet
- Get CommentissueTrackingCollectionTicketCommentsList
- List CommentsissueTrackingCollectionTicketCommentsUpdate
- Update CommentissueTrackingCollectionTicketsCreate
- Create TicketissueTrackingCollectionTicketsDelete
- Delete TicketissueTrackingCollectionTicketsGet
- Get TicketissueTrackingCollectionTicketsList
- List TicketsissueTrackingCollectionTicketsUpdate
- Update TicketissueTrackingCollectionUsersGet
- Get userissueTrackingCollectionUsersList
- List UserssmsMessagesCreate
- Create MessagesmsMessagesDelete
- Delete MessagesmsMessagesGet
- Get MessagesmsMessagesList
- List MessagessmsMessagesUpdate
- Update MessagevaultConnectionCustomMappingsList
- List connection custom mappingsvaultConnectionsDelete
- Deletes a connectionvaultConnectionSettingsList
- Get resource settingsvaultConnectionSettingsUpdate
- Update settingsvaultConnectionsGet
- Get connectionvaultConnectionsImports
- Import connectionvaultConnectionsList
- Get all connectionsvaultConnectionsToken
- Authorize Access TokenvaultConnectionsUpdate
- Update connectionvaultConsumerRequestCountsList
- Consumer request countsvaultConsumersCreate
- Create consumervaultConsumersDelete
- Delete consumervaultConsumersGet
- Get consumervaultConsumersList
- Get all consumersvaultConsumersUpdate
- Update consumervaultCreateCallbackState
- Create Callback StatevaultCustomFieldsList
- Get resource custom fieldsvaultCustomMappingsList
- List custom mappingsvaultLogsList
- Get all consumer request logsvaultSessionsCreate
- Create SessionvaultValidateConnectionState
- Validate Connection StatewebhookEventLogsList
- List event logswebhookWebhooksCreate
- Create webhook subscriptionwebhookWebhooksDelete
- Delete webhook subscriptionwebhookWebhooksGet
- Get webhook subscriptionwebhookWebhooksList
- List webhook subscriptionswebhookWebhooksUpdate
- Update webhook subscriptionSome of the endpoints in this SDK support retries. If you use the SDK without any configuration, it will fall back to the default retry strategy provided by the API. However, the default retry strategy can be overridden on a per-operation basis, or across the entire SDK.
To change the default retry strategy for a single API call, simply provide a retryConfig object to the call:
import { Apideck } from "@apideck/sdk";
const apideck = new Apideck({
apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
consumerId: "test-consumer",
appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",
async function run() {
const result = await apideck.accounting.taxRates.list({
serviceId: "salesforce",
filter: {
assets: true,
equity: true,
expenses: true,
liabilities: true,
revenue: true,
passThrough: {
"search": "San Francisco",
fields: "id,updated_at",
}, {
retries: {
strategy: "backoff",
backoff: {
initialInterval: 1,
maxInterval: 50,
exponent: 1.1,
maxElapsedTime: 100,
retryConnectionErrors: false,
// Handle the result
If you'd like to override the default retry strategy for all operations that support retries, you can provide a retryConfig at SDK initialization:
import { Apideck } from "@apideck/sdk";
const apideck = new Apideck({
retryConfig: {
strategy: "backoff",
backoff: {
initialInterval: 1,
maxInterval: 50,
exponent: 1.1,
maxElapsedTime: 100,
retryConnectionErrors: false,
apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
consumerId: "test-consumer",
appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",
async function run() {
const result = await apideck.accounting.taxRates.list({
serviceId: "salesforce",
filter: {
assets: true,
equity: true,
expenses: true,
liabilities: true,
revenue: true,
passThrough: {
"search": "San Francisco",
fields: "id,updated_at",
// Handle the result
All SDK methods return a response object or throw an error. By default, an API error will throw a errors.APIError
If a HTTP request fails, an operation my also throw an error from the models/errors/httpclienterrors.ts
HTTP Client Error | Description |
RequestAbortedError | HTTP request was aborted by the client |
RequestTimeoutError | HTTP request timed out due to an AbortSignal signal |
ConnectionError | HTTP client was unable to make a request to a server |
InvalidRequestError | Any input used to create a request is invalid |
UnexpectedClientError | Unrecognised or unexpected error |
In addition, when custom error responses are specified for an operation, the SDK may throw their associated Error type. You can refer to respective Errors tables in SDK docs for more details on possible error types for each operation. For example, the list
method may throw the following errors:
Error Type | Status Code | Content Type |
errors.BadRequestResponse | 400 | application/json |
errors.UnauthorizedResponse | 401 | application/json |
errors.PaymentRequiredResponse | 402 | application/json |
errors.NotFoundResponse | 404 | application/json |
errors.UnprocessableResponse | 422 | application/json |
errors.APIError | 4XX, 5XX | */* |
import { Apideck } from "@apideck/sdk";
import {
} from "@apideck/sdk/models/errors";
const apideck = new Apideck({
apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
consumerId: "test-consumer",
appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",
async function run() {
let result;
try {
result = await apideck.accounting.taxRates.list({
serviceId: "salesforce",
filter: {
assets: true,
equity: true,
expenses: true,
liabilities: true,
revenue: true,
passThrough: {
"search": "San Francisco",
fields: "id,updated_at",
// Handle the result
} catch (err) {
switch (true) {
case (err instanceof SDKValidationError): {
// Validation errors can be pretty-printed
// Raw value may also be inspected
case (err instanceof BadRequestResponse): {
// Handle$: BadRequestResponseData
case (err instanceof UnauthorizedResponse): {
// Handle$: UnauthorizedResponseData
case (err instanceof PaymentRequiredResponse): {
// Handle$: PaymentRequiredResponseData
case (err instanceof NotFoundResponse): {
// Handle$: NotFoundResponseData
case (err instanceof UnprocessableResponse): {
// Handle$: UnprocessableResponseData
default: {
throw err;
Validation errors can also occur when either method arguments or data returned from the server do not match the expected format. The SDKValidationError
that is thrown as a result will capture the raw value that failed validation in an attribute called rawValue
. Additionally, a pretty()
method is available on this error that can be used to log a nicely formatted string since validation errors can list many issues and the plain error string may be difficult read when debugging.
The default server can also be overridden globally by passing a URL to the serverURL: string
optional parameter when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:
import { Apideck } from "@apideck/sdk";
const apideck = new Apideck({
serverURL: "",
apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
consumerId: "test-consumer",
appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",
async function run() {
const result = await apideck.accounting.taxRates.list({
serviceId: "salesforce",
filter: {
assets: true,
equity: true,
expenses: true,
liabilities: true,
revenue: true,
passThrough: {
"search": "San Francisco",
fields: "id,updated_at",
// Handle the result
The server URL can also be overridden on a per-operation basis, provided a server list was specified for the operation. For example:
import { Apideck } from "@apideck/sdk";
const apideck = new Apideck({
apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
consumerId: "test-consumer",
appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",
async function run() {
const result = await apideck.fileStorage.uploadSessions.create({
serviceId: "salesforce",
createUploadSessionRequest: {
name: "Documents",
parentFolderId: "1234",
driveId: "1234",
size: 1810673,
passThrough: [
serviceId: "<id>",
extendPaths: [
path: "$",
value: {
"TaxClassificationRef": {
"value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
}, {
serverURL: "",
// Handle the result
The TypeScript SDK makes API calls using an HTTPClient
that wraps the native
Fetch API. This
client is a thin wrapper around fetch
and provides the ability to attach hooks
around the request lifecycle that can be used to modify the request or handle
errors and response.
The HTTPClient
constructor takes an optional fetcher
argument that can be
used to integrate a third-party HTTP client or when writing tests to mock out
the HTTP client and feed in fixtures.
The following example shows how to use the "beforeRequest"
hook to to add a
custom header and a timeout to requests and how to use the "requestError"
to log errors:
import { Apideck } from "@apideck/sdk";
import { HTTPClient } from "@apideck/sdk/lib/http";
const httpClient = new HTTPClient({
// fetcher takes a function that has the same signature as native `fetch`.
fetcher: (request) => {
return fetch(request);
httpClient.addHook("beforeRequest", (request) => {
const nextRequest = new Request(request, {
signal: request.signal || AbortSignal.timeout(5000)
nextRequest.headers.set("x-custom-header", "custom value");
return nextRequest;
httpClient.addHook("requestError", (error, request) => {"Request Error");
console.log("Reason:", `${error}`);
console.log("Endpoint:", `${request.method} ${request.url}`);
const sdk = new Apideck({ httpClient });
This SDK supports the following security scheme globally:
Name | Type | Scheme | Environment Variable |
apiKey | apiKey | API key | APIDECK_API_KEY |
To authenticate with the API the apiKey
parameter must be set when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:
import { Apideck } from "@apideck/sdk";
const apideck = new Apideck({
apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
consumerId: "test-consumer",
appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",
async function run() {
const result = await apideck.accounting.taxRates.list({
serviceId: "salesforce",
filter: {
assets: true,
equity: true,
expenses: true,
liabilities: true,
revenue: true,
passThrough: {
"search": "San Francisco",
fields: "id,updated_at",
// Handle the result
You can setup your SDK to emit debug logs for SDK requests and responses.
You can pass a logger that matches console
's interface as an SDK option.
[!WARNING] Beware that debug logging will reveal secrets, like API tokens in headers, in log messages printed to a console or files. It's recommended to use this feature only during local development and not in production.
import { Apideck } from "@apideck/sdk";
const sdk = new Apideck({ debugLogger: console });
You can also enable a default debug logger by setting an environment variable APIDECK_DEBUG
to true.
This SDK is in beta, and there may be breaking changes between versions without a major version update. Therefore, we recommend pinning usage to a specific package version. This way, you can install the same version each time without breaking changes unless you are intentionally looking for the latest version.
While we value open-source contributions to this SDK, this library is generated programmatically. Any manual changes added to internal files will be overwritten on the next generation. We look forward to hearing your feedback. Feel free to open a PR or an issue with a proof of concept and we'll do our best to include it in a future release.
Developer-friendly & type-safe Typescript SDK specifically catered to leverage *apideck* API.
We found that @apideck/sdk demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
Did you know?
Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Security News
Socket researchers uncover a malicious npm package posing as a tool for detecting vulnerabilities in Etherium smart contracts.
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A supply chain attack on Rspack's npm packages injected cryptomining malware, potentially impacting thousands of developers.
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Socket researchers discovered a malware campaign on npm delivering the Skuld infostealer via typosquatted packages, exposing sensitive data.