Appium plugin for running a driver script in a child process
This plugin adds a new driver command that allows executing scripts in a child process. Currently,
the only supported driver type is webdriverio
, therefore the script must also be written in JS.
Running a driver script in a child process adds a degree of parallelisation, which may result in
faster test execution.
appium plugin install execute-driver
The plugin must be explicitly activated when launching the Appium server. Since the input script
can be arbitrary JavaScript, this is an insecure feature, and must also be explicitly enabled:
appium --use-plugins=execute-driver --allow-insecure=execute_driver_script
const script = `return await driver.getTimeouts();`;
const {result, logs} = await driver.executeDriverScript(script);
Refer to your Appium client documentation for the exact syntax of this command.