A simple process manager used to run a Node.js application in the background
is useful when you want to run a long-running Node.js process in
detached mode (background), want the output from the process directed to a log
file, and want to be able to easily kill the process at a later stage. A common
use case would be running a Node.js server, running a test suite against the
running server, and then killing the server when the test suite has finished.
npm install @appjumpstart/launch --save
launch <file|command?>
Launch the default command (main or scripts.start in package.json):
❯ npx launch
🚀 Launched server on process 40765!
Kill the process:
❯ npx launch --kill
💥 Killed server on process 40765!
All dependencies created by the amazing
Sindre Sorhus.