Testing utilities and assertions for CDK libraries
This is a developer preview (public beta) module. Releases might lack important features and might have
future breaking changes.
This API is still under active development and subject to non-backward
compatible changes or removal in any future version. Use of the API is not recommended in production
environments. Experimental APIs are not subject to the Semantic Versioning model.
This library contains helpers for writing unit tests and integration tests for CDK libraries
Unit tests
Write your unit tests like this:
const stack = new Stack();
new MyConstruct(stack, 'MyConstruct', {
Here are the expectations you can use:
Verify (parts of) a template
Check that the synthesized stack template looks like the given template, or is a superset of it. These functions match logical IDs and all properties of a resource.
matchTemplate(template, matchStyle)
Resources: {
HostedZone674DD2B7: {
Type: "AWS::Route53::HostedZone",
Properties: {
Name: "test.private.",
VPCs: [{
VPCId: { Ref: 'VPC06C5F037' },
VPCRegion: { Ref: 'AWS::Region' }
Check existence of a resource
If you only care that a resource of a particular type exists (regardless of its logical identifier), and that some of its properties are set to specific values:
haveResource(type, subsetOfProperties)
expect(stack).to(haveResource('AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate', {
DomainName: 'test.example.com'