middleware-flexible-checksums: buffer stream chunks to minimum required size (#6882) (1f1905e)
client-amplify: Add ComputeRoleArn to CreateApp, UpdateApp, CreateBranch, and UpdateBranch, allowing caller to specify a role to be assumed by Amplify Hosting for server-side rendered applications. (3c35c6e)
client-database-migration-service: Support replicationConfigArn in DMS DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments API. (e7db4d8)
client-timestream-influxdb: This release introduces APIs to manage DbClusters and adds support for read replicas (b77c92f)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2025-02-17 (30bcfba)
client-codebuild: Added test suite names to test case metadata (a6db26e)
client-connect: Release Notes: 1) Analytics API enhancements: Added new ListAnalyticsDataLakeDataSets API. 2) Onboarding API Idempotency: Adds ClientToken to instance creation and management APIs to support idempotency. (6fb2941)
client-database-migration-service: Introduces premigration assessment feature to DMS Serverless API for start-replication and describe-replications (fd40a1f)
client-rds-data: Add support for Stop DB feature. (d356927)
client-s3: Added support for Content-Range header in HeadObject response. (5b15ad8)
client-wafv2: The WAFv2 API now supports configuring data protection in webACLs. (04209f9)
client-workspaces-thin-client: Update Environment and Device name field definitions (70549de)
client-ecr: Adds support to handle the new basic scanning daily quota. (07297d3)
client-eks: Introduce versionStatus field to take place of status field in EKS DescribeClusterVersions API (5b42130)
client-mediaconvert: This release adds support for Animated GIF output, forced chroma sample positioning metadata, and Extensible Wave Container format (5f0e21d)
client-pi: Adds documentation for dimension groups and dimensions to analyze locks for Database Insights. (94f7ccb)
client-transcribe-streaming: This release adds support for the Clinical Note Template Customization feature for the AWS HealthScribe Streaming APIs within Amazon Transcribe. (d338b70)
client-transcribe: This release adds support for the Clinical Note Template Customization feature for the AWS HealthScribe APIs within Amazon Transcribe. (91fce74)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2025-02-07 (abfb6ea)
client-notifications: Added support for Managed Notifications, integration with AWS Organization and added aggregation summaries for Aggregate Notifications (53d862b)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2025-01-17 (3995e76)
client-appstream: Added support for Rocky Linux 8 on Amazon AppStream 2.0 (41e19ac)
client-mediaconvert: This release adds support for inserting timecode tracks into MP4 container outputs. (1f67291)
client-medialive: MediaLive is releasing ListVersions api (c6e1d2f)
client-qconnect: Amazon Q in Connect enables agents to ask Q for assistance in multiple languages and Q will provide answers and recommended step-by-step guides in those languages. Qs default language is English (United States) and you can switch this by setting the locale configuration on the AI Agent. (81aee61)
client-ssm-sap: AWS Systems Manager for SAP added support for registration and discovery of distributed ABAP applications (f8fee42)
client-workspaces: Added AWS Global Accelerator (AGA) support for WorkSpaces Personal. (19c98c2)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2024-12-19 (989582c)
client-backup: Add Support for Backup Indexing (e03d20d)
client-backupsearch: Add support for searching backups (d9ef47c)
client-batch: This feature allows AWS Batch on Amazon EKS to support configuration of Pod Annotations, overriding Namespace on which the Batch job's Pod runs on, and allows Subpath and Persistent Volume claim to be set for AWS Batch on Amazon EKS jobs. (00737e5)
client-cleanroomsml: Add support for SQL compute configuration for StartAudienceGenerationJob API. (119c1d2)
client-cloudfront: Adds support for OriginReadTimeout and OriginKeepaliveTimeout to create CloudFront Distributions with VPC Origins. (a4d166e)
client-codepipeline: AWS CodePipeline V2 type pipelines now support Managed Compute Rule. (9287267)
client-ecs: Added support for enableFaultInjection task definition parameter which can be used to enable Fault Injection feature on ECS tasks. (5e299dd)
client-m2: This release adds support for AWS Mainframe Modernization(M2) Service to allow specifying network type(ipv4, dual) for the environment instances. For dual network type, m2 environment applications will serve both IPv4 and IPv6 requests, whereas for ipv4 it will serve only IPv4 requests. (c8d1a9a)
client-synthetics: Add support to toggle outbound IPv6 traffic on canaries connected to dualstack subnets. This behavior can be controlled via the new Ipv6AllowedForDualStack parameter of the VpcConfig input object in CreateCanary and UpdateCanary APIs. (bc1080b)
clients: profile setting for clients (#6728) (afd9eea)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2024-12-17 (38482d0)