Azure Core ARM client library for JS
This is an Azure-specific layer for the core HTTP pipeline of Azure SDK JavaScript libraries which work in the browser and Node.js. This library is primarily intended to be used in code generated by AutoRest and autorest.typescript
Getting started
- Node.js version > 6.x
- npm install -g typescript
- After cloning the repo, execute
npm install
Key concepts
This library provides a ServiceClient
subclass called AzureServiceClient
which adds some Azure-specific behavior such as the management of long-running operations. For more information on the design of the underlying library @azure/core-http
, consult the architecture overview.
Examples can be found in the samples
Next steps
- Set the subscriptionId and token
- Run
node samples/node-sample.js
In the browser
- Set the subscriptionId and token and then run
- Open index.html file in the browser. It should show the response from GET request on the storage account. From Chrome type Ctrl + Shift + I and you can see the logs in console.
If you run into issues while using this library, please feel free to file an issue.
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If you'd like to contribute to this library, please read the contributing guide to learn more about how to build and test the code.
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For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or
contact with any additional questions or comments.