What is @azure/core-tracing?
The @azure/core-tracing package provides a common interface for adding tracing to Azure SDKs. It allows developers to collect detailed information about operations performed by Azure SDKs, making it easier to diagnose issues and optimize performance. The package is built on OpenTelemetry, a set of APIs, libraries, agents, and instrumentation that provide observability for applications.
What are @azure/core-tracing's main functionalities?
Creating and managing spans
This feature allows developers to create and manage spans, which represent individual operations. Spans can be nested to represent complex operations composed of multiple steps. The code sample demonstrates how to create a tracing client, start a new span, and then end the span.
const { createTracingClient } = require('@azure/core-tracing');
const tracingClient = createTracingClient({
namespace: 'Microsoft.Azure',
packageName: 'AzureExample',
packageVersion: '1.0.0'
// Start a new span
cost span = tracingClient.startSpan('myOperation');
// End the span
Integrating with Azure SDKs
This feature demonstrates how to integrate the @azure/core-tracing package with other Azure SDKs, such as Azure Storage Blobs. By passing a tracing client to the SDK's client constructor, developers can automatically collect tracing information for operations performed by the SDK.
const { DefaultAzureCredential } = require('@azure/identity');
const { BlobServiceClient } = require('@azure/storage-blob');
const { createTracingClient } = require('@azure/core-tracing');
const tracingClient = createTracingClient({
namespace: 'Microsoft.Azure',
packageName: 'Azure.Storage.Blobs',
packageVersion: '12.0.0'
const blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(
new DefaultAzureCredential(),
tracingOptions: { tracingClient }
Other packages similar to @azure/core-tracing
Jaeger client is a distributed tracing system that can be used to monitor and troubleshoot transactions in complex distributed systems. While it provides similar functionality to @azure/core-tracing in terms of tracing operations, Jaeger is a standalone system with its own backend and UI for visualizing traces, making it more suited for end-to-end tracing across multiple services and platforms.
Azure Core tracing library for JS
This is the core tracing library that provides low-level interfaces and helper methods for tracing in Azure SDK JavaScript libraries which work in the browser and Node.js.
Getting started
Coming soon....
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