A small hook cli
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About The Project
A small hook cli that can be used with for example husky.
I know that most of this stuff is already solved by some awesome tools. So this is really just a CLI playground for me.
npm i -D @beuluis/hook-cli
Run commands. For example using the hooks in .husky
npx hook-cli [command] [...]
Check the pattern of a commit message
Option | Description | Type | default |
-p , --prefix | Prefix of the issue key. | string | `` |
-m , --message | Get message from command line instead of file. | string | `` |
-n , --no-fail | If true only prints warning messages and do not exit with not zero code. | boolean | false |
Example usage
npx hook-cli checkCommitMessageIssueKey "$1" -p "HelloWorld"
npx hook-cli checkCommitMessageIssueKey .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG -p "KEY"
npx hook-cli checkCommitMessageIssueKey -m "KEY-12 message" -p "KEY"
npx hook-cli checkCommitMessageIssueKey -m "KEY-12 message" -p "KEY" -n
Check the pattern of a commit message
Option | Description | Type | default |
-p , --pattern | Regex pattern to check the message against. | string | `` |
-m , --message | Get message from command line instead of file. | string | `` |
-n , --no-fail | If true only prints warning messages and do not exit with not zero code. | boolean | false |
Example usage
npx hook-cli checkCommitMessagePattern "$1" -p "HelloWorld"
npx hook-cli checkCommitMessagePattern .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG -p "HelloWorld"
npx hook-cli checkCommitMessagePattern -m "I say HelloWorld" -p "HelloWorld"
npx hook-cli checkCommitMessagePattern -m "I say HelloWorld" -p "HelloWorld" -n
Check if a staged file like a changelog was changed locale or remote compared to another branch
Option | Description | Type | default |
-b , --branch | Branch to compare to. | string | main |
-n , --no-fail | If true only prints warning messages and do not exit with not zero code. | boolean | true |
Example usage
npx hook-cli checkForFileChanged CHANGELOG.md
npx hook-cli checkForFileChanged CHANGELOG.md -b trunk
npx hook-cli checkForFileChanged CHANGELOG.md -n
npx hook-cli checkForFileChanged CHANGELOG.md -b trunk -n
Runs a package audit and collects the results.
Option | Description | Type | default |
-m , --package-manager | The package manager you want to use. Keep in mind that both package managers report differently. | yarn , npm | npm |
-l , --audit-level | The severity of the vulnerabilities what the script will report. | info , low , moderate , high , critical | critical |
-p , --prod | If true only run audit for prod dependencies and skip dev ones. | boolean | false |
-n , --no-fail | If true only prints warning messages and do not exit with not zero code. | boolean | false |
Example usage
npx hook-cli checkForVulnerabilities
npx hook-cli checkForVulnerabilities --package-manager yarn
npx hook-cli checkForVulnerabilities --audit-level low
npx hook-cli checkForVulnerabilities --no-fail
npx hook-clicheckForVulnerabilities --prod
npx hook-cli checkForVulnerabilities -l high -m yarn -n -p
Check if the version field is the same for package.json and package-lock.json
Option | Description | Type | default |
-n , --no-fail | If true only prints warning messages and do not exit with not zero code. | boolean | false |
Example usage
npx hook-cli checkPackageVersion
Check if the version field is the same for package.json and file
Option | Description | Type | default |
-p , --json-path | Path in json file to check | string | `` |
-n , --no-fail | If true only prints warning messages and do not exit with not zero code. | boolean | false |
Example usage
npx hook-cli checkPackageVersionInFile hello.json -p 'path.version'
npx hook-cli checkPackageVersionInFile hello.json -p 'path.version' -n
Prints a list of packages that have updates.
Option | Description | Type | default |
-m , --package-manager | The package manager you want to use. Keep in mind that both package managers report differently. | yarn , npm | npm |
-n , --no-fail | If true only prints warning messages and do not exit with not zero code. | boolean | false |
Example usage
npx hook-cli updateReminder
npx hook-cli updateReminder -m yarn
npx hook-cli updateReminder -n
npx hook-cli updateReminder -m yarn -n
Register new command
- Create new command module at
touch src/modules/helloWorld.ts
- Use the register helper to register a module and export it. See the Jsdoc for more usage information.
import { registerCommandModule } from '../util/commandModule.helper';
export = registerCommandModule()({
command: 'helloWorld',
describe: 'HelloWorld',
handler: () => console.log('HelloWorld'),
- Print help page for command
npx hook-cli [command] --help
- Test command during development (Exit codes get not correctly forwarded).
npm run hook-cli -- [command]
- Test command during development with correct exi code.
npx ts-node src/index.ts [command]
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