Expression Completion Engine

The Expression Completion Engine is a general purpose editor/validator for expressions defined by an
ANTLR grammar and with input contexts described by JSON Schema.
The grammar is a superset of the legacy expression grammar (Formula.g4). In order to use a
grammar for code completion it is useful to inject various rules to facilitate the discovery of a token's scope wrt
completion, so there is some rule redefinition.
This uses the Javascript ANTLR4 runtime.
The build target includes a code generation step, based upon the grammar (UnifiedExpression.g4), to create various
grammar specific source files in a non-repository gen/ directory. The code generator is Java-based and saved in the
repository in the bin/ directory. Directions for running the code generator are available on the
ANTLR site.
Do NOT checkin changes to the grammar without rebuilding and testing first - the generated sources will be altered and,
while not saved in the repo, might become incompatible with the other source files.
Note that we use an unchanged reference copy of the legacy parser and lexer grammars which we then munge slightly
into a local copy for import into the unified grammars. The script is the only place that is aware of
these reference grammars. The rest of the build process uses locally generated versions in place. For now the legacy
grammars are copied into our repo, but they could be dynamically recovered from their
home repo at some point. The script might need changes
to keep the locally generated grammars consistent with our local expectations (documented within the script).
Future Directions
As the grammar is expanded in subsequent releases we might want to consider the use of this
code completion engine. This was not used in 232 because of
difficulties rolling up the Typescript ANTLR4 runtime upon which it depends. An early cut using this is available on
the branch
How it Works
The completion engine works generally as follows:
- Parse the candidate expression (often incomplete or otherwise non-grammar compliant) to get a token stream
- Locate the token most closely "associated" with the input caret position
- Locate the completion candidates associated with that token
- Optionally apply a candidate to the expression to create a new expression with a new caret position and a "smart"
Step 2. Finding the token (token-finder.ts)
We need to navigate the parse tree to find the terminal node at the caret position. Note that this does not have to be
at the end of the expression - the user might have clicked into the input field or left-arrowed to a position within the
current expression.
Step 3. Locating the related completion candidates (symbol-table-visitor.ts)
This is the bulk of the logic. This is where semantic knowledge is introduced.
In order to capture the semantic state of the expression it is necessary to "massage" the base grammar
so that the parser listener is triggered at semantically useful moments. This is easiest done by introducing parser
rules at appropriate points within the grammar. This allows such things as sensible completion suggestions after a dot
and scoping of candidates within nested field references.
The symbol table that is built by the listener during the parse process is keyed on token.
That is how the completion candidates are associated with the input token found during Step 2. The symbol table
represents the aggregate semantic knowledge of the expression (wrt completion anyway) at any token position.
The current implementation strives to base itself off the legacy formula
grammar without requiring changes to it that would be visible to other consumers. It does this by manipulating the
parser and lexer grammars "in-place" through a number of ANTLR tricks.
Entry points
The current completion engine allows and can be configured for three parser entry points.
- Expressions with string interpolation (eg. 'abc{!exp1}def{!exp2}ghi')
- Expressions with delimiters (eg. '{!exp}') - the legacy formula grammar
- Raw, non-delimited expressions (eg. 'exp')
These are defined in terms of each other wrt parser and lexer rules so as much as is possible the grammar and supporting
code is reused.
Grammar hacks/issues
Essential ANTLR Knowledge
There are three things you really have to understand about ANTLR to make sense of the grammar manipulations that are
- An ANTLR import is an append operation. Everything imported is added to the end of the grammar containing the import.
The order of multiple imports is important too. The appends happen in the order that the imports appear.
- ANTLR always honors the first definition it finds.
- Order of rules is very important, especially for lexer rules. If you want don't want 'true' to be treated as an
identifier then you had better define TRUE before IDENT.
ANTLR tricks for local grammar manipulation
Local manipulation of the legacy grammars comes in two forms:
- Direct edits of the grammar files
- Rules overrides and new rules within the unified grammars
Direct edits are applied to the reference copies of the legacy grammars (in the reference/ directory) by shell scripts
(in the scripts/ directory) to produce temporary modified legacy grammar files (in the src/ directory).
These form the starting point for subsequent manipulation by the override tactics. An example of a direct edit is the
removal of Java grammar embeds. These scripts are sensitive and will have to be maintained as changes to the legacy
formula grammar are made. They strive not to change the underlying grammar syntax or semantic at all but rather simply
aim to make the legacy grammar files usable within the unified grammar structure (pure vs combined grammars etc).
We create new rules within the unified parser and lexer grammars and override legacy rules for a number of reasons:
- Adding entry points and removing existing entry points (managing EOF).
- Overriding the behavior of the troublesome IDENT token.
- Adding parser rules to facilitate the construction of the symbol table in the parser listener.
- Adding support for string interpolation.
Modal lexer
String interpolation requires the use of a modal lexer. This has downstream consequences that affect the relationships
between parser and lexer grammars. In particular, you cannot import a modal lexer into a parser grammar in ANTLR to form
a combined grammar - you have to reference the tokens from a pure lexer grammar.
IDENT lexer token
The formula grammar contains a definition of the IDENT token that is inappropriate for our needs. This is an intractable
problem if we were to use the legacy lexer grammar as is. This is quite a severe problem. The legacy IDENT rule consumes
all parts of a qualified name (ie. 'a.b.c') including the dot separators. It also allows for otherwise questionable
identifiers like 'a.1'.
For our purposes we needed to break up this lexer token and redefine the uses of IDENT to use the newly defined rules
(see UnifiedLexer2.g4). This works fine, tortuous though it is, but it has the consequence that identifiers within the
expression completion engine are more restrictive than those within the legacy formula grammar. This is the only
grammatical inconsistency as far as I know.
Code hack for readahead (expression-completion.ts, customized-lexer.ts)
In order to get the string interpolation modal grammar to work we need a readahead mechanism.
This works fine within the grammar for parsing, but we need compensation within the code to account for tokens that were
read but not consumed. This is undoubtedly a hack, but at least it's isolated.