Svelte-auth is an opinionated svelte-kit library to handle auth easily. It incorporates an existing database architecture. It requires svelte 5 and sqlite/libsql with drizzle-orm.
- email-password authentication
- passkey authentication (with email for registration)
- sessions management
Planned features
The authentication must be initialized somewhere and be accessible to the rest of the back-end. It's also possible to configure the name of session's cookies and passkeys' settings.
# auth.ts
import { Auth } from '@bhasher/svelte-auth';
import { db } from '$lib/server/db';
import * as types from '$lib/server/db/schema';
export default new Auth(db, types, 'session', {
name: 'my-app',
id: 'localhost',
origin: 'http://localhost:5173',
requireUserVerification: false # Optional
Each type has two functions to simplify database setup: getSqliteColumnsMap(...)
and getSqliteColumnsConfig
The databases schemes can then be initialized very easily, depending on the needs. For technical limitations, the schemes cannot be renamed, and no mandatory fields can be added.
export const users = sqliteTable('users', User.getSqliteColumnsMap(), User.getSqliteColumnsConfig);
export const sessions = sqliteTable( 'sessions', Session.getSqliteColumnsMap(users), Session.getSqliteColumnsConfig);
# Optional
export const passwords = sqliteTable( 'passwords', Password.getSqliteColumnsMap(users), Password.getSqliteColumnsConfig);
# Optional
export const passkeys = sqliteTable( 'passkeys', Passkey.getSqliteColumnsMap(users), Passkey.getSqliteColumnsConfig);
It's also possible to define relations.
export const usersRelations = relations(users, ({ many, one }) => ({
password: one(passwords, {
fields: [],
references: [passwords.userId]
passkeys: many(passkeys)
export const passskeysRelations = relations(passkeys, ({ one }) => ({
user: one(users, {
fields: [passkeys.userId],
references: []
Registration with email and password
const userId = await auth.registerUser(email);
await auth.registerPassword(userId, password);
# Optional
await auth.initSession(cookies, userId);
Registration with email and passkey
# Step 1
return await auth.getRegisterPasskeyOptions(email));
# Step 2
const passkey = await auth.verifyRegisterPasskeyResponse(email, response);
const userId = await auth.registerUser(email);
await auth.savePasskey(passkey, userId);
# Optional
await auth.initSession(cookies, userId);
Login with email and password
const userId = await auth.loginPassword(email, password);
# Optional
await auth.initSession(cookies, userId);
Login with passkey
# Step 1
return await auth.getLoginPasskeyOptions();
#Step 2
const userId = await auth.verifyLoginPasskeyResponse(rid, response);
await auth.initSession(cookies, userId);