bimdata.BcfApi | createComment | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments | Create a comment |
bimdata.BcfApi | createExtensionLabel | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/label | Create a Label |
bimdata.BcfApi | createExtensionPriority | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/priority | Create a Priority |
bimdata.BcfApi | createExtensionStage | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/stage | Create a Stage |
bimdata.BcfApi | createExtensionStatus | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/status | Create a TopicStatus |
bimdata.BcfApi | createExtensionType | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/type | Create a TopicType |
bimdata.BcfApi | createFullTopic | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic | Create a Topic with viewpoints and comments |
bimdata.BcfApi | createPin | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{viewpoints_guid}/pin | Create a Pin |
bimdata.BcfApi | createTopic | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics | Create a topic |
bimdata.BcfApi | createViewpoint | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints | Create a Viewpoint |
bimdata.BcfApi | deleteComment | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments/{guid} | Delete a comment |
bimdata.BcfApi | deleteExtensionLabel | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/label/{id} | Delete a Label |
bimdata.BcfApi | deleteExtensionPriority | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/priority/{id} | Delete a Priority |
bimdata.BcfApi | deleteExtensionStage | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/stage/{id} | Delete a Stage |
bimdata.BcfApi | deleteExtensionStatus | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/status/{id} | Delete a TopicStatus |
bimdata.BcfApi | deleteExtensionType | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/type/{id} | Delete a TopicType |
bimdata.BcfApi | deletePin | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{viewpoints_guid}/pin/{guid} | Delete a Pin |
bimdata.BcfApi | deleteTopic | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{guid} | Delete a topic |
bimdata.BcfApi | deleteViewpoint | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid} | Delete a Viewpoint |
bimdata.BcfApi | downloadBcfExport | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/export | Export project's topics in bcf-xml format |
bimdata.BcfApi | downloadBcfExportXlsx | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/export-xlsx | Export project's topics in excel format |
bimdata.BcfApi | fullUpdateBcfProject | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{id} | Update all fields of a BCF project |
bimdata.BcfApi | fullUpdateComment | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments/{guid} | Update all fields of a comment |
bimdata.BcfApi | fullUpdateFullTopic | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic/{guid} | Update all fields of a topic |
bimdata.BcfApi | fullUpdatePin | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{viewpoints_guid}/pin/{guid} | Update all fields of a Pin |
bimdata.BcfApi | fullUpdateTopic | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{guid} | Update all fields of a topic |
bimdata.BcfApi | getAuth | GET /bcf/2.1/auth | Retrieve Authentication Information |
bimdata.BcfApi | getBcfProject | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id} | Retrieve a BCF project |
bimdata.BcfApi | getBcfProjects | GET /bcf/2.1/projects | Retrieve all BCF projects |
bimdata.BcfApi | getColorings | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/coloring | Retrieve all colorings of a viewpoint |
bimdata.BcfApi | getComment | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments/{guid} | Retrieve a comment |
bimdata.BcfApi | getComments | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments | Retrieve all comments |
bimdata.BcfApi | getDetailedExtensions | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/detailed-extensions | Retrieve project detailed extensions |
bimdata.BcfApi | getExtensions | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/extensions | Retrieve project extensions |
bimdata.BcfApi | getFullTopic | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic/{guid} | Retrieve a full topic |
bimdata.BcfApi | getFullTopics | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic | Retrieve all full topics |
bimdata.BcfApi | getPins | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{viewpoints_guid}/pin | Retrieve all Pins of a viewpoint |
bimdata.BcfApi | getRelatedTopics | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{guid}/related_topics | Get all related topics |
bimdata.BcfApi | getSelections | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/selection | Retrieve all selections of a viewpoint |
bimdata.BcfApi | getSnapshot | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/snapshot | Retrieve the viewpoint' snapshot |
bimdata.BcfApi | getTopic | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{guid} | Retrieve a topic |
bimdata.BcfApi | getTopicDocumentReferences | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{guid}/document_references | Get all related documents |
bimdata.BcfApi | getTopicViewpoints | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/topic-viewpoints | Retrieve all viewpoints attached to the topic |
bimdata.BcfApi | getTopics | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics | Retrieve all topics |
bimdata.BcfApi | getUser | GET /bcf/2.1/current-user | Get current user info |
bimdata.BcfApi | getVersions | GET /bcf/versions | Retrieve all supported BCF versions by this API |
bimdata.BcfApi | getViewpoinPin | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{viewpoints_guid}/pin/{guid} | Retrieve a Pin |
bimdata.BcfApi | getViewpoint | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid} | Retrieve a Viewpoint |
bimdata.BcfApi | getViewpoints | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints | Retrieve all Viewpoints of a topic |
bimdata.BcfApi | getVisibilities | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/visibility | Retrieve all visibilities of a viewpoint |
bimdata.BcfApi | importBcf | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/import | Import bcf-xml format into this project |
bimdata.BcfApi | updateBcfProject | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{id} | Update some fields of a BCF project |
bimdata.BcfApi | updateComment | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/comments/{guid} | Update some fields of a comment |
bimdata.BcfApi | updateExtensionLabel | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/label/{id} | Update a Label |
bimdata.BcfApi | updateExtensionPriority | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/priority/{id} | Update a Priority |
bimdata.BcfApi | updateExtensionStage | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/stage/{id} | Update a Stage |
bimdata.BcfApi | updateExtensionStatus | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/status/{id} | Update a TopicStatus |
bimdata.BcfApi | updateExtensionType | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/extension/type/{id} | Update a TopicType |
bimdata.BcfApi | updateFullTopic | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/full-topic/{guid} | Update some fields of a topic |
bimdata.BcfApi | updatePin | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{viewpoints_guid}/pin/{guid} | Update some fields of a Pin |
bimdata.BcfApi | updateTopic | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{guid} | Update some fields of a topic |
bimdata.BcfApi | updateViewpoint | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projects_pk}/topics/{topics_guid}/viewpoints/{guid} | Update some fields of a Viewpoint |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | acceptUserInvitation | POST /user/invitations/{id}/accept | Accept an invitation |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | acceptValidation | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id}/accept | Accept a validation |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | addDocumentTag | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/tag | Add a tag to a document |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | addGroupMember | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{group_pk}/member | Add a user to a group |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | cancelCloudUserInvitation | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation/{id} | Cancel a pending invitation |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | cancelProjectUserInvitation | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation/{id} | Cancel a pending invitation |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | checkAccess | GET /cloud/{id}/check-access | Check app access from cloud |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | checkProjectAccess | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/check-access | Check if the current token has access to the requested project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | closeVisa | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id}/close | Close a visa of a document |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | createClassification | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification | Create a classification |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | createCloud | POST /cloud | Create a cloud |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | createDMSTree | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/dms-tree | Create a complete DMS tree |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | createDemo | POST /cloud/{id}/create-demo | Create a Demo project in a cloud |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | createDocument | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document | Create a document |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | createFolder | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder | Create a folder |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | createManageGroup | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group | Create a group |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | createProject | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project | Create a project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | createProjectAccessToken | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token | Create a token for this project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | createTag | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag | Create a tag |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | createValidation | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation | Add a validation to a visa |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | createVisa | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa | Create a visa |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | createVisaComment | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment | Add a comment |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteAllDocumentHistory | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history/delete | Delete all document history |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteClassification | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Delete a classification |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteCloud | DELETE /cloud/{id} | Delete a cloud |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteCloudUser | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Remove a user from a cloud |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteDocument | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Delete the document |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteDocumentTag | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/tag/{id} | Delete a tag from a document |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteFolder | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Delete a folder |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteGroupMember | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{group_pk}/member/{id} | Delete a user from a group |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteManageGroup | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{id} | Delete a group |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteProject | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Delete a project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteProjectAccessToken | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token/{token} | Delete a token |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteProjectUser | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user/{id} | Remove a user from a project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteTag | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag/{id} | Delete the tag |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteValidation | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id} | Remove a validation |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteVisa | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id} | Remove a visa |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteVisaComment | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment/{id} | Remove a comment |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | denyUserInvitation | POST /user/invitations/{id}/deny | Deny an invitation |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | denyValidation | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id}/deny | Deny a validation |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getClassification | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Retrieve a classification |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getClassifications | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification | Retrieve all classifications |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getCloud | GET /cloud/{id} | Retrieve one cloud |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getCloudInvitations | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation | Retrieve all pending invitations in the cloud |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getCloudSize | GET /cloud/{id}/size | Get size of the cloud |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getCloudUser | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Retrieve a user in a cloud |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getCloudUsers | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user | Retrieve all users in a cloud, or a list with a filter by email |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getClouds | GET /cloud | Retrieve all clouds |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getDocument | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Retrieve a document |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getDocumentHistories | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history | Retrieve all document histories |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getDocuments | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document | Retrieve all documents |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getFolder | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Retrieve a folder |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getFolderDocuments | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{folder_pk}/document | Get all documents of a folder |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getFolderProjectUsers | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{folder_pk}/user | Retrieve all users in a project with the permission on the folder |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getFolders | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder | Retrieve all folders |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getGroup | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/group/{id} | Retrieve a group |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getGroups | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/group | Retrieve all groups |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getLogs | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/logs | Retrieve all logs of the project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getManageGroup | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{id} | Retrieve a group |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getManageGroups | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group | Retrieve all groups |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProject | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Retrieve a project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectAccessToken | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token/{token} | Retrieve one token created for this project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectAccessTokens | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token | Retrieve all tokens created for this project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectCreatorVisas | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/visa/creator | List visas created by user |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectDMSTree | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/dms-tree | Retrieve the complete DMS tree |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectFolderTree | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/folder-tree | Retrieve folder tree of the project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectInvitations | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation | Retrieve all pending invitations in the project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectSize | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/size | Get size of all model files in the project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectSubTree | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/subtree | Retrieve the complete projects tree of the cloud |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectTree | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/tree | Retrieve the complete DMS tree |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectUsers | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user | Retrieve all users in a project, or a list with a filter by email |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectValidatorVisas | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/visa/validator | List visas where user is a validator |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjects | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project | Retrieve all projects |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getSelfProjects | GET /user/projects | List current user's projects |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getSelfUser | GET /user | Get info about the current user |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getTag | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag/{id} | Retrieve a tag |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getTags | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag | Retrieve all tags |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getUserInvitation | GET /user/invitations/{id} | Retrieve an invitation |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getUserInvitations | GET /user/invitations | List user's invitations |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getValidation | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id} | Retrieve a validation to a visa |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getValidations | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation | List all validations to a visa |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getVisa | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id} | Retrieve a visa of a document |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getVisaComment | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment/{id} | Retrieve a comment |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getVisaComments | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment | List all comment of a visa |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | getVisas | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa | List all visas of a document |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | importFromProject | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/import_from | Import data from a project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | importManageGroup | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/import | Import a group from another project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | inviteCloudUser | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation | Invite a cloud administrator |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | inviteProjectUser | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation | Invite a project member |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | leaveProject | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/leave | Leave the project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | leaveVersionDocumentHistory | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history/{id}/leave | Leave the history version |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | makeHeadVersionDocumentHistory | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history/{id}/head-version | Make the head of the version |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | pauseVisa | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id}/pause | Pause a visa of a document |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | resetValidation | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id}/reset | Reset a validation |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | resumeVisa | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id}/resume | Resume a visa of a document |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateClassification | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Update some fields of a classification |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateCloud | PATCH /cloud/{id} | Update some fields of a cloud |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateCloudUser | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Change the user role in the cloud |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateDocument | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Update some fields of the document |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateFolder | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Update some fields of a folder |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateGroupFolder | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{folder_pk}/group/{id} | Update the permission of a group on a folder. When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated. |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateManageGroup | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{id} | Update some fields of a group |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | updatePreviewFile | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id}/preview-file | Update preview of the document |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateProject | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Update some fields of a project |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateProjectUser | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user/{id} | Change the user role in the cloud |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateTag | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag/{id} | Update some fields of the tag |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateValidation | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id} | Update the validator of validation |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateVisa | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id} | Update some fields of a visa |
bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateVisaComment | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment/{id} | Update some fields of a comment |
bimdata.ModelApi | addModelErrors | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{id}/errors | Add errors to model |
bimdata.ModelApi | addZoneSpace | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/zone/{zone_pk}/space/add | Add a space to a zone |
bimdata.ModelApi | bulkDeleteModelClassifications | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/classification/list_destroy | Remove all classifications from model's elements |
bimdata.ModelApi | bulkDeleteModelProperties | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/property/bulk_destroy | Delete many Property of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | bulkDeleteModelPropertyDefinitions | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/propertydefinition/bulk_destroy | Delete many PropertyDefinitions of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | bulkDeleteModelUnits | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/unit/bulk_destroy | Delete many Units of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | bulkDeletePropertySet | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/propertyset/bulk_destroy | Delete many PropertySet of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | bulkFullUpdateElements | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/bulk_update | Update many elements at once (only changing fields may be defined) |
bimdata.ModelApi | bulkFullUpdateModelProperty | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/property/bulk_update | Update some fields of many properties of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | bulkRemoveClassificationsOfElement | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/classification/bulk_destroy | Remove many classifications from an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | bulkRemoveDocumentsOfElement | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/documents/bulk_destroy | Remove many documents from an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | bulkRemoveElementsFromClassification | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/classification/{model_classification_pk}/element/bulk_destroy | Remove the classifications from all elements |
bimdata.ModelApi | bulkUpdateElements | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/bulk_update | Update many elements at once (all field must be defined) |
bimdata.ModelApi | bulkUpdateModelProperty | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/property/bulk_update | Update all fields of many properties of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createAccessToken | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/access_token | Create a token for this model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createBuilding | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/building | Create a building of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createBuildingPlan | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/building/{building_uuid}/plan/add | Create a relation between a 2d model and a building |
bimdata.ModelApi | createClassificationElementRelations | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/classification-element | Create association between existing classification and existing element |
bimdata.ModelApi | createClassificationsOfElement | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/classification | Create one or many classifications to an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | createDrawing | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/drawing | Create a drawing in the model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createElement | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element | Create an element in the model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createElementPropertySet | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset | Create a PropertySets to an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | createElementPropertySetProperty | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property | Create a property to a PropertySet |
bimdata.ModelApi | createElementPropertySetPropertyDefinition | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition | Create a Definition to a Property |
bimdata.ModelApi | createElementPropertySetPropertyDefinitionUnit | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition/{propertydefinition_pk}/unit | Create a Unit to a Definition |
bimdata.ModelApi | createLayer | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/layer | Create a layer in the model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createMetaBuilding | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/create-metabuilding | Create an empty 3D Model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createModel | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/create-model | Make a PDF or Image file a Model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createModelPropertyDefinition | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/propertydefinition | Create a PropertyDefinition on the model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createModelUnit | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/unit | Create a Unit on a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createMultiPageModel | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{id}/create-multipage-model | Create a multi page model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createPropertySet | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/propertyset | Create one or many PropertySet |
bimdata.ModelApi | createPropertySetElementRelations | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/propertyset-element | Create association between PropertySet and element |
bimdata.ModelApi | createRawElements | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/raw | Create elements in an optimized format |
bimdata.ModelApi | createSpace | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/space | Create a space in the model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createStorey | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/storey | Create a storey of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createStoreyPlan | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/storey/{storey_uuid}/plan/add | Create a relation between a 2d model and a storey |
bimdata.ModelApi | createSystem | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/system | Create a system in the model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createTileset | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{id}/tileset | Create the tileset of the model and upload all files |
bimdata.ModelApi | createXktFile | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{id}/xkt-file | Create an xkt file for the model. Overrides existing file with same version |
bimdata.ModelApi | createZone | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/zone | Create a zone in the model |
bimdata.ModelApi | createZoneSpace | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/zone/{zone_pk}/space | Create a space in a zone |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteAccessToken | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/access_token/{token} | Delete a token |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteBuilding | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/building/{uuid} | Delete a building of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteBuildingPlan | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/building/{building_uuid}/plan/{id} | Delete the relation between a 2d model and a building |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteDrawing | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/drawing/{id} | Delete a drawing of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteElement | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{uuid} | Delete an element of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteLayer | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/layer/{id} | Delete a layer of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteModel | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{id} | Delete a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteModelProperty | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/property/{id} | Delete a Property of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteModelPropertyDefinition | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Delete a PropertyDefinitions of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteModelUnit | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/unit/{id} | Delete a Unit of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteModelWithoutDoc | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{id}/delete-model | Delete the Model without deleting the related document |
bimdata.ModelApi | deletePropertySet | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/propertyset/{id} | Delete a PropertySet of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteSpace | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/space/{id} | Delete a space |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteStorey | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/storey/{uuid} | Delete a storey of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteStoreyPlan | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/storey/{storey_uuid}/plan/{id} | Delete the relation between a 2d model and a storey |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteSystem | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/system/{uuid} | Delete a system of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteZone | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/zone/{id} | Delete a zone of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | deleteZoneSpace | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/zone/{zone_pk}/space/{id} | Delete the relation between a space and a zone |
bimdata.ModelApi | exportIfc | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{id}/export | Export IFC |
bimdata.ModelApi | fullUpdateElement | PUT /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{uuid} | Update all fields of an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | getAccessToken | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/access_token/{token} | Retrieve one token created for this model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getAccessTokens | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/access_token | Retrieve all tokens created for this model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getBuilding | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/building/{uuid} | Retrieve a building of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getBuildingPlanPositioning | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/building/{building_uuid}/plan/{id}/positioning | Retrieve the postioning of the plan in the building |
bimdata.ModelApi | getBuildings | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/building | Retrieve all buildings of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getClassificationsOfElement | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/classification | Retrieve all classifications of an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | getDocumentsOfElement | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/documents | Retrieve all documents of an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | getDrawing | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/drawing/{id} | Retrieve a drawing of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getDrawings | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/drawing | Retrieve all drawings of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getElement | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{uuid} | Retrieve an element of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getElementLinkedDocuments | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/documents | Retrieve all documents linked to any element |
bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySet | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{id} | Retrieve a PropertySet of an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySetProperties | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property | Retrieve all Properties of a PropertySet |
bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySetProperty | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{id} | Retrieve a Property of a PropertySet |
bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySetPropertyDefinition | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Retrieve a Definition of a Property |
bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySetPropertyDefinitionUnit | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition/{propertydefinition_pk}/unit/{id} | Retrieve a Unit of a Definition |
bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySetPropertyDefinitionUnits | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition/{propertydefinition_pk}/unit | Retrieve all Units of a Definition |
bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySetPropertyDefinitions | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition | Retrieve all Definitions of a PropertySet |
bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySets | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset | Retrieve all PropertySets of an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | getElements | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element | Retrieve all elements of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getElementsFromClassification | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/classification/{model_classification_pk}/element | Retrieve all elements with the classification |
bimdata.ModelApi | getLayer | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/layer/{id} | Retrieve a layer of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getLayers | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/layer | Retrieve all layers of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getMaterial | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/material/{id} | Retrieve a material of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getMaterials | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/material | Retrieve all materials of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getModel | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{id} | Retrieve one model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getModelClassifications | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/classification | Retrieve all classifications in a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getModelMaterial | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/material/{id} | Retrieve a material of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getModelMaterials | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/material | Retrieve all materials of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getModelProperties | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/property | Retrieve all Properties of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getModelProperty | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/property/{id} | Retrieve a Property of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getModelPropertyDefinition | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Retrieve a PropertyDefinition of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getModelPropertyDefinitions | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/propertydefinition | Retrieve all PropertyDefinitions of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getModelUnit | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/unit/{id} | Retrieve a Unit of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getModelUnits | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/unit | Retrieve all Units of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getModels | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model | Retrieve all models |
bimdata.ModelApi | getProcessorHandler | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/processorhandler/{id} | Retrieve a processor handler |
bimdata.ModelApi | getProcessorHandlers | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/processorhandler | Get all processor handlers |
bimdata.ModelApi | getPropertySet | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/propertyset/{id} | Retrieve a PropertySet of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getPropertySets | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/propertyset | Retrieve all PropertySets of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getRawElements | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/raw | Retrieve all elements in a optimized format |
bimdata.ModelApi | getSimpleElement | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{uuid}/simple | Retrieve an element of a model with a simple value representation |
bimdata.ModelApi | getSimpleElements | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/simple | Retrieve all elements of a model with a simple value representation |
bimdata.ModelApi | getSpace | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/space/{id} | Retrieve one space of the model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getSpaces | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/space | Retrieve all spaces of the model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getStorey | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/storey/{uuid} | Retrieve a storey of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getStoreyPlanPositioning | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/storey/{storey_uuid}/plan/{id}/positioning | Retrieve the postioning of the plan in the storey |
bimdata.ModelApi | getStoreys | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/storey | Retrieve all storeys of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getSystem | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/system/{uuid} | Retrieve a system of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getSystems | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/system | Retrieve all systems of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getTileset | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{id}/tileset | Retrieve the tileset of the model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getZone | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/zone/{id} | Retrieve one zone of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | getZoneSpace | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/zone/{zone_pk}/space/{id} | Retrieve one space of a zone |
bimdata.ModelApi | getZoneSpaces | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/zone/{zone_pk}/space | Retrieve all spaces of a zone |
bimdata.ModelApi | getZones | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/zone | Retrieve zones of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | linkDocumentsOfElement | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/documents | Link one or many documents to an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | listClassificationElementRelations | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/classification-element | List all associations between classifications and elements |
bimdata.ModelApi | mergeIfcs | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/merge | Merge IFC files |
bimdata.ModelApi | optimizeIfc | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{id}/optimize | Optimize the IFC |
bimdata.ModelApi | removeAllElementPropertySet | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/all | Remove all property sets from element |
bimdata.ModelApi | removeClassificationOfElement | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/classification/{id} | Remove a classification from an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | removeDocumentOfElement | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/documents/{id} | Remove a documents from an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | removeElementPropertySet | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{id} | Remove a PropertySet from an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | removeElementPropertySetProperty | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{id} | Remove a property from a PropertySet |
bimdata.ModelApi | removeElementPropertySetPropertyDefinition | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Delete a Definition to a Property |
bimdata.ModelApi | removeElementPropertySetPropertyDefinitionUnit | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{property_pk}/propertydefinition/{propertydefinition_pk}/unit/{id} | Remove a Unit from a Definition |
bimdata.ModelApi | removeElementsFromClassification | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/classification/{model_classification_pk}/element/{uuid} | Remove the classification from all elements |
bimdata.ModelApi | reprocessModel | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{id}/reprocess | Reprocess Model file |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateAccessToken | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/access_token/{token} | Update some fields of a token |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateBuilding | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/building/{uuid} | Update some fields of a building |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateBuildingPlanPositioning | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/building/{building_uuid}/plan/{id}/positioning | Update the postioning of the plan in the building |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateDrawing | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/drawing/{id} | Update some fields of a drawing |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateElement | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{uuid} | Update some fields of an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateElementPropertySetProperty | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/element/{element_uuid}/propertyset/{propertyset_pk}/property/{id} | Update a property from an element |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateLayer | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/layer/{id} | Update some fields of a layer |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateModel | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{id} | Update some fields of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateModelFiles | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{id}/files | Update models file (gltf, svg, structure, etc) |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateModelProperty | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/property/{id} | Update some fields of a Property |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateModelPropertyDefinition | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Update some fields of many PropertyDefinitions of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateModelUnit | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/unit/{id} | Update some fields of a Unit of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateOrderBuildingPlan | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/building/{building_uuid}/plan/order | Update order of all plan of a building |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateOrderStoreyPlan | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/storey/{storey_uuid}/plan/order | Update order of all plan of a storey |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateOrderStoreys | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/storey/order | Update order of all storey of a model |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateProcessorHandler | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/processorhandler/{id} | Update the status of a processor handler |
bimdata.ModelApi | updatePropertySet | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/propertyset/{id} | Update some fields of a PropertySet |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateSpace | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/space/{id} | Update some fields of a space |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateStorey | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/storey/{uuid} | Update some fields of a storey |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateStoreyPlanPositioning | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/storey/{storey_uuid}/plan/{id}/positioning | Update the postioning of the plan in the storey |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateSystem | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/system/{uuid} | Update some fields of a system |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateZone | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/zone/{id} | Update some fields of a zone |
bimdata.ModelApi | updateZoneSpace | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/model/{model_pk}/zone/{zone_pk}/space/{id} | Update some fields of a space |
bimdata.SsoApi | acceptInvitation | POST /identity-provider/invitation/{id}/accept | Accept an invitation |
bimdata.SsoApi | createUser | POST /identity-provider/user | Create a user |
bimdata.SsoApi | deleteUser | DELETE /identity-provider/user | Delete user from BIMData |
bimdata.SsoApi | denyInvitation | POST /identity-provider/invitation/{id}/deny | Deny an invitation |
bimdata.SsoApi | getInvitation | GET /identity-provider/invitation/{id} | Retrieve an invitation |
bimdata.SsoApi | getInvitations | GET /identity-provider/invitation | Retrieve all invitations |
bimdata.WebhookApi | createWebHook | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/webhook | Create a new Webhook |
bimdata.WebhookApi | deleteWebHook | DELETE /cloud/{cloud_pk}/webhook/{id} | Delete a webhook |
bimdata.WebhookApi | getWebHook | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/webhook/{id} | Retrieve one configured webhook |
bimdata.WebhookApi | getWebHooks | GET /cloud/{cloud_pk}/webhook | Retrieve all configured webhooks |
bimdata.WebhookApi | pingWebHook | POST /cloud/{cloud_pk}/webhook/{id}/ping | Test a webhook |
bimdata.WebhookApi | updateWebHook | PATCH /cloud/{cloud_pk}/webhook/{id} | Update some field of a webhook |