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Brandon's Yeoman generators for scaffolding new React applications
npm install -g @bkonkle/generator-react
You can also use yarn if you have your global folder configured:
yarn global add @bkonkle/generator-react
You'll also need to install Yeoman to use this generator.
npm i -g yo
yarn global add yo
Run one of the generators below, answer the questions, and you'll have a brand new web application set up in your current directory. Tada! 🎉
To bootstrap a React web project, use the web
mkdir my-new-web-project
cd my-new-web-project
yo @bkonkle/react:web
This results in a build setup adapted from CRA to allow prefetching (or even server rendering, if you want) and to support runtime environment variables. It uses a Webpack config adapted from CRA with tweaks from Razzle and lots of customizations. The dev process is adapted from Razzle, and it runs a base Express process at the requested port, launching the Webpack Dev Server at port + 1 to handle hot reloaded resources. Apollo and Auth0 are optionally included.
You'll get a layout that looks like this (abbreviated):
├── assets - build resources not exposed to the public
├── scripts - lightweight build tooling adapted from CRA
│ ├── build.ts - build the project for production use
│ ├── dev.ts - run the project in dev mode alongside Webpack Dev Server
│ └── run.ts - run the project in production mode using the built bundle
├── src
│ ├── __tests__ - a stub folder for Jest tests
│ ├── components - components that handle rendering and presentation
│ ├── [data] - (if useApollo is selected) a folder for data-related modules
│ │ ├── [ApiClient.ts] - (if useApollo is selected) code to initialize an Apollo GraphQL client
│ │ └── [AuthClient.ts] - (if useAuth0 is selected) code to initialize Auth0 authentication
│ ├── state - Redux state management using thunks with context, for things like the Apollo client
│ │ ├── [AuthState.ts] - (if useAuth0 is selected) Redux module to manage auth state
│ │ ├── StateTypes.ts - a centralized module for types related to Redux
│ │ └── Store.ts - Redux store initialization and hot reloading code, with thunk context
│ ├── views - views compose components and handle logic and integration
│ │ ├── App.tsx - attaches providers for react-router, Redux, and optionally Apollo
│ │ ├── DummyApp.tsx - attaches dummy providers for rendering things like the error view
│ │ └── Router.tsx - a simple react-router switch view using routes from Routes.tsx
│ ├── BrowserConfig.ts - prepares and loads configs created by Config.ts below for the browser
│ ├── Client.tsx - bootstraps the application in the browser
│ ├── Config.ts - reads the server environment to create a config for the browser
│ ├── Routes.tsx - uses react-router-dom and react-loadable to describe available routes
│ └── Server.ts - the core Express server that builds a BrowserConfig for each request
├── static - static files made available via the Express server
│ └── document.html - a webpack-html-plugin template that Server.ts injects the config into
├── .babelrc - includes TypeScript, Emotion, and other plugins
├── Dockerfile - a simple container that uses "yarn run"
├── tsconfig.json - used by the Babel plugin
├── tslint.json - starts with Microsoft contrib and overrides a lot
└── webpack.config.ts - adapted from CRA with customizations
To bootstrap a React Native mobile project, use the mobile
mkdir my-new-mobile-project
cd my-new--mobile-project
yo @bkonkle/react:mobile
This results in a React Native application using Expo, with React Navigation for routing.
You'll get a layout that looks like this (abbreviated):
├── assets - static resources such as images
├── src
│ ├── __tests__ - a stub folder for Jest tests
│ ├── components - components that handle rendering and presentation
│ ├── [data] - (same as the web generator)
│ ├── screens - screens compose components and handle logic and integration
│ │ └── LoginScreen.tsx - the default route, intended to render a login experience
│ ├── state - (same as the web generator)
│ ├── Config.ts - sets up config values for all environments, then exports the current values
│ ├── Routes.ts - uses react-navigation to describe available screens
│ ├── Theme.ts - some basic app-wide theming tools
│ └── Types.ts - some general types used across the app
├── .babelrc - includes the standard Expo preset
├── App.js - the Expo entry point, which imports the App.tsx component
├── tsconfig.json - (same as the web generator)
└── tslint.json - (same as the web generator)
To bootstrap a GraphQL Api based on Postgraphile, use the graphql
mkdir my-new-graphql-project
cd my-new--graphql-project
yo @bkonkle/react:graphql
This results in an Express API using Postgraphile and Playground as middleware.
├── migrations - database schema migrations written in TypeScript and using Knex
├── sql - sql function definitions that are loaded into Postgres
├── src
│ ├── __tests__ - a stub folder for Jest tests
│ ├── utils - assorted utility modules
│ │ └── MigrationUtils.ts - utilities for Knex schema migrations
│ ├── Config.ts - reads the environment and exports various config namespaces
│ ├── Plugins.ts - Postgraphile plugins to extend the GraphQL schema
│ ├── Server.ts - the main Express pipeline with Postgraphile and Playground
│ └── Types.ts - some general types used across the app
├── knexfile.js - Knex schema migration config
├── tsconfig.json - (same as the web generator)
└── tslint.json - (same as the web generator)